I Cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!if you can raed tihs rpsoet it. OLNY PUT THIS ON YOUR PRILOFE IF YOU CAN RAED TIHS. CNAHGE THE NMUERBR AT TOP TGOHUH, "ONLY __ PEOPLE IN THE WORLD CAN READ THIS...CAN YOU?" Go up a nmuber if you can raed it...lte's see how hgih we can get
Omfg O.o ... Long time no see ^^ Boy, do I miss you.. *bear hug*
XD Well, my life is just fantastic... I enjoy it so much ^^ .. yesterday I had fun on a checkpoint game... I actually am not lonely anymore (>^.^) yay! I still dunno who will I spend the st.valentines day with.. xD but then again - I have options.. )) I'm not sick anymore ^^
anyways, how are y now? ^^
Haha no problem mate its the same with me ^^
Nice! CoD 4 is quite funny :D Had the time to try out nr 5 yet? :)
Know the feeling :P
Haha ok :p How you mean stretching out bleach? :p You think shippuuden's still good btw? :P Haven't watched naruto in ages, even though i do read it every friday/saturday. :p
Well! I can reaaaaaaalllly recommend readin One Piece! xD I love the manga sooo much more than the anime to be honest! :D Why don't you want to read it btw?
Btw, boy are you in for a treat! :o Brace yourselves for the upcoming saga! there's little that can beat it so far in my opinion xD (trying not to raise your expectations though xD)
I'm actually kinda tired of the bleach and naruto mangas atm to be honest >.< Feels like they've been fighting for years (which, in bleach's case, actually is true, from our RL timeperspective atleast >.<)
Im quite good atm! Been playing GuitarHero worldtour like crazy the last few days with a couple of friends, simply awesome xD
Right now im just chillin, listening to some music and chatting with a couple o' friends and planning the weekend, the usual. ;)
Thinking about re-watching Rock N Rolla atm though... :P Have you seen it? :)
Omg, you're quite right with your point there ^^ ....
I can't say I'm too dedicated, but since non of the Captains are in Sereitei, I get lots of stupid and not stupid question, hiatus threat...and so on and on.. xD
I wish my internet connection was that fast.. xD sometimes from 7pm till 10 pm I experience major problems loading MAL. Such a pain.
Nah, that's okay ;) I don't mind ^^ ... xD I was watching some eps with Hirako... ^^ he's so kawaii <3...
Yes xD correct!
Well, it's 00:00 at the moment when I'm writing xD lolerz... I'm in high school, one more year of it and off to the university ;) ... I'm in the 11th grade, and we have 12)
And gah, school was much fun today.. xD as always...
^^ nope.. I use BitTorrent ;) (at least that's the one that works perfect on my comp for some reasons xD )
It's okay.. xD as always - i don't mind ^^
Oh you'll hear from me soon, you will xD .. yes, I know ^^ but I like it, fits me xD
Hirako, who has that pic? Give me the url, right now, okay? And yes, that's me too.. xD and no, that pic wasn't take professionally (I mean the one I sent)
Yeah, the only plus of being sick - is not going to school but since I am going to school >> that really sucks for me >< damn. ^^ Yesh, i sure hope I'll get better soon xD I have many thing I would love to do ^^ I wasn't going to the pool for quite long >> ...
A photo of me by the tree? xD Nah.. no, I have no that kinds of photos ^^
This is me:
and yeah, as I'm always asked - YES that's really me xD lolz..
^^ aww.. that's nice... i would like a tiger on my back) ... or a puma, since I love cats and I'm somewhat involved into cat culture.. ^^
Um, a bit better ^^ I have been to the doctors today.. xD Now I have to come there every evening, they are gonna make me fine and dandy again xD ... since I almost can't breath with my nose because of this stupid cold ><
xD A photo of me? You're kidding? >> I think you mean an anime pic. saying "Evil Sister" ? xD no? Tatoos? O.o... omg, I would love to get one on my back ^^ ...
Well, I actually do.. xD And now I have many banner stuff requests here on MAl... >< *crazy face* xD lolz..
Oh, she is? ^^ That's cute! Yoruichi owns! xD *party*
P.S sorry for the long reply .. MAL has been acting weird and only half of the page was loading >< ...
xD yeah, we sometimes get that kinda stuff here too ^^ ... Really wicked weather..
You have got to be kidding me *blushes* I'm can't say I'm the best, I'm just trying to help out as much as I can) .. but since I'm ill, and I still go to school, I sometimes don't show up too much here.. ^^ but I'm gonna make up for it when I get better)
Agreed.. xD that's weird, I'm not gonna change my username in about 10 years more.. I like it too much xD
Omg.. well, I do have a brother, his username is Zero-kun.. xD but that's all ^^ Can you give me the link or something?
Oh, no.. xD I don't think I can do that >> ... I'm not that good you know... ^^ and yeah, you're always welcome.. ^^ I just need to finish my previous vector, that's all)
All Comments (22) Comments
the Shinji fanclubb :)
XD Well, my life is just fantastic... I enjoy it so much ^^ .. yesterday I had fun on a checkpoint game... I actually am not lonely anymore (>^.^) yay! I still dunno who will I spend the st.valentines day with.. xD but then again - I have options.. )) I'm not sick anymore ^^
anyways, how are y now? ^^
What's Up?
Nice! CoD 4 is quite funny :D Had the time to try out nr 5 yet? :)
Know the feeling :P
Haha ok :p How you mean stretching out bleach? :p You think shippuuden's still good btw? :P Haven't watched naruto in ages, even though i do read it every friday/saturday. :p
Well! I can reaaaaaaalllly recommend readin One Piece! xD I love the manga sooo much more than the anime to be honest! :D Why don't you want to read it btw?
Btw, boy are you in for a treat! :o Brace yourselves for the upcoming saga! there's little that can beat it so far in my opinion xD (trying not to raise your expectations though xD)
I'm actually kinda tired of the bleach and naruto mangas atm to be honest >.< Feels like they've been fighting for years (which, in bleach's case, actually is true, from our RL timeperspective atleast >.<)
Im quite good atm! Been playing GuitarHero worldtour like crazy the last few days with a couple of friends, simply awesome xD
Right now im just chillin, listening to some music and chatting with a couple o' friends and planning the weekend, the usual. ;)
Thinking about re-watching Rock N Rolla atm though... :P Have you seen it? :)
I can't say I'm too dedicated, but since non of the Captains are in Sereitei, I get lots of stupid and not stupid question, hiatus threat...and so on and on.. xD
I wish my internet connection was that fast.. xD sometimes from 7pm till 10 pm I experience major problems loading MAL. Such a pain.
On bra? O.o.... LMAO xD ...
Yes xD correct!
Well, it's 00:00 at the moment when I'm writing xD lolerz... I'm in high school, one more year of it and off to the university ;) ... I'm in the 11th grade, and we have 12)
And gah, school was much fun today.. xD as always...
^^ nope.. I use BitTorrent ;) (at least that's the one that works perfect on my comp for some reasons xD )
It's okay.. xD as always - i don't mind ^^
Oh you'll hear from me soon, you will xD .. yes, I know ^^ but I like it, fits me xD
And, yeah, sure ^^ when I have some works uploaded somewhere - I'll deffinetly show them to you ;)
(I'll reply to everything else later ;))
(Seeing as how you're on my friendslist i thought we should make conversation, deal? xD)
A photo of me by the tree? xD Nah.. no, I have no that kinds of photos ^^
This is me:
^^ aww.. that's nice... i would like a tiger on my back) ... or a puma, since I love cats and I'm somewhat involved into cat culture.. ^^
Oh, I see.. ^^
xD A photo of me? You're kidding? >> I think you mean an anime pic. saying "Evil Sister" ? xD no? Tatoos? O.o... omg, I would love to get one on my back ^^ ...
Well, I actually do.. xD And now I have many banner stuff requests here on MAl... >< *crazy face* xD lolz..
Oh, she is? ^^ That's cute! Yoruichi owns! xD *party*
P.S sorry for the long reply .. MAL has been acting weird and only half of the page was loading >< ...
How are you anyways? ^^
Yeah - I started watching Bleach, but never really got stuck to it.
...but there heaps of good stuff out there XD
There is an NZ Club on here - but hardly anybody posts
on it :-(
You have got to be kidding me *blushes* I'm can't say I'm the best, I'm just trying to help out as much as I can) .. but since I'm ill, and I still go to school, I sometimes don't show up too much here.. ^^ but I'm gonna make up for it when I get better)
Agreed.. xD that's weird, I'm not gonna change my username in about 10 years more.. I like it too much xD
Omg.. well, I do have a brother, his username is Zero-kun.. xD but that's all ^^ Can you give me the link or something?
Oh, no.. xD I don't think I can do that >> ... I'm not that good you know... ^^ and yeah, you're always welcome.. ^^ I just need to finish my previous vector, that's all)