I love many manga and anime, especially Naruto, Bleach, Inuyasha, XXXHolic, Tsubasa Chornicles, Fruits Basket and Ouran HSHC, but Naruto is the best!!!!!
He's so cute, strong and adorable!!!!
I also like Fai from Tsubasa, Ichigo from Bleach, Inuyasha from Inuyasha - -, Watanuki from XXXHolic, Kyo from Fruits Basket and Tamaki from Ouran!!!! And obviously Naruto from Naruto!!!!! - -
I'll accept any friend requests from people who have similiar anime or manga interests as me!!
I am currently reading Bleach and Naruto.
Manga and Anime rocks!!!
Naruto Rules!!!!!!!!
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Sakura x
I'm going to work in a poultry farm as a trainee. :))
I've been also watching anime as usual though not as frequent as before.