Hmm clannad is one tear jerker but maybe u had already watched it
Zetsuen no tempest is cool with Shakespeare vibes (a little supernatural) yet tragic
White album 2 (reminder don't watch white album 1 cuz it's shit) is love triangle, tragic but I just love it
Koe no Katachi perhaps?
Kokoro connect is decent too ^^
And yea I thought ur criticizing me at first LOL sorry for the misunderstanding
Just a correction, I never claimed to only watch perfect romance anime, I just don't watch garbage (tbh I'm still watching it smh). Anyways, what might be your preferred genre paired up with romance? Might make my search for u easier.
All Comments (3) Comments
Zetsuen no tempest is cool with Shakespeare vibes (a little supernatural) yet tragic
White album 2 (reminder don't watch white album 1 cuz it's shit) is love triangle, tragic but I just love it
Koe no Katachi perhaps?
Kokoro connect is decent too ^^
And yea I thought ur criticizing me at first LOL sorry for the misunderstanding