Interests: Video Games, Visual Novels, and Country music
Favorite Game: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Favorite Anime: 3 way tie: Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry, Amagami SS, and Clannad.
Favorite Visual Novel: Princess Evangile
Favorite Music Genre: Country
At the moment of writing this, I'm 19. I started this account roughly 6 years ago, around when I was 13... time flies. My first anime was Clannad, and it's still one of my favorites. I graduated high school even though I never thought I would, still unemployed sadly lmao. Family deaths happened, drama between family and friends happened, but I'm still here watching anime. It's become a part of my life, which may seem pathetic to some, but I enjoy it. I wish I could go back and rewatch all my favorites for the first time.
Call me a weeb, but I wouldn't mind getting an English degree and teach English in Japan, it seems like a beautiful place and I might do that. I'm not at that point where I want to marry anime girls and buy half nude figurines, nor do I ever want to be to that point.. Gonna try and join the Army for that free college education so I might be able to teach it. Maybe along the years I'll update this post, not that anyone would read it but it might give me some satisfaction.
See you guys one day, maybe. Contact me if you want, I got some links setup.
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