Hello there! ^^
I'm a 18 year old girl who started watching anime as late as in November 2010 (If you don't count Pokémon when I was around 7, heh).
I'm new to this site and I hope to meet many new friends here ^^
Don't be afraid to comment! Tips and critique are always welcome, and I've nothing against casual chatting either ;)
All Comments (32) Comments
Watch and you'll understand :D
You might notice that FMAB first 10 episodes are practically the same from FMA but it completely changes afterwards. :D
And also new anime Gosick is made from the same studio if I'm not wrong :)
Seikon gonna wait for more before I start watching and as for Desert Punk it's about a guy who does all sort of odd jobs in the world which has been ruled by sands making it a complete desert, and his weakness is girls..xD
Enjoy Brotherhood there and you'll see how better it is compared to FMA ^ ^
So I'm watching Desert Punk I happened to fall accidentally on and seeing it's good ratings I chose to watch it for a random fun and might start Seikon no Qwaser now the Blu ray of both seasons have been released and subbed :P
What about you there ?
Oh and thanks for the friend add :D
Season 1 to 9 are the seasons I watched a lot, more episodic and for random funs especially those which had great Pokemon battles like the Charizard vs Articuno, Ash's last battle in Orange Islands league and some movies like the Mewtoo, Lugia and Entei one.
Hard to separate from anime that were with us for so long..haha
Okay I admit Pokemon is no more the Pokemon we knew before more like a business anime now but still Pokemon formed a huge part of my childhood. :D
So you're still following Pokemon anime ?
Just be active and yeah there is a lot of games you can participate to boost your forum posts ^ ^
Anything you wanna know, just ask :D
Haha..clubs you say. Clubs are made for fun, games, card requests and claims...yeah also fan clubs.
Join those you prefer and try to be active if the clubs is already active now cause after a certain hacking some months ago, a lot of clubs died and didn't try to make a comeback. >_<
So how are you finding MAL and its members by now ?