I really want to thank you for your review of Citrus. I was a fan before, but you've really opened my eyes to a number of things, and so I highly commend you for that.
You've actually inspired me to take what I've learned and write a review of my own here. Care to let me know what you think of it? :>
Hi there, I think you delivered a great Citrus review, especially tackling these issues some people seem to have, even while the show is still airing. The only small issue I notice in the review is that you seem to overly praise the series and Saburouta. Don't get me wrong, though - I'm just as much as a big fan of her and the series as you probably are. But putting myself in the shoes of other people that'd read your review and/or are unknown to the series, it could put them off and it could leave off the impression of you being "another" fanboy/fangirl, which is kinda a waste and unfortunate, as I think your review is well-written and very constructive. For the sake of a review and a bit of objectivity, it's best to keep this to a minimum.
Other than that, I can find myself in the points you made and elaborated on, and honestly wish that more people would be as open-minded, and crystal clear and rational in their thinking instead of taking things at face value. I think the adaptation does a good job at leaving subtle hints like the facial expressions and reactions as well next to that, but I guess a lot of people these days are simply either ignorant or judgmental, or just both, really.
I liked your review.I agree with you that Saburouta is truly a genius Author I`ve ever seen.they way she writes & draws the emotion of the characters is speechless.that story make you feel warm & fuzzy in a moment another moment it will break your heart a bittersweet love between two people.
Mei & Yuzu are like compass N & S part I think Mei & Yuzu are attracted to each other bc Mei has a heart that empty like a shell & Yuzu`s small heart contain Infinite amount of love for the person she cares for,those heart are attracting each other & already found the place they belongs to.
Yuzu`s precious love always win towards any anger,hatred that`s why she`s able to forgive gramps & Matsuri even though she puts Mei in such a danger.she`s also considerate of other people's feelings.never blame anyone but herself.never learns to give up on her struggle for others sake.always thinks what is the best for the people she cares.
Yuzu is perfect for Mei bc I don`t think character like Yuzu exit even in the anime or manga.
your review makes me understand Citrus more thanks for such an extraordinary review(^ω^)
That analogy makes perfect sense! I've been rewatching the released episodes partially for the sake of when I go to review it and to understand the story from this intended perspective. The first time around, Mei was just plain and simply the villain. Mei, the one who committed a cruel act against a character the show characterized as kind and relatable is treated like a villain until she loses that role to a different character. Then we see more and more villains. It's an interesting way to showcase different types of toxic codependent relationships. It makes me grateful that Saburouta chose to tell the story from Yuzu's perspective, or it might have turned out being a lot sadder.
It's an undeniably crude way to start a character's arc but it's very effective in conveying that negative side of relationships. Which makes it so satisfying to see each of the characters help the other get better. I'm not sure if you've seen Kuzu no Honkai, but it's quite similar to citrus in this sense. Although the former is far more depressing than the latter. They both tackle teenagers struggling with problematic relationships without shying away from graphic depictions. While I like both series for the depth of their characters allowing plenty of analysis, I think each stumbles a bit when it comes to telling their stories. At least the adaptation of citrus feels like its story moves too quick at times not fleshing out certain moments and characters (especially poor Himeko ;-;). I'm guessing they tried to get a lot of chapters in per episode to cover enough content.
Oh man, I'm excited to see when the story gets to that plot point! I'm trying to avoid the hate towards citrus because it's almost always about the same thing. It's definitely true that people are less likely to spare any time to analyze a story with plenty of depth if they don't care for the subject matter. I see that sort of thing all the time on MAL sadly... but hey! There are a bunch of people who do treat anime like an art form deservedly and treat it maturely, like you :D
I must admit, I did dismiss it as leering at first. Seeing your argument has made me more open to analyzing it as a part of the character rather than labeling it as unsavory and moving on. If Mei was violent rather than manipulative then there wouldn’t be a justifiable redemption arc and a potential for their relationship to flourish. When thinking about it that way, I can forgive the camera for lingering to long on those moments because they’re meant to be uncomfortable.
It still sort of bothers me that the characters face no adversity over their sexuality (while it is mentioned a few times like the brief marriage chat in ep 8). But I suppose Saburouta is going for an exploration of relationships rather than sexuality so its easy to forgive.
Thank you, I’ll have to get the first volume on amazon sometime soon.
Btw if you got time, could you check out my reviews? :3
It would make me happy if you checked out my Reviews and if you enjoyed them then you should give them a Helpful Like to promote my work and efforts ^w^
Also could you notify me when you do so I can thank you properly >w<
Hello I read your review on Citrus :3
It's really good and you seem to have taken your time to write all that down, I do enjoy reading long ones :3
Though you could place a spoiler at the top on your review since it does spoils alot and you should also be careful bringing in spoiler from manga/novel ;3
But overall a very good review ^_^
I gave it a helpful Like btw ;3
Also Welcome to MAL, what do you think of the site so far? :3
Hello, I just wanted to say, I really liked your review of citrus. Watching it as a non-manga reader has been tough… there’s so much to love about it, but it hasn't been until episode 6ish and onward that I actually started liking it and noticing the intricate subtleties of how Yuzu and Mei are written. Your review affirmed my opinion that it’s way better than people have been making it out to be. I like how you stated how the assault is never condoned and is part of what makes Mei the opposite of Yuzu, but I have to ask, does it bother you that it’s sexualized from time to time? (In the adaption at least, not sure if it’s as frequent in the manga.)
All Comments (11) Comments
I really want to thank you for your review of Citrus. I was a fan before, but you've really opened my eyes to a number of things, and so I highly commend you for that.
You've actually inspired me to take what I've learned and write a review of my own here. Care to let me know what you think of it? :>
Other than that, I can find myself in the points you made and elaborated on, and honestly wish that more people would be as open-minded, and crystal clear and rational in their thinking instead of taking things at face value. I think the adaptation does a good job at leaving subtle hints like the facial expressions and reactions as well next to that, but I guess a lot of people these days are simply either ignorant or judgmental, or just both, really.
Mei & Yuzu are like compass N & S part I think Mei & Yuzu are attracted to each other bc Mei has a heart that empty like a shell & Yuzu`s small heart contain Infinite amount of love for the person she cares for,those heart are attracting each other & already found the place they belongs to.
Yuzu`s precious love always win towards any anger,hatred that`s why she`s able to forgive gramps & Matsuri even though she puts Mei in such a danger.she`s also considerate of other people's feelings.never blame anyone but herself.never learns to give up on her struggle for others sake.always thinks what is the best for the people she cares.
Yuzu is perfect for Mei bc I don`t think character like Yuzu exit even in the anime or manga.
your review makes me understand Citrus more thanks for such an extraordinary review(^ω^)
It's an undeniably crude way to start a character's arc but it's very effective in conveying that negative side of relationships. Which makes it so satisfying to see each of the characters help the other get better. I'm not sure if you've seen Kuzu no Honkai, but it's quite similar to citrus in this sense. Although the former is far more depressing than the latter. They both tackle teenagers struggling with problematic relationships without shying away from graphic depictions. While I like both series for the depth of their characters allowing plenty of analysis, I think each stumbles a bit when it comes to telling their stories. At least the adaptation of citrus feels like its story moves too quick at times not fleshing out certain moments and characters (especially poor Himeko ;-;). I'm guessing they tried to get a lot of chapters in per episode to cover enough content.
Oh man, I'm excited to see when the story gets to that plot point! I'm trying to avoid the hate towards citrus because it's almost always about the same thing. It's definitely true that people are less likely to spare any time to analyze a story with plenty of depth if they don't care for the subject matter. I see that sort of thing all the time on MAL sadly... but hey! There are a bunch of people who do treat anime like an art form deservedly and treat it maturely, like you :D
It still sort of bothers me that the characters face no adversity over their sexuality (while it is mentioned a few times like the brief marriage chat in ep 8). But I suppose Saburouta is going for an exploration of relationships rather than sexuality so its easy to forgive.
Thank you, I’ll have to get the first volume on amazon sometime soon.
Nice ^_^
Good for you ;3
Btw if you got time, could you check out my reviews? :3
It would make me happy if you checked out my Reviews and if you enjoyed them then you should give them a Helpful Like to promote my work and efforts ^w^
Also could you notify me when you do so I can thank you properly >w<
Hello I read your review on Citrus :3
It's really good and you seem to have taken your time to write all that down, I do enjoy reading long ones :3
Though you could place a spoiler at the top on your review since it does spoils alot and you should also be careful bringing in spoiler from manga/novel ;3
But overall a very good review ^_^
I gave it a helpful Like btw ;3
Also Welcome to MAL, what do you think of the site so far? :3