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All Comments (6) Comments
"think about any products and the reason why they are top selling"
Again, mainstream =/= good. You can have an awful product and it'll sell well if you slap a well known brand on it.
"people wont buy any of these if they weren't good"
You are severelly underestimating how stupid people can be. That's was probably your first mistake.
"if they aren't good they wont be consumed"
Consuming =/= liking. I watch a lot of shit I don't like, for example.
"It is good in my opinion and the opinion of the other millions of people that like this show. "
If millions of people said that the Earth is flat, would that make it true? (Reminder that millions of people did claim that at some point in history.)
"Meliodas is a bit of fresh air of a protagonist these days, he's excentric in his own way and cheerful character that gives life to the plot as a whole, a.k.a. he isn't an edge arrogant brat or another dumb isekai character. Every other character have their own unique traits, Ban is by far one of the most interesting of them due to his badass gangster looks, but friendly conflict with the others. The plot have some dramas that are actually very dense, but without ever ignoring the best part of the show which is the comedy. The power progression of the characters through the show is actually huge and pretty much comparable to the kinds of Dragon Ball and Naruto, shows that I liked since my childhood. I could talk a lot more about this show, but then I'd be giving spoilers. "
Good. Now put THAT into your review and add some more.
"but at the same time quality is a relative and falls to the people opinion about what they consider good"
This statement also contradicts "it's good because lot of people like it", you know?
"popularity is a statement of quality in the perception of most people"
Which is just plain wrong.
"I'm just saying that this show is good"
Why tho? What's good about it?
Or do I have to bring out the comparation to Bieber, Twilight and Fifty Shades of Gray again? Those are/were pretty popular, right? So they are good pieces of art, right?
And while we're at it, the newest Nanatsu no Taiza season is actually disliked by most people, so your claim doesn't work either way.
Well, you know that views don't prove that the series itself is good, right? It's absolutely irrelevant to the actual quality. So yes, you certainly do not know what a statement of good series is.
Actually, who are you?
How about you at least try telling us why it is good (according to you) instead of "WAAAH YOU'RE JUST HATERS"?