Just a scientist who’s finding the parallels between her research and the anime community
Availability Status: Level 5
Future Status: Level 3
1: Inactive: Will be away for a period of time……………………………............
2: Inactive: Will be temporarily away………………………………………..............
3: Semi-Active: Prioritization with established acquaintances first/only..
4: Semi-Active: DMs only………………………………………………….....................
5: Active: Will only participate with profile comments and DMs……….....
6: Active: Will participate in the community………………………………...........
7: Active: Will intentionally seek out more information/participants…….
About me
Student | Scientist | Medical | Personnel | Officer Curriculum
Psychology | Physiology | Sociology | Genetics Specialization
Eastern Animations Regions
Japanese | Korean | Chinese | American Types
General | Erotica Genre
Romance | Drama | Psychological | Erotica Platforms
Video Media | Books | Games | Music | Visual Art Likes
Interesting people | Knowledge | People who help me with my research Dislikes
Any hidderence to my research
Nothing from here will be accounted for in my official research.
This is simply of my own personal interest that was derived from my research topic
This profile does not show every series that I have watched. It only shows those that I used for my research.
My favorites do not represent things I like, it is to display the things that were intriguing and/or useful to me
While I do use anime for research, I also enjoy anime in general and will watch it casually as a normal anime enthusiast.
This profile contains material that may hint at erotic material. This may be considered too erotic for a general public
All material falls within NSFM guidelines (Site & Forum Guidelines, 2020; Site & Forum Guidelines: Section V, 2019)
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- I am fully aware that this account was intended for research and will be used as such
- I am fully aware that the displayed profile is solely used for information and entertainment purposes
Why a lot of BDSM?
BDSM is one of the more popular kinks and is easier to research.
Furthermore, BDSM has a very prevalent and extensive presence within the anime community, and in Japanese culture in general. Just simply think of the unique tags in hentai or the art of rope binding.
Plus I find those interested in BDSM more intriguing than other people with other kinks.
A lot of psychological, sociological, and physiological curiosity to be found within those interesting people
Like the lore? More lore coming soon!
Important Detail
This profile is only showing one small aspect of my overall research of interest.
While what is shown may be considered VenerealandLascivious
Most of my research would be considered standard but still just as
philosophical and scientific
But can you blame me?
I’m well aware that some aspects of my research are more alluring and intriguing to talk about than others
And I know exactly why this is. Some foreshadowing if you will...
A reminder that while I’m a scientist, I’m still a person who can enjoy anime normally
Have you seen me elsewhere? Who knows, only time will reveal and tell
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Yes some of my favorite VNs in the eroge genre are the same series as my favorites here. Eroge has influenced me to seek out the anime adaptions and vice versa.
Haha, they were both actually on there before. Recently switched her with Yoruichi cause I didn't want two High School DxD characters. Though now I have 2 Bleach characters, so I'm in the same boat.
Though in general Akeno has the "Ara ara" personality I usually fall for, so I still have her over Rias. Rias in general is probably one of the best designed characters out there though.
I figure I should've expected a reply as such. I kinda set you up for the slam-dunk on that. I can appreciate the obtuse approach. I'm just gonna pull an Occam's Razor on this little "abnormality" introduced to my day-to-day, because the more important thing is that this whole "thing" exists in the first place.
I've taken it upon myself to indeed extend my stay. I've perused a bit more, and all I can simply say is - I respect the effort but more so the avid curiosity.
As an adjacency, I greatly appreciate the nods to Narberal (whom I regrettably didn't know existed) and Deathtopia Virtuoso Suicide-Master et al. I hope, but more so suspect, that you're enjoying the new season. Needless to say, I intend to go on a long pilgrimage to the far-off lands of Overlord once more. There are many a claims to be staked but one in particular.
On the topic of research, I find your discoveries admittedly moderately insightful; cultural intuition playing the role of a fairly good barometer of the results. Though, it's always satisfying to have intuition backed up by the empirical. Not to discourage, just a view from my perspective.
Looking forward, is there any intention to set control groups for gender? I ask because the results look to have the makings of blatant male gaze, given the source of the people/media you're using (historically, arguably still, male or male centric). I feel the lesser studied female gaze would be far more insightful from the stance of there historically being less attention given to it, such as sampling from the BL, Yaoi, Manhwa scene. Though, I suppose you can argue you're studying universally appealing sexual themes across genders, depending on site demographics. Regardless, insights into what humanity finds universally sexually appealing is intriguing on its own merits.
Comments on blogs:
Glad to see "Mutual Love" as the Top Reward. Faith restored.
Agreed on Esdeath as "S Tier." She has an alluringly commanding presence to say the very least. The trait taxonomy to compare characters and come to insights is also ingenious even if simply database labeling.
On Relativism, I believe morality is learned, not inherent, as a means to evolve with the times in which human society finds itself in - a new-born absorbing the ideals of its contemporary society, though born with the faculties that drive learning and curiosity to best survive. In essence, the victors write the history books, but also decide what survives going forward - memetics and the notion that "A man has two deaths: when he dies and when he is forgotten." And, yeh, at the core, human ego is a powerful thing - "I am the center of the universe, obviously."
Wholeheartedly agree on pursuing good faith understanding, but I'd argue that we can only give our best effort with the information we have on hand - people not having ample time afforded to them to truly understand - such is the brevity of life. Suppose you could argue not to pass judgement at all, but you have to make a decision at some point; harkening back to the purely survival-driven existence of humanity during the Paleolithic era, for example. Essentially, I'm saying you should acknowledge the adjacent concept of presentism bias.
I'm offering an FR, because you've made that much of a positive impression on me - articulate, thoughtful, thorough, patient, succinct. It's a rare thing to publicly find amongst all the flame wars. I know FRs are on hold but figured you might humor me to "collect" someone so unique and yet so normal. Though, I'd be lying if I didn't say I'm intellectually frustrated that I can't view all the links of your Main Menu and would love to have the privilege.
I would describe it as that feeling when you come across an old song that brings back memories—a mix of nostalgia and something I can't quite put into words. Nonetheless, a good feeling.
There are two kinds of revealing female armor: 1) skimpy armor of which 2) bikini armor is a subset.
Skimpy armour is a set of clothing functionally used as armour, sometimes but not always containing metallic material, where significant areas of the body remain exposed/scantily clad, often for sexual appeal, despite the user wearing a set of armour; were it not for fantasy world physics, the user would be highly vulnerable to injury if normal physics applied. Bikini armour is a female-exclusive version of skimpy armour where the bikini only covers the breasts and pubic area, leaving the cleavage, midriff, thighs, and legs exposed.
Bikini armour is a female-exclusive fantasy subset of skimpy armour, functionally used as armour, that only covers the breasts and pubic area, leaving the user scantily clad with cleavage, midriff, thighs, and legs exposed, sometimes but not always containing metallic material. It is usually worn by attractive female warriors in fantasy worlds to maximise exposure of body parts, often for sexual appeal. The top part is generally something shaped like a brassiere (e.g. bikini top, sports bra, etc), a crop top, or a pastie. The bottom part may be a bikini bottom or some other garment similar in coverage, such as hot pants.
Here's an example to show the subtle difference : left is skimpy armor / right is bikini armor.
Just skimmed your comments; and a few people have already asked, but I can't discern fact from fiction based on your replies to H_Librarian and veptune. So, I'll throw my hat in the ring - is this account a legit passion project derived from your profession or is this just a hell of a creatively crafted alt account for hentai? Heck, maybe you're just genuinely curious and aren't even practicing.
It's thoroughly hard for me to tell one way or the other even after browsing your blog and lore in detail, which would speak volumes to just how much effort you've put into crafting this account, if it's indeed just an alt. Or maybe I'm just hella impressionable. \o/
If you can't be bothered to answer, no biggie, I get it. Figured I'd at least ask.
Looking back, you could just lie, and I wouldn't be any the wiser. How unfortunate...
To answer, so you can leave those wonders somewhere else, when it comes to my women I do have a soft spot for light hair plus eye color. Any form of blonde hair actually, dark or light, will do for me. That in combination with nuances of green and blue will be chef's kiss. Well of course that's what attracts me, but that's not gonna make me stay. Virtuousness, that's the thing I like the most. And this term has a lot of attributes: honesty, kindness, caring, the list goes on... Milize Vladilena from 86, everything about that character is literally perfection. So yeah u are right. Honorable mentions of cool sexy dope 4ss noble girls from anime can be Shizuka Marikawa, Rangiku, Rihavein La Folia, Ino Yamanaka and Darkness from KonoSuba. Couldn't add them to my top list cause I don't have space and they don't top the others.
What I said above are ideals, but they are not requirements. I appreaciate beauty in all kind of forms, no matter the eyes or hair color :))
btw, i've never said this in the past so you might not know it, but now I also like my women with curly hair, if they can rock that style. Search on google images "gizem sevim with curly hair", I have yet to find the equivalent of that in anime or manga
All Comments (147) Comments
Thank you for your thoughtful indulgence; vale atque valeas.🙂↕️
Though in general Akeno has the "Ara ara" personality I usually fall for, so I still have her over Rias. Rias in general is probably one of the best designed characters out there though.
I've taken it upon myself to indeed extend my stay. I've perused a bit more, and all I can simply say is - I respect the effort but more so the avid curiosity.
As an adjacency, I greatly appreciate the nods to Narberal (whom I regrettably didn't know existed) and Deathtopia Virtuoso Suicide-Master et al. I hope, but more so suspect, that you're enjoying the new season. Needless to say, I intend to go on a long pilgrimage to the far-off lands of Overlord once more. There are many a claims to be staked but one in particular.
On the topic of research, I find your discoveries admittedly moderately insightful; cultural intuition playing the role of a fairly good barometer of the results. Though, it's always satisfying to have intuition backed up by the empirical. Not to discourage, just a view from my perspective.
Looking forward, is there any intention to set control groups for gender? I ask because the results look to have the makings of blatant male gaze, given the source of the people/media you're using (historically, arguably still, male or male centric). I feel the lesser studied female gaze would be far more insightful from the stance of there historically being less attention given to it, such as sampling from the BL, Yaoi, Manhwa scene. Though, I suppose you can argue you're studying universally appealing sexual themes across genders, depending on site demographics. Regardless, insights into what humanity finds universally sexually appealing is intriguing on its own merits.
Comments on blogs:
I'm offering an FR, because you've made that much of a positive impression on me - articulate, thoughtful, thorough, patient, succinct. It's a rare thing to publicly find amongst all the flame wars. I know FRs are on hold but figured you might humor me to "collect" someone so unique and yet so normal. Though, I'd be lying if I didn't say I'm intellectually frustrated that I can't view all the links of your Main Menu and would love to have the privilege.
Skimpy armour is a set of clothing functionally used as armour, sometimes but not always containing metallic material, where significant areas of the body remain exposed/scantily clad, often for sexual appeal, despite the user wearing a set of armour; were it not for fantasy world physics, the user would be highly vulnerable to injury if normal physics applied. Bikini armour is a female-exclusive version of skimpy armour where the bikini only covers the breasts and pubic area, leaving the cleavage, midriff, thighs, and legs exposed.
Bikini armour is a female-exclusive fantasy subset of skimpy armour, functionally used as armour, that only covers the breasts and pubic area, leaving the user scantily clad with cleavage, midriff, thighs, and legs exposed, sometimes but not always containing metallic material. It is usually worn by attractive female warriors in fantasy worlds to maximise exposure of body parts, often for sexual appeal. The top part is generally something shaped like a brassiere (e.g. bikini top, sports bra, etc), a crop top, or a pastie. The bottom part may be a bikini bottom or some other garment similar in coverage, such as hot pants.
Here's an example to show the subtle difference : left is skimpy armor / right is bikini armor.
Info Sources https://anidb.net/tag/1101 https://anidb.net/tag/8051
It's thoroughly hard for me to tell one way or the other even after browsing your blog and lore in detail, which would speak volumes to just how much effort you've put into crafting this account, if it's indeed just an alt. Or maybe I'm just hella impressionable. \o/
If you can't be bothered to answer, no biggie, I get it. Figured I'd at least ask.
Looking back, you could just lie, and I wouldn't be any the wiser. How unfortunate...
BTW found you through tchitchouan.
To answer, so you can leave those wonders somewhere else, when it comes to my women I do have a soft spot for light hair plus eye color. Any form of blonde hair actually, dark or light, will do for me. That in combination with nuances of green and blue will be chef's kiss. Well of course that's what attracts me, but that's not gonna make me stay. Virtuousness, that's the thing I like the most. And this term has a lot of attributes: honesty, kindness, caring, the list goes on... Milize Vladilena from 86, everything about that character is literally perfection. So yeah u are right. Honorable mentions of cool sexy dope 4ss noble girls from anime can be Shizuka Marikawa, Rangiku, Rihavein La Folia, Ino Yamanaka and Darkness from KonoSuba. Couldn't add them to my top list cause I don't have space and they don't top the others.
What I said above are ideals, but they are not requirements. I appreaciate beauty in all kind of forms, no matter the eyes or hair color :))
btw, i've never said this in the past so you might not know it, but now I also like my women with curly hair, if they can rock that style. Search on google images "gizem sevim with curly hair", I have yet to find the equivalent of that in anime or manga