With Anime: I got into it since I was 5 and have been watching ever since. It started out with Dragon Ball and Yu Yu Hakusho. Today I've strayed a little from the fighting genre with a broaden taste. What I can't watch is pure randomness, mechs, or full on Hentai. As for manga, I don't really read them yet I have had some lent to me so yeah that's about it.
Art: I have natural talent that allows me to draw, paint, sketch, ext.. I just need the motivation and the time and I can make what I want create or recreate what I see. I'm no were near the best but with classes and practice maybe I could be, like I said I'm working off natural talent alone. I like to say I have an artist's eye but some time that comes to bite me from behind as I'm a perfectionist, and have a slight cause of OCD when it come to things being off balance or the other way around being to even LoL's. I also enjoy just searching on DA as I love art, I don't like posting much so most of what I draw and paint (traditional) you'll never see.
Video Games: Again got into from the same friend when I was 5. I'm an old gamer now started with N64 Golden Eye. Now it's Halo on the Xbox and ext... However it's important for me to say I can't stand playing CoD thanks to the rotten community that comes with it.
Music: Put it simple I listen to it a lot, can't stand hip hop or rap though. It's all Hard Rock, Punk, and Metal and things of that nature. I could go ahead and list over 70 bands i'm ok with but I don't feel like typing all of them. Also a fan of House, Electro, Trance, Techno, Dubstep, Hardstyle, and Industrial.
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