yo, first things first, sorry for the late reply, I've been kinda busy lately with both real life and animanga consumption so I barely noticed that an entire month has passed since your message and I still haven't replied yet despite it being relatively short again this time too... sorry xD
hrm... I don't think Shinsekai yori is on it, cuz it's technically a novel, not a "light novel"...
I don't particularly remember which part is which for the Kagerou Project, I just know the anime is "chronologically" the last ^^
I meant Cardcaptor Sakura
"I guess, in a way, at times we all just need to hit a passerby with a lamp."
I still haven't gotten to Ave Mujica... the past ~month and a half I was mostly busy with getting back into visual novels, first playing Chaos Head Noah and now playing its sequel Chaos Child (<- which is turning into one of if not my favorite story ever right now)...
doing a break from THAT right now though cuz I almost got addicted to CC and needed to stop myself from putting too much time in only it and not anything else, so right now I'm catching up to all the seasonals i've left behind in that time ^^
Anilist still does all their moderating manually without any AI, so if there's anything that goes against the guidelines, they will appear either in a warning message to you or a direct ban for a bit (like happened to me and someone else at the time)
wasn't Akiba Maid War the one with that weird ass hardcore-metal opening?
Oh... no nevermind that was Magical Destroyers...
I watched them by HBO Max (now them call the streaming just MAX), honestly they have a pretty good catalog in my country, just like Prime Video and Netflix.
Even the worst Scooby-Doo movie for me is best tham the majority avarage movies that I watched in my life, but my favorite is Scooby-Doo and The Witch’s Ghost.
We as latin people choose to hate colonizers equaly hahaha.
Pets are amazing companions, but we need to have a pretty good sanity to say goodbye to them when they leave. In my future I see myself with cats or dogs, like the old lady with lots of flowers and animals in the house.
You can send my your bad experiences through private messages if you are comfortable talking about.
Threwing them away, nowadays, whenever I see one stuffed animal I want to buy or pick up in one of these machines with iron claws.
Saying that it’s not offensive at all, honestly it makes me love pop culture and art in general even more, for be an escape valve and a companion in bad times for many people.
For me that version of me from the past died, because I am who I am today because I went through these difficult things, while I could be someone different if I hadn't gone through all of that, besides that my relatives often say that my current self, doesn't resemble in almost anything the person I was before those ten years of depression (they don’t know about the depression part, but always say that I’m a different person today).
Mainly beyond that, I didn't live those years, I survived them, I even tried to end my life during that phase, what I'm living now is a new life, almost like my revenge against destiny for that life stolen from my child self.
I hate the idea of romanticizing everything I went through, because honestly I would only wish this on a person who was bad in every possible way, but I think this whole experience shaped me and made me grow into who I am today.
It's something that helps life move on, because dwelling on it or wishing it were different would be almost like endless mourning for something that is gone and will never be the same for me personaly.
What I do is learn from this lesson: never let other people's opinions dictate who I am, what I like, or even my value as a human being. I don't need anyone else's acceptance; mine is what matters, but people are obligated to have respect for me, because I have it for them until they prove to me that I shouldn't have it.
I love and accept myself, and above all I want to live my life as the narrator of it, and not a passive reader of everything others say.
On the day I die, I want my last breath to be like: I lived the way I wanted and I was happy and not die full of regrets and with people at my funeral saying: poor thing. I want people to say something like: This bitch lived his best life and was certainly a nice person to have as a friend.
9 The Salvation has a happy ending go watched relaxed.
I'm Still Here won the Oscars for best international movie (I’m so happy it’s the first Oscar of Brazil cinema in this category).
Yes Cold Case it’s on MAX at leats for my country and it’s also on Prime Video.
Updating my life: I finished my first physiotherapy internship today, I turned twenty-one, I watched some movies and series that you must have seen on my 2025 lists on Letterboxd (movies like City of God) and TVTIME (series like Carol and the End of the World), I'm going to see Vitória at the cinema with my mother and finally I plan to pay off some debts from my plan to watch lists of movies, series and even anime if it works out, some works like: Fight Club, The Night of the Hunter, Twin Peaks and Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill.
Por ahora todo va bien en mi vida y espero que en la tuya también.
Gracias de nuevo por las felicitaciones y espero que este mensaje te encuentre bien.
Hasta nuestra próxima conversación amigo, cuidate mucho y ten um buen resto de semana (Abrazos desde Brasil).
hello, nice to meet you too
i'm not sure who my pfp is, i think it's an oc or an art i found online more than a decade ago...
haikyuu and gintama are also two of my favorite anime! haikyuu is great at making you feel for the teams...
kono oto tomare is amazing, i hope it can get another season someday...
the finale for the latest bungou episode was pretty exciting since it went beyond what the manga covered at the time, can't believe he survived either, the anime tricked me well
Many awards take the public choice in consideration, so is very common to some songs that might not be the best to win this kind of awards but most of times this kind of prize doesn't really matters, is more like something the artists can put in their CV's to get better jobs.
That's what happen when a fanbase from something that has stopped years ago faces a fandom from something that is still working, it's not a fair fight.
People are hating her, they say she didn't want to hear what Stolas had to say and this was a selfish act but honestly on the heat of the momment you can't really think straight.
Ozzy's is the bar of Asmodeus, on the lust ring, probably Fizzarolli and Asmodeus will take the lead on this show but it would be very nice to see a show about the deadly sins or even a show about the bar itself where every episode tells a different story about a different character that goes to the bar, like Isekai Shokudou or bartender the anime, honestly i don't really know what to expect about it, Ozzie and Fizz are like characters that are good on the secondary role but i don't what they would do in a solo adventure.
Damn that sounds shitty, that's the first time I’ve heard about a computer that deletes the emulators, i wonder why.
The rhythm, the production, the composition, everything is better on this ''new'' format of doing anime but also it demands more time to release each season, but if a continuous season means a lot of fillers i prefer them to take their time.
If i remember correctly i read that only Emily would be able to annihilate the entire population of hell but she's too sweet to do it.
You didn't notice? They are completely different voices.
Almost everyone in hell doesn't care about redemption or don't even stop to considerate the idea, i'd like to say that i can picture the end of Hazbin Hotel with everyone in heaven but i have my doubts if that's the path the story will take.
Stella is a character from Helluva Boss not Hazbin.
I don't think that's the case, i am pretty sure he likes Emily and after my comment i thought better about the shot and ngl anyone would look like a villain wearing a mask from the exorcists they are literally the main villains from the story, no matter if you are bad or not, that mask will give you a villain vibe.
Vivianne has a way to create stories pretty impressive, she has the entire story of helluva boss on her mind, has more three seasons of hazbin hotel and this new show called Ozzie's all these series being in production at the same time i don't how she get so much inspiration, it's almost unbelievable.
Yeah i got you here, like the scenes of Ruby in Pop in 2 on Oshi no Ko season 2.
I think the focus will be on the Morningstar family since they are the main characters and i don't know if the families from the other characters would be in hell, like for some reason is not a discussion on the fanbase that Alasto's mom is in heaven and Molly is confirmed to be a winner so i don't know about that, maybe Cherry cuz i think i remember something about her dad being in hell but that could be a hallucination of mine hahaha.
Really? I really like computer games, like if have a playstation you can't play xbox games and vice versa but on computers you don't have this kind of restriction, you can play whatever you want, just get a joystick and a good computer and you never will need to worry about buying another console. I don't even like to waste my money buying things like clothes or food, let alone those colectors itens like this $500 chrono trigger.
it's not rocket science, if a game runs smoothly and without any fall of graphics than your game is on the right FPS, if your game lags and the sound feels like breaking than your FPS is under the minimun, if you can play the game faster than it actually is your FPS is above, the number is secondary feel how the game is running and then think about the numbers.
You really think so? I think my only issue with pokemon is the grinding and the low FPS but that's a emulator thing.
I'm not a fan of pokemon like that shark, i don't usually like pokemon that are half biological and half 'mechanical', sharpedo itself is not the best designe for me, i don't like things that are not 'alive' being treated like creatures you can find on the wild, like magnemite or voltorb, tha't one of the best things about porygon, they make sure to it's a pokemon created by humans. That's not related to the topic but i saw a video recently that talks about why we can't find some pokemon in their native regions, like houdour being in kanto instead of Jhoto and the guy said that these kind of pokemon were registered later on the pokedex, like, houndour is a pokemon native from kanto but it was discovered only when professor Elm updated the pokedex to Jhoto version, he also talks about beldum but i think only Jhoto pokemon like houdour and larvitar fit on this example, is a good theory because Jhoto is meant to be a direct sequel from Kanto.
The main message from pokemon the movie is beside our origin or differences, we don't need to hate each other, instead trying to find what we have in common, that's literally Meowth's line and it's in the song: ''Let's take a moment And look deep inside And say we're willing, To give, love a try, We're not as different As we seem to be, There's so much more to me than what you see, You don't have to be this way, Think about the consequences Turn around and walk away''. That’s why the pokemon’s tears bring Ash back, because on the hearts, on the feelings, we are equals.
When you stop and think about it, one of the most attractive parts of shingeki no kyojin are the nine titans but when you look at the material you can see how badly explained they are we have almost no information about them, in theory they can see the memories of the past shifters but they can't see the future like Eren did.
Summer wars? I think this one is almost impossible to get a sequel, is a movie from 14 years on the past, this combination is kinda wild. You can begin a sequel with a stand-alone cuz you can't see how it will perform but when that happen almost every time the author already has the idea for the sequel.
This season (winter 2025) has some sequels of well-known animes like Dr Stone and Kusuriya but the seven sequels the debuting animes are really having a bad time here, is not about watching something that i didn't enjoy, is about everything seeing terrible from the very beginning you don't even need to watch the first episode, just look at the cover, the char design, the staff, studio and mean score and you will see how bad this season is, we pick anime that we can see some potential but this season has a huge lack of potential. As i said before, i had to bring a few extra animes to watch and one of them was Boku no Kokoro, because i looked at the huge mean score of 8.76 of the second season and i didn't believe on this score, i was really betting the anime would be just an average anime and for God, i couldn't be more wrong, i loved it, really one of the best romcoms and the best anime i watched this season, love the opening the main couple, the series composition, the ost, everything i watched the final episode twice and i gotta say, how is good to watch good stuff, probably one of my top 10 romcom of all the time, peak anime, i can't stop listening the openings, they are so perfect i wasn't expecting to watch the second season right after the season one but i finished it in two days, when i think about how bad a season can be and i watch an anime like this, i remember why i fell i love with anime, sorry if i'm being a bit over about it, i finished the anime today (March 3rd) so i'm kinda on feeling it too much haha, i jumped right into the manga by the way. Maybe when my feelings calm down I will have a few things to say I don’t like or maybe I will regret this but for now I will put it on my favorites, that’s like the first time I say that I liked the series composition, that’s not a thing people usually talk about cus it is too technical but here… Damn, Jukki Hanada showing once more how a series composition and a script should be, I don’t have much to say, the second season is one of the only 10 anime I gave a ten and for now, I have no regrets.
They were just lineded up in their battle forms, nothing else, i thought i told you which characters were in the scene but no Bamora weren't there. But now i saw a scene from the manga where Aira was used as a basket ball, that's so random that feels right to be on the canon.
I think Aira's battle form is so pretty with that mask and long hair besides she totally my type of character, focused on speed and dexterity, more acrobatic, probably my favorite of the transformations. Yeah, just like in dungeon meshi after a dark plot twist we get straight into a happy ending song.
That character was Nina Mazursky, besides her visual she was the sweetest character in the whole season and the only one that was innocent, the most human of them, that scene was at the season finale and that makes the Bride feel very guilt because Nina was her only friend and didn't want to kill the princess but she was convinced by them and then she got murdered.
I searched about what George Clooney actually said, because it's hard to believe that he said that George is a very chill guy and never talked bad about anyone and you might have got it wrong, he wasn't insulting Ben Affleck, here's what he actually said: ''I played Batman, and I didn't do well. And the movie wasn't good. And I wasn't just an actor in a role, I was responsible for the entire movie. The criticism was more for the movie than for my performance. I talked to Ben about it, I asked him not to do it. It was advice I gave based on my experience... But he was great!'' He was trying to protect Ben Affleck from the critics.
I guess only a favorite can take the place from one favorite, after finishing the anime of Boku no Kokoro I was able to read the manga, I have 36 chapters in only one day which is impressive since i don't read that much and the Boku no Kokoro's manga has that 'post-game' vibe, you know what i mean? Like the main story is on the anime and if you wanna see what happens next you can read the manga, don't get me wrong i'm not it's bad or the quality gets lower but i have this feeling about the anime being meant to have only two seasons, if you want to stop there you can but if you aren't ready to say goodbye to the characters you can still read the manga, but i third season is almost impossible based on this analysis.
I’ve heard a few rumors about a second season being considered right now and read that TMS and Telecom had a meeting to talk about the season two but they won’t make it official so soon, if you allow me to tell my personal experience with Ao no Hako, I will tell you that it was probably the one of the most immersive experiences I’ve ever had, like I couldn’t help but jumping into the manga, I was genuinely happy to see the characters getting along and developing their feelings a certain character just debuted on the anime and I was surprised how much she grew up with the story, it’s really cute to see the couple moments between the characters, how they deal with their feelings in their own time and on their own way, it feels so real, the themes and everything is so perfect and that might sound a bit too over but recently I was kinda afraid of reading the manga, there is a specific character that has a really messed up story and I was really feeling the situation, like FOR REAL and now his arc is coming back and I don’t want to feel this, like I can’t see where the story is going but I can’t really tell you what happen because I might leave something behind and the peak of his arc was a real shock to me and I feel like it’s something that you need to read and is kinda too far on the story, the first season has 25 episodes covering 80 chapter of the manga, so the second season will probably go till the chapter 160 and this reveal happens at chapter 165 I believe, so it’s like something for the third season, anyways it was good to talk about it with someone, no one I know read the manga so I don’t have anyone to talk about it, thanks for reading! Let me know when you watch it.
I don't know much about firefox to be honest i just hope it doesn't get too old like explorer.
Romantic killer had such a high budget, I liked it but i don't think i'd put it on like, my top 10 romances of all the time, maybe not even on top 15 but i don't have this top on the paper so i actually don't know haha but it was nice.
I've heard that Sakamoto days isn’t doing a good job adapting the manga, but i can't really talk about since I have no interest in Sakamoto Days. I've watched the first season of My happy marriage but i didn't like it, i don't think that the fantasy and the romance are good match in this anime, like i can't see any good reason to this story happen in a magical world, is like the author had ideas to write two stories but he did only one with both ideas instead. Zenshuu is indeed an isekai, but in fact it's not a bad anime at all, i mean i dont know what you consider as bad in isekais, to me an iseka is bad because of it tropes, the main character is too overpower and everything is easy to them, they get every skill on the magic world, the worldbuilding sucks and the worlds are generic, the main character usually get an harem, every character is bad wrote with none development, the giant titles that tell the only joke that make the story 'different' from the others and the production value is low, usually due to the amount of isekais the make every season, like a fabric of generic anime but honestly this doesn’t happen to zenshuu, of course the story has a few weak points but to an isekai, I’m heaven not gonna lie, i can talk more about the good points in zenshuu, if you want, your next response will probably come after the season finale so i will be able to get an full view of the anime. I believe the most disappoint anime of this season are medalist (due to it low budget) and Honey Lemon Soda, i was expecting the new romance of the season, since it's a genre that for some reason it seems to be one of my favorites.
I've never watched BangDream so i don't know much about what expect from it, for some reason i associate it with Love Live but i don't think i will be watching it anytime soon, my new way of watch anime is kinda different from last year, last year i used to pick one anime to watch and only thought about the season one, the sequels would not be considerate but now all anime i pick i already think about the sequels, so i'm more pick about the animes i choose.
Vtubers has a big economic power to be honest, many people have their work because of vtubers like staff, managers and artists, each vtuber has like a micro economy around it, the most expensive models come from well-known artists, that's one of the reasons it's so expensive, otherwise your model's face would look like it's melting, 5000 is a full body, full color, two to three perspectives, accessories, expressions, rig, it's not just an art, it's a work that might take months to be completed.
It's not only about starting fights, the personas might have a chemistry of friendship and uniqueness on their own way, also they must be professional and know how to deal with public, that's why the audition process take so long.
Honestly any job has its risks especially when you deal with people because you don't know what the other person is thinking, idols are mostly actors, musicians or dancers, these kind of job also has this kind of risk, some jobs you don't even know if you are coming back home alive, at the end of the day everyone has their reasons to choose their job and everyone is adult, they can quit anytime they want. The linkin park guy was the one who i had less affection i mean we never had any discussion but we never talked with each other alone and almost never talked directly to each other but i liked the Linkin park idea but the spoiled leader doesn’t like it so it doesn’t matter if you like it we are going trash metal, yeah even people that don't like pop can enjoy it, like one of my friends that only listen to rock but can't help but sing along with Michael Jackson. It’s very normal to hear people saying that pop doesn’t fit with my style and they can’t picture me listening to these songs, not gonna lie, my visual is like a pure blood fan of rock, so I don’t disagree with them.
You are not being offensive that's actually pretty obvious, anything can be learned with time and dedication but you will never be on advantage of people that has natural talent, there a lot of songs that i still struggle to learn even with almost two years playing guitar and people that began their practice some months ago can play way harder songs, i might have a bit of impostor syndrome but from all the guitarist i know IRL i'm not even on top 3 and also i'm also not the best singer, my singing teacher told me that it's required something close to 7 years to make a professional singer, so there's still a long road to run, there’s something really interesting about my voice, is my falsetto, on my best, I can sing girls lines without any issue, I was having lessons at the girls tone for a while, I had to ask to go back to the male tone to my teacher, if I didn’t do that, I would still be a male singer with a female list of songs and I am okay with that, most of pop songs I listen are sang by girls but I feel more comfortable at the male tone but I really can change my voice on that level. I'm a mental tank I don't care much about things like work or having much friends, i'm totally an introverted person so i really don't care about people like Ryo in Bocchi the Rock, money sometimes can be bothersome but not something that makes me sad, only last year life was capable to hit me in the balls hahaha, i don't say it to my IRL friends cus i know what they will say about it but that situation, i still didn't got 100% over it, even after months i still catch myself thinking about it.
God ex machine is not a character bro, is an expression when you have a character or a situation that can solve absolutely every situation, usually it's a sign of a not so well planned story where the author can't solve the situation in a believable way with only the normal characters, like Reinhard in Re:Zero. Zombieland saga was the only original anime from MAPPA that was considered good, what we have else? Takt Op. (awful), listeners (so bad it's offensive) and Megumi to Taiyou (the mean score is even under 5.0), but a few adaptations are also terrible like Yasuke and Jigokuraku, MAPPA has good workers but it's not the best studio like many people think it's.
I actually working on a secondary job in a tourist agency, i'm not a guide yet but i'm confirmed as one of the next, so my weekends and holidays might be gone as well but the money tastes so good hahaha.
Brazilian food is really good, not only the typical ones like i told you, international foods like pizza and hotdog get into another level here, there are hotdogs of even almost 1kg, but the street food is divine, like pastel or esfiha, the food is not problem here.
You won't regret watch Steins;gate, that's for sure.
I'm glad the doctor could help you but i'm pretty sure they only did it because it was an emergency otherwise they would have let you wait.
Yup, every era of time will always have a period like that. I highly doubt COVID will be considered that since while it was severe and caused a global lockdown for who knows how long, we still have 75 more years to go before the turn of the century. I mean to look at the positives of the atomic bomb, it led to new energy efforts and atomic power being used for good like with nuclear reactors which in turn has led to climate change efforts and the protest for nuclear disarmament. The A-Bomb is a very terrifying and devastating weapon and that goes without say but it's led to good things as well that would've taken longer to get to had it not be for the bomb. Then again, that's just my logical and practical side taking over.
A lot would be an understatement, and what I said was just for mobile players. On computers, I think the storage count is even worse by double. Yeah, it allows us to delete storage from old missions and such which is pretty dandy if I do say so myself. I shaved off 20 GBs from Star Rail alone with that feature. Haha, the gacha game graphics might burn your phone also if it can't handle it, my phone can but every time I play, my phone just ends up glowing a bright orange and feeling like I'm holding the sun in my hands. I know right?! An hour long unskippable ad is unfathomable, I would've felt like I was being harassed personally by the YouTube executives themselves. I think we all hate ads, thanks Internet for developing this hatred in all of mankind for the foreseeable future. I managed to avoid the ads for now since I have an ad blocker and I have free YouTube premium for a few months but hopefully ads aren't much of an issue for you ha... *coughs political ads*. There is a silver lining indeed, but that lining needs to be determined by you and you only. Leaving those bad periods of life behind doesn't mean you can survive, it means that you can continue living on while understanding your past.
Ehh I wouldn't say to our favorites, our favorites wouldn't be our favorites if they were butchered. Sucks to see projects get cancelled though, regardless if they could do well or not but oh well that's just part of the industry. It was very out of place, at a time when there was absolutely no need for it, so on so forth I don't wanna go on about it anymore and not to forget the fact that the main lead isn't even that interesting of a character and that backstory didn't help at all in that regard. Yup, that's the joke right there. I probably shouldn't be laughing at it or something since I myself am Viet, but my humor is really stupid and occasionally dark. Ooh, nice nice. I'd love to hear more about you if you can remember more good things.
I distrust critics at minimum half the time, I feel like journalists online regarding games and whatnot either are whatever or have zero idea what they're talking about. I guess I can't blame them but it's an incredibly surface level look. Yeah, that's pretty much it. You said it all, and it's rather ironic that a kidnapping led Sachi to being able to discover the value of life once again through photography. You'd think most kidnappings end up horrible or traumatic, which they do, but that turns on itself in the case of Sachi. Me neither, I don't get the fandom, fortunately there's an option and that option is to distance yourself from them as far as humanly possible. Thank you haha, and likewise with yourself. I'm going to be completely honest, I think I got introduced to ATLA by Ty Lee through a teenage YouTuber watching that episode where Zuko and the crew go to the beach lol.
Haha yeah, especially after the super bowl... poor Philadelphia. No worries, I hope you've been doing well lately :). Turns out the most recent pep rally which I did attend because it was in the middle of the school day, I sat near the school band which was uhh... questionable. I think SakaDays is just horribly written in every regard, from terrible comedy to the lack of worldbuilding to the predictable action, it embodies EVERYTHING I hate within battle shounen specifically.
Yup! Anything new happened in the past couple of weeks in your life? nothing much happened for me but I became really sick last week. idk what it was but I had really really bad diarrhea and I was also vomiting, so yeah I felt really bad haha!
Ohhhh wow is Shangri-La quite a long series ? well either way I'm glad it is getting the adaption it has been, because season 1 honestly had great animation and music! I'm intrigued to know though how long the series is and if it is still ongoing! if so then I am excited for the future of the series!
Hahaha yeah I've seen some crazy panels of the characters and it's quite funny how extreme they are! I'm not a professional but I highly doubt any sport pros think the way they do!
Aw that is sad to hear then. Are you aware of the web novel/manhwa "the beginning after the end". It is one of my favorite mangas and novels and the anime is coming out next season on April! however, I'm pretty sure the anime will not be that good and will sadly put a lot of people off the manhwa, especially because the start of the series is by far the Weakest part of the series:(
Yup completely agree with everything you said! Also, I hope we get to see a little bit of life outside of the tower? I'm not sure if that will be a thing but I hope it does! The entire show is about inside the tower and climbing it so yeah!
Haha I was hoping the anime would make me reread or even continue the manhwa; but the adaptation was so bad I didn't sadly! it did however serve as a decent recap for me of things that happened in the past!
Yup! the solo Leveling anime has been amazing! it has surpassed the manhwa in my opinion too! it's just such a fun watch consistently even though It doesn't do anything too unique or special! it's quite similar to Demon Slayer for me in that way!
Woahh from another dimension... that is so damn interesting it's crazy again just how little we know of the world of the series haha! tower of God could actually very easily go on for so many chapters, even longer than one piece
Hmmm I wonder if V will be someone that will appear more constantly now or if he will just appear like once every 100 chapters; i think it'll be the latter, he seems way too powerful to just be constantly used in the show!
Oĥhh yeah i guess I mixed up the two seasons, i don't remember much from the third season then I think sadly, I'm pretty sure i didn't enjoy the arc too much! But ooooo okkk I'm now excited for season 4! i wasn't too sure if I'd be watching it but you saying that made me more likely to watch it haha!
Oh wow that is certainly a insane crime then... Oh wow, I'm very curious to hear what he had said now but I can't be bothered trying to research it. I'll just leave it at that then that he was a horrible person.
Ohĥhh I wasn't even aware that animal crossing was a franchise! I've actually started playing a mobile game called clash of clans recently and I am quite addicted to it haha! its not a game you can spend hours on, but it's a game that keeps you coming back!
IDK, I think you're just overthinking things. I'm a frank person, which also means that I prefer people being frank with me. So even if you're being rude, it's fine. I'm sure I will be unintentionally rude to you in future conversations as well ;p
I mean, I've never been discriminated in my country for being an Indian, but yeah. Shit does happen on the internet. But that's part of life, you know. Even people on top of the food chain - the straight, white men - are hated by non-whites, and quite openly. Nobody is truly immune from stereotypes and bigotry. Where do you live, though?
Well, the Americans have a habit of looking down on any and every country, esp if it's a country of non-whites. They expected the same behaviour from us, but we've grown a backbone and the US did not like this pushback. That's why they wanted to overthrow this government. They failed here but they did succeed in Bangladesh. Their ex-PM is currently hiding away somewhere in India.
Yes, I do find it ironic how the open-minded/liberal Leftists are the first to shun anyone who doesn't follow their hive mentality. Which is sad bc a lot of their issues are genuine, but it seems to me their ego has and always will be, more important than the welfare of their own people. Look at the state of the governments the world over. RW parties have consistently been winning elections almost everywhere in the last few years bc the people are tired of liberal governments, with their biggest gripes being the influx of male immigrants who do nothing but commit crime and life off the tax money of the hard working citizens of those nations. It's a problem here too, but it's interesting to note how illegals from only one religion have created this mess here. Others from other religions have been living quite peacefully and are genuinely loved by the people in my country - like the Nepalese and Tibetans.
Honour killings aren't common, at least not in cities, but they do happen. They're illegal and are punishable by life imprisonment or even death, but that doesn't stop men from killing women.
No, the video was about how China secretly funded people/trusts in American colleges to spread their beliefs about Communism and push the Left ideology, because a happy by-product is the rabid hate for one's own country among young people. It's the easiest way to break the backbone of any country, if you think about it. I wish I could find that video. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYuZQL7uXQY https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/08/31/chinese-communist-party-money-us-institutions/
I was also surprise they did a Chainsaw Man collab, but they also did a Tokyo Revenger collab. They should do a Jujutsu Kaisen collab since they already cover 2 of the opening. I can't wait until the Oshi no Ko collab come out for the Global player.
But not always songs from the collab, but they do cover a lot of anime songs. They did recently release the cover of Idol and Ao no Sumika. Sometimes I end up liking the opening because one of the band from Bandori cover it. Yes Poppin' Party was the main protag in the original anime. They serve as the central group in the anime and overall story. Each band have their own distinct sound and image. Poppin' Party music is upbeat and energetic. Raise A Suilen is more EDM/Rock, Roselia is symphonic rock sound and elegant. One of the band (Morfonica) have a violinist in the band. Roselia and Raise A Suilen is definitely are the most popular globally.
Uika is Yandere for Saki. With how crazy this anime has been, I was more surprised that Uika pushing Muts down the stairs WASN'T real and "just" imagined by her. I'm waiting for Uika's backstory explaining just why she's unhealthily attached to Sakiko. I thought she was gonna be the normal one in the group. But damn Nyamu is somehow the most normal.
The actor for Hikaru made him sound so unremarkable. So, the difference between what we see Hikaru as and what he is capable-of created a strong unease in me, which I really enjoyed. I hope the anime actor does something similar.
I used to ship Enma with Tsuna. It's like the moment Enma entered the story, it somehow got gayer.
Does the anime exist to promote the real-life idols? It's kind of making me think of a Japanese cult leader who had multiple anime made about him to promote his cult. lol
Two weeks can make me forget what I was trying to make in the first place! lmao I easily get distracted!!
Yeah, I have thought of doing commissions. But, I don't know where to start getting clients! I have done some commissions in the past, but my clients were the ones who found me, rather than me finding them. Sadly, commissions cost a lot of money, and many people can't afford it.
I have heard Korean artists don't have it easier either. They are very tired, and extremely exploited.
I also have aching back and eyes because of making art, which is not fun, because I am currently making stuff for someone else, and I don't want to be unable to make my original content. So, I do understand SIU for taking long breaks. He needs his rest.
I hate trial and error performed on human bodies. lol What if some errors leave you permanently damaged?
What do you like about Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun so far? The cast of characters look assorted and lively. So Kimi Date Ga Hontou is a love polygon romance manga, what'd you find creepy about it?
BOTI is a great samurai manga, rivaling other hits like Vagabond and Lone Wolf & Cub, as well as honorably mentioned Shigurui. BOTI's art is super dope. A lot of panels are done in pencil-only, so it creates for a really cool effect. For the cast of characters we've got a badass immortal kenshi, a knife throwing little girl who's seeking vengeance for the killing of her parents, and a tactful charismatic dojo leader who is said killer. He gives me Griffith vibes, I actually voice him in my head as Griffith while reading. XD The supporting characters are varied and awesome too. Just to name a few there's a geisha spear-fighting chick, government underling samurai, and a Jeffery Dahmer type swordsman. The story is great but sometimes draining to follow, since the series is so long.
Maruo's work varies in different levels of eroticism, gore, humor, horror, and just straight up absurdity. I've started reading New National Kid by him yesterday, and I'll probably finish today. I liked his DDT short story collection, but this one ain't hitting at all. The last chapter I left off of actually seemed pretty enticing though.
Sure, I'll definitely give you my thoughts Blood on the Tracks as well as really anything I read that we share in common.
>[Hahaha, with manga series lasting so many years or going into hiatus for years, it seems descendants won´t even see them finished hahaha.] This made me chuckle. XD
Are you okay with watching things that are slow paced? There's barely any dialogue in Angel's Egg, the gloomy setting and visuals were awesome though.
I didn't know about that last part regarding Serial Experiments Lain's director being disappointed that nobody understood his work, I'm sure by now someone has made an accurate analysis of it though.
Someone told me that the 15 page manga was probably just an advertisement in a magazine for the upcoming movie. Whether or not it was, I wouldn't expect such a short story to do so great.
lol i see, hopefully everything will be alright now.
yup that's how simple things were back then, it's like that stuff wasn't scary at all. but as adults we constantly worry about going there because we know just seeing a doctor is expensive + there's a chance it could turn out of be something bad, also if you look up a symptom on the internet it always connects that to some horrible disease which can be quite terrifying.
yeah that's just how social media is haha! creating a dramatized narrative gets more views and makes money. that must really suck, it's like a whiplash of emotions where something good happens and then something bad immediately follows after.
yup it's something that can be inherited from our parents, hopefully i wouldn't have any dental problems in the future lol!
that's true which is why they prescribe painkillers iirc. oh i don't think they replaced the teeth, they probably covered for the tooth that was supposed to be treated originally.
yup i hate that sentiment too but some people are just stuck in their ways and aren't open to trying things, it's best to just ignore those people since even if you try your best they won't get it. i wonder if that'll do well nowadays considering stuff like mashle and black clover have taken inspiration from harry potter. iirc in the 70-80s they used to adapt western story books into anime.
hmm as someone who's very up to date with the gaming industry, it's not going to happen anytime soon :p right now they are too busy with with cutting costs and letting people go. yeah console wise it's likely the strongest.
yup anime logic just works lol otherwise it kinds just falls apart the more you think about it.
yeah it's best to see if it's something you'll enjoy before buying it.
for skyrim? you can buy it on steam and then download from your library. i don't think that would work since it saves on your hard drive i believe.
ah that's good then lol! that's a great way to enjoy horror. oh interesting! i hadn't heard of this zelda game before, i'll look into it.
yup it did get addressed in the recent chapters lol, no i am good actually, the manga has been really fun for me so i don't want to get spoiled on the details. oh nice that means the manga has a lot to adapt.
i wouldn't say kendrick started it because he was calling everyone out for friendly competition which is common in rap and everyone did just that except for drake who went on a podcast and made a weird statement about how it's not real. yeah the video can explain this much better than me lol!
i have been watching solo leveling, sakamoto days etc but not recently because i've been busy with stuff, lol i've heard of ishura and it seems confusing.
The soundtrack for CSM is great for sure, Kensuke Ushio has definitely become one of my favorite composers with the work he's done in stuff such as CSM, Dandadan, Dangers in My Heart, Orb, A Silent Voice, and so on. You're right, insecure fanbases that attack other people for not liking the same things as them are always annoying.
You'd think Pell would be important given how Oda kept him alive, but nope just occasional background appearances lmao. The live action killed off Merry and Krieg so I'm sure they'll correct Oda's mistake and kill off Pell too. I do wonder how far the live action will go though, especially since season 2 won't even cover Alabasta, there's no way they get past Marineford.
That's a good point, Zuko had Iroh there to guide him but Azula had nobody, one wonders how things could have gone if she had someone to steer on the correct path early on. I liked episodes in season 3 that give her character more depth like the beach episode, which shows that she's human just like everyone else. Closure is something we could've used more of for sure, which is why I'm glad we're getting more material bridging the gap between ATLA and TLOK. One thing I hope we get is seeing more of Aang's goofy side with his adult portrayal, I know he obviously matured but I wish Korra could've explored more than just his serious side.
By the way, did you hear about the official announcement for the Earth Avatar series? It's being called Seven Havens and takes place in a world where Korra failed to stop a disastrous event which almost destroyed the world and as a result the elemental kingdoms no longer exist. Definitely not the direction I was expecting with the post-apocalypse setting, and I feel this may just worsen Korra's reputation, but I'm still cautiously optimistic since it's the original creators working it.
It's interesting to hear from the perspective of someone who started watching One Piece as a child, I only started it in college so I'm sure you have a different outlook on the series than I do lol. Yeah, I started off watching anime with dubs but now I exclusively stick to subs, so seeing dubs now can be jarring even if they're technically not bad.
Yeah, a long running series in shonen jump is a rare breed nowadays, One Piece is pretty much in a category of its own since Bleach and Naruto finished publication. I wonder if anything will take its place when it finishes or if OP will be the last super long jump series. I've heard Oda goes back and rereads the manga, so I'm sure that helps jog his memory of plot and character threads he set up long ago. I saw the Scopper Gaban reveal coming but honestly if I hadn't known of all the theories surrounding him I may have forgotten who he was lol.
We already have a small hint of Dragon's backstory with the mention of him being a former marine and leaving due to their injustice, that should be big focus point and perhaps we could see the cirumstances of him and Akainu going in different directions given their possible past aquaintance. With Dragon being one of the first characters to mention the Holy Knights and them now being relevant in Elbaf, it feels like there's no way he won't be relevant soon. I get what you mean with Carrot, her becoming ruler of Zou felt like a super anticlimactic finish to her character arc. I'm not the biggest fan of her, but it really felt for a while that she was going to join the crew. But at this point, I don't see the need for more crew members and would rather Oda develop the current ones more over introducing another member.
I'm glad Oda is circling back to the idea of inanimate objects eating devil fruits with Shamrock's sword being a Cerebrus, it's always been a fascinating concept for me. Usopp having a devil fruit enhanced weapon could work, especially one that ties into his skillset as a sniper. I also saw the theory with Shanks' arm and that would be a pretty crazy twist, I highly doubt Oda initially had that in mind but I'm sure he could retroactively make it work. I at least hope we see Enel come back; I mean we literally saw what resembles his ship in the mural and the recent chapter mentioned Elbaf being susceptible to fire and lightning, you'd think his return would be inevitable. With Shamrock seemingly leaving the picture, I'm still left wondering who Elbaf's main antagonist could be; the 2 new Holy Knights don't seem like main villain material to me tbh.
Yeah I'm caught up on Ave Mujica, at this point I'm just in it for the ride, I'm not sure where exactly it'll all go but I doubt it's going to be a happy ending. With only a couple episodes left though, I'm a little worried of a rushed ending unless a third season is planned.
hey! happy late new year i hope it has treated you well so far! Those are really good picks for the season, i definitely wanna check out Sakamoto Days i've heard a lot of good things with that show and I will pick up S2 of My happy marriage, I remember really enjoying that one.
As of recent I just watching Apothecary Diaries and I really liked it, have you seen it before?
All Comments (1458) Comments
hrm... I don't think Shinsekai yori is on it, cuz it's technically a novel, not a "light novel"...
I don't particularly remember which part is which for the Kagerou Project, I just know the anime is "chronologically" the last ^^
I meant Cardcaptor Sakura
"I guess, in a way, at times we all just need to hit a passerby with a lamp."
I still haven't gotten to Ave Mujica... the past ~month and a half I was mostly busy with getting back into visual novels, first playing Chaos Head Noah and now playing its sequel Chaos Child (<- which is turning into one of if not my favorite story ever right now)...
doing a break from THAT right now though cuz I almost got addicted to CC and needed to stop myself from putting too much time in only it and not anything else, so right now I'm catching up to all the seasonals i've left behind in that time ^^
Anilist still does all their moderating manually without any AI, so if there's anything that goes against the guidelines, they will appear either in a warning message to you or a direct ban for a bit (like happened to me and someone else at the time)
wasn't Akiba Maid War the one with that weird ass hardcore-metal opening?
Oh... no nevermind that was Magical Destroyers...
Even the worst Scooby-Doo movie for me is best tham the majority avarage movies that I watched in my life, but my favorite is Scooby-Doo and The Witch’s Ghost.
We as latin people choose to hate colonizers equaly hahaha.
Pets are amazing companions, but we need to have a pretty good sanity to say goodbye to them when they leave. In my future I see myself with cats or dogs, like the old lady with lots of flowers and animals in the house.
You can send my your bad experiences through private messages if you are comfortable talking about.
Threwing them away, nowadays, whenever I see one stuffed animal I want to buy or pick up in one of these machines with iron claws.
Saying that it’s not offensive at all, honestly it makes me love pop culture and art in general even more, for be an escape valve and a companion in bad times for many people.
For me that version of me from the past died, because I am who I am today because I went through these difficult things, while I could be someone different if I hadn't gone through all of that, besides that my relatives often say that my current self, doesn't resemble in almost anything the person I was before those ten years of depression (they don’t know about the depression part, but always say that I’m a different person today).
Mainly beyond that, I didn't live those years, I survived them, I even tried to end my life during that phase, what I'm living now is a new life, almost like my revenge against destiny for that life stolen from my child self.
I hate the idea of romanticizing everything I went through, because honestly I would only wish this on a person who was bad in every possible way, but I think this whole experience shaped me and made me grow into who I am today.
It's something that helps life move on, because dwelling on it or wishing it were different would be almost like endless mourning for something that is gone and will never be the same for me personaly.
What I do is learn from this lesson: never let other people's opinions dictate who I am, what I like, or even my value as a human being. I don't need anyone else's acceptance; mine is what matters, but people are obligated to have respect for me, because I have it for them until they prove to me that I shouldn't have it.
I love and accept myself, and above all I want to live my life as the narrator of it, and not a passive reader of everything others say.
On the day I die, I want my last breath to be like: I lived the way I wanted and I was happy and not die full of regrets and with people at my funeral saying: poor thing. I want people to say something like: This bitch lived his best life and was certainly a nice person to have as a friend.
9 The Salvation has a happy ending go watched relaxed.
I'm Still Here won the Oscars for best international movie (I’m so happy it’s the first Oscar of Brazil cinema in this category).
Yes Cold Case it’s on MAX at leats for my country and it’s also on Prime Video.
Updating my life: I finished my first physiotherapy internship today, I turned twenty-one, I watched some movies and series that you must have seen on my 2025 lists on Letterboxd (movies like City of God) and TVTIME (series like Carol and the End of the World), I'm going to see Vitória at the cinema with my mother and finally I plan to pay off some debts from my plan to watch lists of movies, series and even anime if it works out, some works like: Fight Club, The Night of the Hunter, Twin Peaks and Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill.
Por ahora todo va bien en mi vida y espero que en la tuya también.
Gracias de nuevo por las felicitaciones y espero que este mensaje te encuentre bien.
Hasta nuestra próxima conversación amigo, cuidate mucho y ten um buen resto de semana (Abrazos desde Brasil).
i'm not sure who my pfp is, i think it's an oc or an art i found online more than a decade ago...
haikyuu and gintama are also two of my favorite anime! haikyuu is great at making you feel for the teams...
kono oto tomare is amazing, i hope it can get another season someday...
the finale for the latest bungou episode was pretty exciting since it went beyond what the manga covered at the time, can't believe he survived either, the anime tricked me well
That's what happen when a fanbase from something that has stopped years ago faces a fandom from something that is still working, it's not a fair fight.
People are hating her, they say she didn't want to hear what Stolas had to say and this was a selfish act but honestly on the heat of the momment you can't really think straight.
Ozzy's is the bar of Asmodeus, on the lust ring, probably Fizzarolli and Asmodeus will take the lead on this show but it would be very nice to see a show about the deadly sins or even a show about the bar itself where every episode tells a different story about a different character that goes to the bar, like Isekai Shokudou or bartender the anime, honestly i don't really know what to expect about it, Ozzie and Fizz are like characters that are good on the secondary role but i don't what they would do in a solo adventure.
Damn that sounds shitty, that's the first time I’ve heard about a computer that deletes the emulators, i wonder why.
The rhythm, the production, the composition, everything is better on this ''new'' format of doing anime but also it demands more time to release each season, but if a continuous season means a lot of fillers i prefer them to take their time.
If i remember correctly i read that only Emily would be able to annihilate the entire population of hell but she's too sweet to do it.
You didn't notice? They are completely different voices.
Almost everyone in hell doesn't care about redemption or don't even stop to considerate the idea, i'd like to say that i can picture the end of Hazbin Hotel with everyone in heaven but i have my doubts if that's the path the story will take.
Stella is a character from Helluva Boss not Hazbin.
I don't think that's the case, i am pretty sure he likes Emily and after my comment i thought better about the shot and ngl anyone would look like a villain wearing a mask from the exorcists they are literally the main villains from the story, no matter if you are bad or not, that mask will give you a villain vibe.
Vivianne has a way to create stories pretty impressive, she has the entire story of helluva boss on her mind, has more three seasons of hazbin hotel and this new show called Ozzie's all these series being in production at the same time i don't how she get so much inspiration, it's almost unbelievable.
Yeah i got you here, like the scenes of Ruby in Pop in 2 on Oshi no Ko season 2.
I think the focus will be on the Morningstar family since they are the main characters and i don't know if the families from the other characters would be in hell, like for some reason is not a discussion on the fanbase that Alasto's mom is in heaven and Molly is confirmed to be a winner so i don't know about that, maybe Cherry cuz i think i remember something about her dad being in hell but that could be a hallucination of mine hahaha.
Really? I really like computer games, like if have a playstation you can't play xbox games and vice versa but on computers you don't have this kind of restriction, you can play whatever you want, just get a joystick and a good computer and you never will need to worry about buying another console. I don't even like to waste my money buying things like clothes or food, let alone those colectors itens like this $500 chrono trigger.
it's not rocket science, if a game runs smoothly and without any fall of graphics than your game is on the right FPS, if your game lags and the sound feels like breaking than your FPS is under the minimun, if you can play the game faster than it actually is your FPS is above, the number is secondary feel how the game is running and then think about the numbers.
You really think so? I think my only issue with pokemon is the grinding and the low FPS but that's a emulator thing.
I'm not a fan of pokemon like that shark, i don't usually like pokemon that are half biological and half 'mechanical', sharpedo itself is not the best designe for me, i don't like things that are not 'alive' being treated like creatures you can find on the wild, like magnemite or voltorb, tha't one of the best things about porygon, they make sure to it's a pokemon created by humans. That's not related to the topic but i saw a video recently that talks about why we can't find some pokemon in their native regions, like houdour being in kanto instead of Jhoto and the guy said that these kind of pokemon were registered later on the pokedex, like, houndour is a pokemon native from kanto but it was discovered only when professor Elm updated the pokedex to Jhoto version, he also talks about beldum but i think only Jhoto pokemon like houdour and larvitar fit on this example, is a good theory because Jhoto is meant to be a direct sequel from Kanto.
The main message from pokemon the movie is beside our origin or differences, we don't need to hate each other, instead trying to find what we have in common, that's literally Meowth's line and it's in the song: ''Let's take a moment And look deep inside And say we're willing, To give, love a try, We're not as different As we seem to be, There's so much more to me than what you see, You don't have to be this way, Think about the consequences Turn around and walk away''. That’s why the pokemon’s tears bring Ash back, because on the hearts, on the feelings, we are equals.
When you stop and think about it, one of the most attractive parts of shingeki no kyojin are the nine titans but when you look at the material you can see how badly explained they are we have almost no information about them, in theory they can see the memories of the past shifters but they can't see the future like Eren did.
Summer wars? I think this one is almost impossible to get a sequel, is a movie from 14 years on the past, this combination is kinda wild. You can begin a sequel with a stand-alone cuz you can't see how it will perform but when that happen almost every time the author already has the idea for the sequel.
This season (winter 2025) has some sequels of well-known animes like Dr Stone and Kusuriya but the seven sequels the debuting animes are really having a bad time here, is not about watching something that i didn't enjoy, is about everything seeing terrible from the very beginning you don't even need to watch the first episode, just look at the cover, the char design, the staff, studio and mean score and you will see how bad this season is, we pick anime that we can see some potential but this season has a huge lack of potential. As i said before, i had to bring a few extra animes to watch and one of them was Boku no Kokoro, because i looked at the huge mean score of 8.76 of the second season and i didn't believe on this score, i was really betting the anime would be just an average anime and for God, i couldn't be more wrong, i loved it, really one of the best romcoms and the best anime i watched this season, love the opening the main couple, the series composition, the ost, everything i watched the final episode twice and i gotta say, how is good to watch good stuff, probably one of my top 10 romcom of all the time, peak anime, i can't stop listening the openings, they are so perfect i wasn't expecting to watch the second season right after the season one but i finished it in two days, when i think about how bad a season can be and i watch an anime like this, i remember why i fell i love with anime, sorry if i'm being a bit over about it, i finished the anime today (March 3rd) so i'm kinda on feeling it too much haha, i jumped right into the manga by the way. Maybe when my feelings calm down I will have a few things to say I don’t like or maybe I will regret this but for now I will put it on my favorites, that’s like the first time I say that I liked the series composition, that’s not a thing people usually talk about cus it is too technical but here… Damn, Jukki Hanada showing once more how a series composition and a script should be, I don’t have much to say, the second season is one of the only 10 anime I gave a ten and for now, I have no regrets.
They were just lineded up in their battle forms, nothing else, i thought i told you which characters were in the scene but no Bamora weren't there. But now i saw a scene from the manga where Aira was used as a basket ball, that's so random that feels right to be on the canon.
I think Aira's battle form is so pretty with that mask and long hair besides she totally my type of character, focused on speed and dexterity, more acrobatic, probably my favorite of the transformations. Yeah, just like in dungeon meshi after a dark plot twist we get straight into a happy ending song.
That character was Nina Mazursky, besides her visual she was the sweetest character in the whole season and the only one that was innocent, the most human of them, that scene was at the season finale and that makes the Bride feel very guilt because Nina was her only friend and didn't want to kill the princess but she was convinced by them and then she got murdered.
I searched about what George Clooney actually said, because it's hard to believe that he said that George is a very chill guy and never talked bad about anyone and you might have got it wrong, he wasn't insulting Ben Affleck, here's what he actually said: ''I played Batman, and I didn't do well. And the movie wasn't good. And I wasn't just an actor in a role, I was responsible for the entire movie. The criticism was more for the movie than for my performance. I talked to Ben about it, I asked him not to do it. It was advice I gave based on my experience... But he was great!'' He was trying to protect Ben Affleck from the critics.
I guess only a favorite can take the place from one favorite, after finishing the anime of Boku no Kokoro I was able to read the manga, I have 36 chapters in only one day which is impressive since i don't read that much and the Boku no Kokoro's manga has that 'post-game' vibe, you know what i mean? Like the main story is on the anime and if you wanna see what happens next you can read the manga, don't get me wrong i'm not it's bad or the quality gets lower but i have this feeling about the anime being meant to have only two seasons, if you want to stop there you can but if you aren't ready to say goodbye to the characters you can still read the manga, but i third season is almost impossible based on this analysis.
I’ve heard a few rumors about a second season being considered right now and read that TMS and Telecom had a meeting to talk about the season two but they won’t make it official so soon, if you allow me to tell my personal experience with Ao no Hako, I will tell you that it was probably the one of the most immersive experiences I’ve ever had, like I couldn’t help but jumping into the manga, I was genuinely happy to see the characters getting along and developing their feelings a certain character just debuted on the anime and I was surprised how much she grew up with the story, it’s really cute to see the couple moments between the characters, how they deal with their feelings in their own time and on their own way, it feels so real, the themes and everything is so perfect and that might sound a bit too over but recently I was kinda afraid of reading the manga, there is a specific character that has a really messed up story and I was really feeling the situation, like FOR REAL and now his arc is coming back and I don’t want to feel this, like I can’t see where the story is going but I can’t really tell you what happen because I might leave something behind and the peak of his arc was a real shock to me and I feel like it’s something that you need to read and is kinda too far on the story, the first season has 25 episodes covering 80 chapter of the manga, so the second season will probably go till the chapter 160 and this reveal happens at chapter 165 I believe, so it’s like something for the third season, anyways it was good to talk about it with someone, no one I know read the manga so I don’t have anyone to talk about it, thanks for reading! Let me know when you watch it.
I don't know much about firefox to be honest i just hope it doesn't get too old like explorer.
Romantic killer had such a high budget, I liked it but i don't think i'd put it on like, my top 10 romances of all the time, maybe not even on top 15 but i don't have this top on the paper so i actually don't know haha but it was nice.
I've heard that Sakamoto days isn’t doing a good job adapting the manga, but i can't really talk about since I have no interest in Sakamoto Days. I've watched the first season of My happy marriage but i didn't like it, i don't think that the fantasy and the romance are good match in this anime, like i can't see any good reason to this story happen in a magical world, is like the author had ideas to write two stories but he did only one with both ideas instead. Zenshuu is indeed an isekai, but in fact it's not a bad anime at all, i mean i dont know what you consider as bad in isekais, to me an iseka is bad because of it tropes, the main character is too overpower and everything is easy to them, they get every skill on the magic world, the worldbuilding sucks and the worlds are generic, the main character usually get an harem, every character is bad wrote with none development, the giant titles that tell the only joke that make the story 'different' from the others and the production value is low, usually due to the amount of isekais the make every season, like a fabric of generic anime but honestly this doesn’t happen to zenshuu, of course the story has a few weak points but to an isekai, I’m heaven not gonna lie, i can talk more about the good points in zenshuu, if you want, your next response will probably come after the season finale so i will be able to get an full view of the anime. I believe the most disappoint anime of this season are medalist (due to it low budget) and Honey Lemon Soda, i was expecting the new romance of the season, since it's a genre that for some reason it seems to be one of my favorites.
I've never watched BangDream so i don't know much about what expect from it, for some reason i associate it with Love Live but i don't think i will be watching it anytime soon, my new way of watch anime is kinda different from last year, last year i used to pick one anime to watch and only thought about the season one, the sequels would not be considerate but now all anime i pick i already think about the sequels, so i'm more pick about the animes i choose.
Vtubers has a big economic power to be honest, many people have their work because of vtubers like staff, managers and artists, each vtuber has like a micro economy around it, the most expensive models come from well-known artists, that's one of the reasons it's so expensive, otherwise your model's face would look like it's melting, 5000 is a full body, full color, two to three perspectives, accessories, expressions, rig, it's not just an art, it's a work that might take months to be completed.
It's not only about starting fights, the personas might have a chemistry of friendship and uniqueness on their own way, also they must be professional and know how to deal with public, that's why the audition process take so long.
Honestly any job has its risks especially when you deal with people because you don't know what the other person is thinking, idols are mostly actors, musicians or dancers, these kind of job also has this kind of risk, some jobs you don't even know if you are coming back home alive, at the end of the day everyone has their reasons to choose their job and everyone is adult, they can quit anytime they want. The linkin park guy was the one who i had less affection i mean we never had any discussion but we never talked with each other alone and almost never talked directly to each other but i liked the Linkin park idea but the spoiled leader doesn’t like it so it doesn’t matter if you like it we are going trash metal, yeah even people that don't like pop can enjoy it, like one of my friends that only listen to rock but can't help but sing along with Michael Jackson. It’s very normal to hear people saying that pop doesn’t fit with my style and they can’t picture me listening to these songs, not gonna lie, my visual is like a pure blood fan of rock, so I don’t disagree with them.
You are not being offensive that's actually pretty obvious, anything can be learned with time and dedication but you will never be on advantage of people that has natural talent, there a lot of songs that i still struggle to learn even with almost two years playing guitar and people that began their practice some months ago can play way harder songs, i might have a bit of impostor syndrome but from all the guitarist i know IRL i'm not even on top 3 and also i'm also not the best singer, my singing teacher told me that it's required something close to 7 years to make a professional singer, so there's still a long road to run, there’s something really interesting about my voice, is my falsetto, on my best, I can sing girls lines without any issue, I was having lessons at the girls tone for a while, I had to ask to go back to the male tone to my teacher, if I didn’t do that, I would still be a male singer with a female list of songs and I am okay with that, most of pop songs I listen are sang by girls but I feel more comfortable at the male tone but I really can change my voice on that level. I'm a mental tank I don't care much about things like work or having much friends, i'm totally an introverted person so i really don't care about people like Ryo in Bocchi the Rock, money sometimes can be bothersome but not something that makes me sad, only last year life was capable to hit me in the balls hahaha, i don't say it to my IRL friends cus i know what they will say about it but that situation, i still didn't got 100% over it, even after months i still catch myself thinking about it.
God ex machine is not a character bro, is an expression when you have a character or a situation that can solve absolutely every situation, usually it's a sign of a not so well planned story where the author can't solve the situation in a believable way with only the normal characters, like Reinhard in Re:Zero. Zombieland saga was the only original anime from MAPPA that was considered good, what we have else? Takt Op. (awful), listeners (so bad it's offensive) and Megumi to Taiyou (the mean score is even under 5.0), but a few adaptations are also terrible like Yasuke and Jigokuraku, MAPPA has good workers but it's not the best studio like many people think it's.
I actually working on a secondary job in a tourist agency, i'm not a guide yet but i'm confirmed as one of the next, so my weekends and holidays might be gone as well but the money tastes so good hahaha.
Brazilian food is really good, not only the typical ones like i told you, international foods like pizza and hotdog get into another level here, there are hotdogs of even almost 1kg, but the street food is divine, like pastel or esfiha, the food is not problem here.
You won't regret watch Steins;gate, that's for sure.
I'm glad the doctor could help you but i'm pretty sure they only did it because it was an emergency otherwise they would have let you wait.
A lot would be an understatement, and what I said was just for mobile players. On computers, I think the storage count is even worse by double. Yeah, it allows us to delete storage from old missions and such which is pretty dandy if I do say so myself. I shaved off 20 GBs from Star Rail alone with that feature. Haha, the gacha game graphics might burn your phone also if it can't handle it, my phone can but every time I play, my phone just ends up glowing a bright orange and feeling like I'm holding the sun in my hands. I know right?! An hour long unskippable ad is unfathomable, I would've felt like I was being harassed personally by the YouTube executives themselves. I think we all hate ads, thanks Internet for developing this hatred in all of mankind for the foreseeable future. I managed to avoid the ads for now since I have an ad blocker and I have free YouTube premium for a few months but hopefully ads aren't much of an issue for you ha... *coughs political ads*. There is a silver lining indeed, but that lining needs to be determined by you and you only. Leaving those bad periods of life behind doesn't mean you can survive, it means that you can continue living on while understanding your past.
Ehh I wouldn't say to our favorites, our favorites wouldn't be our favorites if they were butchered. Sucks to see projects get cancelled though, regardless if they could do well or not but oh well that's just part of the industry. It was very out of place, at a time when there was absolutely no need for it, so on so forth I don't wanna go on about it anymore and not to forget the fact that the main lead isn't even that interesting of a character and that backstory didn't help at all in that regard. Yup, that's the joke right there. I probably shouldn't be laughing at it or something since I myself am Viet, but my humor is really stupid and occasionally dark. Ooh, nice nice. I'd love to hear more about you if you can remember more good things.
I distrust critics at minimum half the time, I feel like journalists online regarding games and whatnot either are whatever or have zero idea what they're talking about. I guess I can't blame them but it's an incredibly surface level look. Yeah, that's pretty much it. You said it all, and it's rather ironic that a kidnapping led Sachi to being able to discover the value of life once again through photography. You'd think most kidnappings end up horrible or traumatic, which they do, but that turns on itself in the case of Sachi. Me neither, I don't get the fandom, fortunately there's an option and that option is to distance yourself from them as far as humanly possible. Thank you haha, and likewise with yourself. I'm going to be completely honest, I think I got introduced to ATLA by Ty Lee through a teenage YouTuber watching that episode where Zuko and the crew go to the beach lol.
Haha yeah, especially after the super bowl... poor Philadelphia. No worries, I hope you've been doing well lately :). Turns out the most recent pep rally which I did attend because it was in the middle of the school day, I sat near the school band which was uhh... questionable. I think SakaDays is just horribly written in every regard, from terrible comedy to the lack of worldbuilding to the predictable action, it embodies EVERYTHING I hate within battle shounen specifically.
Ohhhh wow is Shangri-La quite a long series ? well either way I'm glad it is getting the adaption it has been, because season 1 honestly had great animation and music! I'm intrigued to know though how long the series is and if it is still ongoing! if so then I am excited for the future of the series!
Hahaha yeah I've seen some crazy panels of the characters and it's quite funny how extreme they are! I'm not a professional but I highly doubt any sport pros think the way they do!
Aw that is sad to hear then. Are you aware of the web novel/manhwa "the beginning after the end". It is one of my favorite mangas and novels and the anime is coming out next season on April! however, I'm pretty sure the anime will not be that good and will sadly put a lot of people off the manhwa, especially because the start of the series is by far the Weakest part of the series:(
Yup completely agree with everything you said! Also, I hope we get to see a little bit of life outside of the tower? I'm not sure if that will be a thing but I hope it does! The entire show is about inside the tower and climbing it so yeah!
Haha I was hoping the anime would make me reread or even continue the manhwa; but the adaptation was so bad I didn't sadly! it did however serve as a decent recap for me of things that happened in the past!
Yup! the solo Leveling anime has been amazing! it has surpassed the manhwa in my opinion too! it's just such a fun watch consistently even though It doesn't do anything too unique or special! it's quite similar to Demon Slayer for me in that way!
Woahh from another dimension... that is so damn interesting it's crazy again just how little we know of the world of the series haha! tower of God could actually very easily go on for so many chapters, even longer than one piece
Hmmm I wonder if V will be someone that will appear more constantly now or if he will just appear like once every 100 chapters; i think it'll be the latter, he seems way too powerful to just be constantly used in the show!
Oĥhh yeah i guess I mixed up the two seasons, i don't remember much from the third season then I think sadly, I'm pretty sure i didn't enjoy the arc too much! But ooooo okkk I'm now excited for season 4! i wasn't too sure if I'd be watching it but you saying that made me more likely to watch it haha!
Oh wow that is certainly a insane crime then... Oh wow, I'm very curious to hear what he had said now but I can't be bothered trying to research it. I'll just leave it at that then that he was a horrible person.
Ohĥhh I wasn't even aware that animal crossing was a franchise! I've actually started playing a mobile game called clash of clans recently and I am quite addicted to it haha! its not a game you can spend hours on, but it's a game that keeps you coming back!
IDK, I think you're just overthinking things. I'm a frank person, which also means that I prefer people being frank with me. So even if you're being rude, it's fine. I'm sure I will be unintentionally rude to you in future conversations as well ;p
I mean, I've never been discriminated in my country for being an Indian, but yeah. Shit does happen on the internet. But that's part of life, you know. Even people on top of the food chain - the straight, white men - are hated by non-whites, and quite openly. Nobody is truly immune from stereotypes and bigotry. Where do you live, though?
Well, the Americans have a habit of looking down on any and every country, esp if it's a country of non-whites. They expected the same behaviour from us, but we've grown a backbone and the US did not like this pushback. That's why they wanted to overthrow this government. They failed here but they did succeed in Bangladesh. Their ex-PM is currently hiding away somewhere in India.
Yes, I do find it ironic how the open-minded/liberal Leftists are the first to shun anyone who doesn't follow their hive mentality. Which is sad bc a lot of their issues are genuine, but it seems to me their ego has and always will be, more important than the welfare of their own people. Look at the state of the governments the world over. RW parties have consistently been winning elections almost everywhere in the last few years bc the people are tired of liberal governments, with their biggest gripes being the influx of male immigrants who do nothing but commit crime and life off the tax money of the hard working citizens of those nations. It's a problem here too, but it's interesting to note how illegals from only one religion have created this mess here. Others from other religions have been living quite peacefully and are genuinely loved by the people in my country - like the Nepalese and Tibetans.
Honour killings aren't common, at least not in cities, but they do happen. They're illegal and are punishable by life imprisonment or even death, but that doesn't stop men from killing women.
No, the video was about how China secretly funded people/trusts in American colleges to spread their beliefs about Communism and push the Left ideology, because a happy by-product is the rabid hate for one's own country among young people. It's the easiest way to break the backbone of any country, if you think about it. I wish I could find that video. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
It's up to you what you believe, you know.
I was also surprise they did a Chainsaw Man collab, but they also did a Tokyo Revenger collab. They should do a Jujutsu Kaisen collab since they already cover 2 of the opening. I can't wait until the Oshi no Ko collab come out for the Global player.
But not always songs from the collab, but they do cover a lot of anime songs. They did recently release the cover of Idol and Ao no Sumika. Sometimes I end up liking the opening because one of the band from Bandori cover it. Yes Poppin' Party was the main protag in the original anime. They serve as the central group in the anime and overall story. Each band have their own distinct sound and image. Poppin' Party music is upbeat and energetic. Raise A Suilen is more EDM/Rock, Roselia is symphonic rock sound and elegant. One of the band (Morfonica) have a violinist in the band. Roselia and Raise A Suilen is definitely are the most popular globally.
Uika is Yandere for Saki. With how crazy this anime has been, I was more surprised that Uika pushing Muts down the stairs WASN'T real and "just" imagined by her. I'm waiting for Uika's backstory explaining just why she's unhealthily attached to Sakiko. I thought she was gonna be the normal one in the group. But damn Nyamu is somehow the most normal.
I used to ship Enma with Tsuna. It's like the moment Enma entered the story, it somehow got gayer.
Does the anime exist to promote the real-life idols? It's kind of making me think of a Japanese cult leader who had multiple anime made about him to promote his cult. lol
Two weeks can make me forget what I was trying to make in the first place! lmao I easily get distracted!!
Yeah, I have thought of doing commissions. But, I don't know where to start getting clients! I have done some commissions in the past, but my clients were the ones who found me, rather than me finding them. Sadly, commissions cost a lot of money, and many people can't afford it.
I have heard Korean artists don't have it easier either. They are very tired, and extremely exploited.
I also have aching back and eyes because of making art, which is not fun, because I am currently making stuff for someone else, and I don't want to be unable to make my original content. So, I do understand SIU for taking long breaks. He needs his rest.
I hate trial and error performed on human bodies. lol What if some errors leave you permanently damaged?
What do you like about Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun so far? The cast of characters look assorted and lively. So Kimi Date Ga Hontou is a love polygon romance manga, what'd you find creepy about it?
BOTI is a great samurai manga, rivaling other hits like Vagabond and Lone Wolf & Cub, as well as honorably mentioned Shigurui. BOTI's art is super dope. A lot of panels are done in pencil-only, so it creates for a really cool effect. For the cast of characters we've got a badass immortal kenshi, a knife throwing little girl who's seeking vengeance for the killing of her parents, and a tactful charismatic dojo leader who is said killer. He gives me Griffith vibes, I actually voice him in my head as Griffith while reading. XD The supporting characters are varied and awesome too. Just to name a few there's a geisha spear-fighting chick, government underling samurai, and a Jeffery Dahmer type swordsman. The story is great but sometimes draining to follow, since the series is so long.
Maruo's work varies in different levels of eroticism, gore, humor, horror, and just straight up absurdity. I've started reading New National Kid by him yesterday, and I'll probably finish today. I liked his DDT short story collection, but this one ain't hitting at all. The last chapter I left off of actually seemed pretty enticing though.
Sure, I'll definitely give you my thoughts Blood on the Tracks as well as really anything I read that we share in common.
>[Hahaha, with manga series lasting so many years or going into hiatus for years, it seems descendants won´t even see them finished hahaha.] This made me chuckle. XD
Are you okay with watching things that are slow paced? There's barely any dialogue in Angel's Egg, the gloomy setting and visuals were awesome though.
I didn't know about that last part regarding Serial Experiments Lain's director being disappointed that nobody understood his work, I'm sure by now someone has made an accurate analysis of it though.
Someone told me that the 15 page manga was probably just an advertisement in a magazine for the upcoming movie. Whether or not it was, I wouldn't expect such a short story to do so great.
My school had a break for 2 week last month so my family and I went to Glasgow.
I'm watching Ave Mujica, Blue Box, Honey Lemon Soda, My Happy Marriage s2 and The Apothecary Diaries.
I also started watching One Piece. It is gonna be a while until I caught up to it. Actually it might already end by the time I do catch up to it.
yup that's how simple things were back then, it's like that stuff wasn't scary at all. but as adults we constantly worry about going there because we know just seeing a doctor is expensive + there's a chance it could turn out of be something bad, also if you look up a symptom on the internet it always connects that to some horrible disease which can be quite terrifying.
yeah that's just how social media is haha! creating a dramatized narrative gets more views and makes money. that must really suck, it's like a whiplash of emotions where something good happens and then something bad immediately follows after.
yup it's something that can be inherited from our parents, hopefully i wouldn't have any dental problems in the future lol!
that's true which is why they prescribe painkillers iirc. oh i don't think they replaced the teeth, they probably covered for the tooth that was supposed to be treated originally.
yup i hate that sentiment too but some people are just stuck in their ways and aren't open to trying things, it's best to just ignore those people since even if you try your best they won't get it. i wonder if that'll do well nowadays considering stuff like mashle and black clover have taken inspiration from harry potter. iirc in the 70-80s they used to adapt western story books into anime.
hmm as someone who's very up to date with the gaming industry, it's not going to happen anytime soon :p right now they are too busy with with cutting costs and letting people go. yeah console wise it's likely the strongest.
yup anime logic just works lol otherwise it kinds just falls apart the more you think about it.
yeah it's best to see if it's something you'll enjoy before buying it.
for skyrim? you can buy it on steam and then download from your library. i don't think that would work since it saves on your hard drive i believe.
ah that's good then lol! that's a great way to enjoy horror. oh interesting! i hadn't heard of this zelda game before, i'll look into it.
yup it did get addressed in the recent chapters lol, no i am good actually, the manga has been really fun for me so i don't want to get spoiled on the details. oh nice that means the manga has a lot to adapt.
i wouldn't say kendrick started it because he was calling everyone out for friendly competition which is common in rap and everyone did just that except for drake who went on a podcast and made a weird statement about how it's not real. yeah the video can explain this much better than me lol!
i have been watching solo leveling, sakamoto days etc but not recently because i've been busy with stuff, lol i've heard of ishura and it seems confusing.
You'd think Pell would be important given how Oda kept him alive, but nope just occasional background appearances lmao. The live action killed off Merry and Krieg so I'm sure they'll correct Oda's mistake and kill off Pell too. I do wonder how far the live action will go though, especially since season 2 won't even cover Alabasta, there's no way they get past Marineford.
That's a good point, Zuko had Iroh there to guide him but Azula had nobody, one wonders how things could have gone if she had someone to steer on the correct path early on. I liked episodes in season 3 that give her character more depth like the beach episode, which shows that she's human just like everyone else. Closure is something we could've used more of for sure, which is why I'm glad we're getting more material bridging the gap between ATLA and TLOK. One thing I hope we get is seeing more of Aang's goofy side with his adult portrayal, I know he obviously matured but I wish Korra could've explored more than just his serious side.
By the way, did you hear about the official announcement for the Earth Avatar series? It's being called Seven Havens and takes place in a world where Korra failed to stop a disastrous event which almost destroyed the world and as a result the elemental kingdoms no longer exist. Definitely not the direction I was expecting with the post-apocalypse setting, and I feel this may just worsen Korra's reputation, but I'm still cautiously optimistic since it's the original creators working it.
It's interesting to hear from the perspective of someone who started watching One Piece as a child, I only started it in college so I'm sure you have a different outlook on the series than I do lol. Yeah, I started off watching anime with dubs but now I exclusively stick to subs, so seeing dubs now can be jarring even if they're technically not bad.
Yeah, a long running series in shonen jump is a rare breed nowadays, One Piece is pretty much in a category of its own since Bleach and Naruto finished publication. I wonder if anything will take its place when it finishes or if OP will be the last super long jump series. I've heard Oda goes back and rereads the manga, so I'm sure that helps jog his memory of plot and character threads he set up long ago. I saw the Scopper Gaban reveal coming but honestly if I hadn't known of all the theories surrounding him I may have forgotten who he was lol.
We already have a small hint of Dragon's backstory with the mention of him being a former marine and leaving due to their injustice, that should be big focus point and perhaps we could see the cirumstances of him and Akainu going in different directions given their possible past aquaintance. With Dragon being one of the first characters to mention the Holy Knights and them now being relevant in Elbaf, it feels like there's no way he won't be relevant soon. I get what you mean with Carrot, her becoming ruler of Zou felt like a super anticlimactic finish to her character arc. I'm not the biggest fan of her, but it really felt for a while that she was going to join the crew. But at this point, I don't see the need for more crew members and would rather Oda develop the current ones more over introducing another member.
I'm glad Oda is circling back to the idea of inanimate objects eating devil fruits with Shamrock's sword being a Cerebrus, it's always been a fascinating concept for me. Usopp having a devil fruit enhanced weapon could work, especially one that ties into his skillset as a sniper. I also saw the theory with Shanks' arm and that would be a pretty crazy twist, I highly doubt Oda initially had that in mind but I'm sure he could retroactively make it work. I at least hope we see Enel come back; I mean we literally saw what resembles his ship in the mural and the recent chapter mentioned Elbaf being susceptible to fire and lightning, you'd think his return would be inevitable. With Shamrock seemingly leaving the picture, I'm still left wondering who Elbaf's main antagonist could be; the 2 new Holy Knights don't seem like main villain material to me tbh.
Yeah I'm caught up on Ave Mujica, at this point I'm just in it for the ride, I'm not sure where exactly it'll all go but I doubt it's going to be a happy ending. With only a couple episodes left though, I'm a little worried of a rushed ending unless a third season is planned.
As of recent I just watching Apothecary Diaries and I really liked it, have you seen it before?