Am auzit de la o sursa sigura ca multi dintre voi citesc manga în romana, nu? Totusi, ati dorit vreodata sa vedeti cum se lucreaza la un manga tradus? Ati dorit, cel putin o data, sa ne ajutati? Mangazup are nevoie de:
Ce trebuie sa faceti? Nu e nimic greu! Pentru inceput va veti face un cont pe forum, apoi veti da testul pentru pozitia/pozitiile alese iar rezolvarile le veti posta pe mangazup in acest topic.[/color]
Good Luck!
*If this message is troubling you or something please delete it*
Vreau sa fac putina publicitate unui radio romanesc cu muzica japoneza. Da,muzica japoneza.
Kaen No Ongaku
Site-ul are de acum o noua "fata" si e mai fluffy ca niciodata :3
Radio e online 24/7,iar in unele seri sunt emisii in care intra DJ, printre care si eu. Atunci se pot lua cereri si dedicatii,fie cu ajutorul site-ul la sectiunea "Online cu DJ-ul", fie pe ID-ul de dedicatii: kno_ro ,fie pe chat.
Chat-ul este plin de lume vesela,so join us =^__^=
Pentru a asculta -> Listen here
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put this on 10 other channels of the people you think are the nicest people you have ever met. If you get this back, then you know you're the best :-D
hey , no idea if you are still on the holiday and if you are im soooo envious xD
haven't visited mal for some time so was wondering how were you doing and if theres anything new and interesting going on :)
nothing new kinda here except i got sick a couple of days and it really sucked for me :/ couldn't eat or drink anything since i would vomit the stuff i ate after some time
good thing thats over xD
anyway i am kinda the same in being lazy and all :)
damn yeah , this heat is killing me , i mean i go to a shop at night kinda ( since there aren't that many customers at that time :) ) and i come home all sweaty :/
anything new now , maybe?xD
maybe you are planning on doing something interesting soon ( no idea what thou , just asking , don't get the wrong idea )
and im probably writing too much xD , last thing i like to be unique too , but when i watch something awesome and see how cool and magnificent it is i don't care anymore ( good thing i understood what i meant :) ) xD
Well i really liked H & C , the story , the characters and everything else :)
i am kinda watching nothing nowadays :/ only gintama sometimes when new eps come out and sexy commando sometimes
anyway , about the spirit of the herd , by that did you mean you don't like watching the anime that most of people have seen , since you kinda wanna be unique or something like that ?
sorry if i am wrong since i really dont get it and thats kinda my idea of it right now xD
All Comments (84) Comments
Am auzit de la o sursa sigura ca multi dintre voi citesc manga în romana, nu? Totusi, ati dorit vreodata sa vedeti cum se lucreaza la un manga tradus? Ati dorit, cel putin o data, sa ne ajutati?
Mangazup are nevoie de:
Ce trebuie sa faceti?
Nu e nimic greu! Pentru inceput va veti face un cont pe forum, apoi veti da testul pentru pozitia/pozitiile alese iar rezolvarile le veti posta pe mangazup in acest topic.[/color]
Good Luck!
then do you mind joining this club? :)
Thank You :))
Vreau sa fac putina publicitate unui radio romanesc cu muzica japoneza. Da,muzica japoneza.
Kaen No Ongaku
Site-ul are de acum o noua "fata" si e mai fluffy ca niciodata :3
Radio e online 24/7,iar in unele seri sunt emisii in care intra DJ, printre care si eu. Atunci se pot lua cereri si dedicatii,fie cu ajutorul site-ul la sectiunea "Online cu DJ-ul", fie pe ID-ul de dedicatii: kno_ro ,fie pe chat.
Chat-ul este plin de lume vesela,so join us =^__^=
Pentru a asculta -> Listen here
Have fun with us~
ღ♥ღ♥ღ____ღ♥ღ__ღ♥ღ__ __ღ♥ღ____♥ღ___ღ♥ღ
ღ♥ღ______ღ♥ღ___ღ♥ღ______♥ღ♥ღ♥ღ____ღ♥ღ♥ღ♥ ღ
put this on 10 other channels of the people you think are the nicest people you have ever met. If you get this back, then you know you're the best :-D
haven't visited mal for some time so was wondering how were you doing and if theres anything new and interesting going on :)
good thing thats over xD
anyway i am kinda the same in being lazy and all :)
damn yeah , this heat is killing me , i mean i go to a shop at night kinda ( since there aren't that many customers at that time :) ) and i come home all sweaty :/
anything new now , maybe?xD
maybe you are planning on doing something interesting soon ( no idea what thou , just asking , don't get the wrong idea )
and im probably writing too much xD , last thing i like to be unique too , but when i watch something awesome and see how cool and magnificent it is i don't care anymore ( good thing i understood what i meant :) ) xD
i am kinda watching nothing nowadays :/ only gintama sometimes when new eps come out and sexy commando sometimes
anyway , about the spirit of the herd , by that did you mean you don't like watching the anime that most of people have seen , since you kinda wanna be unique or something like that ?
sorry if i am wrong since i really dont get it and thats kinda my idea of it right now xD
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