I'm an engineering student and I watch far too many of these here animus. I've also taken to writing reviews recently, along with playing jazzy instruments and attempting to write comics.
10/10 - Absolutely perfect, a show that I have no problems with whatsoever. Possibly even life-changing. Impossible to give a proper review to without turning into a complete fanboy.
9/10 - Really quality stuff. Highly recommendable to all anime fans. Has a couple of issues that are ultimately minor in the enjoyment of it.
8/10 - Very enjoyable, entertaining stuff. Has one or two significant issues that drop the enjoyment somewhat but not enough to ruin it.
7/10 - A solid show that I enjoyed all the way through. Has major problems but overall more good than bad.
-------------------------------------------LINE OF RECOMMENDATION----------------------------------------------
6/10 - OK. Technically a good show, but with some serious issues that hold my personal enjoyment back a fair amount. Enjoyed it while I was watching it, but I wouldn't watch it again and wouldn't really recommend it.
5/10 - Meh. Either just completely mediocre, or has massive swings in quality. Amount of good stuff equals amount of bad. Harmless.
4/10 - Disappointing. Some potential and good stuff to be found, but let down by shoddy execution. Bad, but usually interesting to talk about.
3/10 - Dull, uninspired, boring and/or just not fun. Something went very wrong here and the show does not click with me. Easy to skip.
2/10 - Incompetent. A complete mental mess that makes me question everything. Utter trash, but often falls into my so-bad-it's-good radar. Incredibly fun to watch, but don't question even one thing.
1/10 - Insulting. Reprehensible in content, message or presentation. Effort has gone into this show to make it horrific. Any good that can be found is swallowed up in a cataclysm of wrong that saps all enjoyment. I don't give these out willy-nilly.
0/10 - Completely irredeemable in absolutely every single aspect. I have yet to find a show bad enough to give this to. Woe betide any show that goes that far.
My watch style is critical and nitpicky, yet optimistic. I tend to enjoy most things I see but it takes a fair amount of effort to really impress me. My scores are personal ones, and my thoughts on the actual quality of the show may differ greatly.
My reviews aren't really the right format for MAL, tending to be wordy and exploring interesting aspects of a show rather than the copy/paste format used here. Links to my reviews on Tumblr are below:
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