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All Comments (16) Comments
Hope you have a wonderful day. I'm a girl too btw XD
how is your day going?
In this series, by Mary Brown, with two of the books called Pigs May Fly and Master of Treasures, the author actually offers up three (or four) endings. In the first, as the novel is in the first person, like a diary, we have the last entry of the journal that ends on a happy note describing the protagonist's plans, a "beginning" ending. However, this later cuts to a heart-rending confession in a first person letter from the bearer of the diary, explaining that all didn't quite go as planned and we now have a tragedy. Or do we? The final ending presented by yet another narrator is that of a myth regarding the story with local residents disputing whether or not the protagonist enjoyed a short happiness (as her lifespan was already considerably shorter than her beloved) with her significant other before they flew off alone or if the lover merely stopped to mourn the protagonist but as least they made it out alive (since the bearer of the letter presumed them both dead). All of this (an ending where you are left to wonder at exactly what happened) can be slightly dissatisfying to Westerners who are used to stories that just TELL us what happened rather than invite us into the story to make our own ending or imagine for ourselves (or suck us into reading the manga/novel for the author's ending if we aren't content to do that).
When watching the final episodes of stories, I am much more content that I used to be to see "beginnings" which is what I think both of those stories did. For now, I'm content to imagine my own ending or just think that the characters are off gallivanting about. Eventually, I'll enjoy a good read and compare the author's version to my own. I've even gotten to the point where, in the case of short OVAs, I'm glad to simply have a voice and animation to accompany some of my favorite stories. All of this to say that I think it is okay for stories to leave a few loose ends for the readers/viewers to tie up themselves since all satisfying stories need not be tied up in neat bows (that can even be annoying according to some of the recap blogs on As long as the portion of the ride that we were allowed to tag along for was enjoyable, I won't begrudge them further journeying.
I hope my ideas made a bit of sense to you. Once again, your reviews are very well written and (even if you can't see my vote) I found them helpful. I often enjoy roriconfan's reviews as well without agreeing with them in the least because I can still recognize a good opinion, even while it differs from my own. I only shared my words with you because I thought you might enjoy the ambiguity in a series a bit more if you were open to my perspective.
Take care
I am definitely not discouraged by the anime I witnessed, I am quite impressed.