Hi there!
I have a burning hate for all things:
- fan service related because, no matter how you slice it, you're still getting a pie sprinkled with x% shit.
- cliche romance-related. this extends to the formulaic shoujo recipe and harem genre in its entirety, god dammit. I do make the occasional exception for shows that are well-made.
- overtly heteronormative/ableist/sexist/racist/ in any other capacity discriminatory.
- pedo culture. you know the routine. glassy-eyed otaku bait; the infantilisation of women, extending from preteens to those in their young 30s... because obviously older women don't exist! and neither are they capable of rational discourse without "pyon" or whiny qualifiers. /sarcasm
- false-feminism. kill la kill is not feminist, and neither is it a deconstruction. let's tell it like it is: the creators designed scantily-clad characters for the male gaze.
TL;DR - my lists will contain little to none of the above. If you have a bone to pick, come at me bro (@'̀-'́)@
ITT: people getting salty over the world's most transparent trolling attempt. more news at 6
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