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Saikyou no Shienshoku "Wajutsushi" de Aru Ore wa Sekai Saikyou Clan wo Shitagaeru
Jan 17, 9:57 AM
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Lol I feel that on Anohana, I value my childhood friendships a lot so I can relate to that anime. All my close friends are ones from when I was young. Couldn't imagine losing any of them.
Is that an Alien smoking a doobie?!
Oh you mean "معمول" that's what we say.
Google translate might do it's thing. But okay. I'm really confused, how are we going to converse without questions?
ههه الحين نص الليل اي صباح، شنو معنى كليجة؟
تحيه الإسلام احسن شي،صالحة في كل زمان ومكان
Why should I comment in a form of question ? Isn't that what drives the convo? (LOL)
هذه مكتوبة بالخليجيه فلا أرى ما الصعوبة فيها 'لكني لست أمانع الفصحى فإنها لغة العرب الأصلية
ما يحتاي تحقيق، انت بروحك كاتب في البروفايل مال حسابك.
ونت بصحة وسلامة اخوي. انت من السعودية؟
Yes sure so well this like hum It's so much warmer here than in Canada for sure. It's like a pretty okay climate here not too hot not too cold actually D:
Yeah I eat all the Sausages for my badass muscle mass!!!!! Well our cuisine is somewhat okayish I guess nothing too weird , and that's great.
BUT OUR INTERNET IS STILL CRAPPY Average would be like 20mb/s.
Dunno what else to say about this weird country D:
Damn that speed I can feel the power of torrenting.
How's the Animu Highlife going broski?