The people who somehow got here may not care, but my first anime was "Yuyushiki" when i was at middle school (without counting Dragon Ball, Pokemon, Bakugan, and that kind of anime series that were a beautiful part of my childhood).
It is because at that time i decided to re watch this video called "Anime 404", and i was interested in watching any of them and i just took the one that had the most easily name to remember. So yeah.
Y un dato extra es que también hablo español jajajaja que trolazo que soy todos creyeron que solo hablo inglés jsjsjsjs
I don't really add manga here because I add it in a spanish speaking page called "TuMangaOnline".
I really love drinking coffee and a cold beer once in a while.
All Comments (17) Comments
How did u get into the never ending rabbit hole of vtubers?
Nice, vtuber fan as well!! I also ofc watch some others, like some from Vshojo or Nijisanji EN. I use to be a super big fan of the JP side of of vtubers by watching clips all the time but now I dont watch that many clips, I mostly watch streams. And since its a livestream there is no translation so I watch mostly EN streamers and occasionally clips of both JP and EN. I mostly put the streams on the background while doing sth or studying or even reading manga, just to have a background noise
So I have a theory about why I (and maybe some others) like Jojo so much. Warning, this might already be a thing that people say but I didnt get it from anywhere, I thought about it one day but it might be a popular "theory". So there is a thing called the Jojo taste which depending from person to person varies when it awakens inside of u. Some people might have it from birth, what I mean by that is that in whatever point in their life they watch Jojo they will like it under some conditions ofc, they need to like anime and not be like 5 year old or like 60 year old, I am not saying that not anyone above the age of 60 can like Jojo but realistically talking I dont think anyone will start watching Jojo at that age.
Those who do not have the Jojo taste before watching/reading the series can awaken it by watching it, at what point during the watchthrough will awaken? Idk, could be the second episode, could be the 50th. But u have to be patient, watching the show is the best way to awaken that taste, u cant just wait and come back after a year and hope u like Jojo all of a sudden, watch and hope it awakens soon.
Talking from personal experience, when I got to part 3 I dropped it (Didnt have the Jojo taste yet) then I got back into it then dropped it again in season 2 of part 3 then I got back to it again and finished it. The I went into part 4, dropped it when they went into Okuyasu's house, after a while I picked it up again but I dropped it again at the rat stand battle (Joskuke and Jotaro vs some rats) then I finally picked it up again and I think that was when I awaken the Jojo taste. Ever since I loved everything about Jojo, in my manga read I didnt have any problems with the things I hated at first. If u look at it from a writing standpoint some part 4 villain of the week battles dont really have a difference with the ones that happen at the early bit of part 5 (I mean the characters/stands are different but not my point) but when I was on part 4 I didnt have the Jojo taste so I didnt like them, however when I got into the first parts of part 5 I loved the fights. Whenever I see a plot hole or sth I can always forgive it, in my head every time I say "Ohh its Jojos". Even if I wouldnt think it was good writing or I wouldnt enjoy sth in any other series in Jojo its immediately good coz its simply Jojos.
Now the sad part, some people may not ever awaken the Jojo taste. But, that doesnt mean they cant like Jojo. They can still enjoy the good written parts, the laughs, the characters but whenever there is a plot hole or sth that they would generally not like/consider good in stories they wont be able to forgive it for being Jojo. So they can still like the good parts but not the "bad" parts which by acquiring the Jojo taste u can also enjoy those not that good things that happen.
How did u like my essay? Spittin facts? Was it like that for u?
Watching vtubers? 👀 The superior of spending your time. What are some of the ones u like/watch? If u couldnt guess for me its Ina from Hololive but I also really like Kiara, those I would say are my favorites but I like many many vtubers, especially on the Hololive side.
Gonna try and keep it short for this one. Fav parts: 2>4>4>3>1. Fav villains: Kira>Dio>Diavolo (with Doppio, if that makes sense)>Wammu>Idk like Risotto? Have no idea for my fifth. Fav side characters: My boy Speedwagon (every time he is on screen I just smile, I love him)>Bruno>Ceaser>Okuyasu>Mista. Fav Jojos: Joseph>Jotaro>Josuke>Giorno>Jonathan
And another thing I want to add is, Most Hated Character: Shigechi
I just had to say it I hate that guy... with a passion
Lest talk a little bit more about Jojo. How high or low is Jojo among your top favorite anime and rank the parts and the Joestars