Hatsuharu Sohma (草摩 溌春, Sōma Hatsuharu?), aged 15–17, often called Haru, is the ox (cow) of the Chinese zodiac. Hatsuharu is depicted as having something of a Yin and Yang personality related to the ox's traditional personality. He is usually calm, placid, and otherwise an all-around nice guy, but can be goaded into "stampeding," a state in which he is edgy and mean. The Sohmas call these two sides of his personality his "white" and "black" sides; his hair is white with black roots, and his zodiac form is a black-and-white spotted cow. He has a reputation in the family for being somewhat stupid, and when he was a child he blamed Yuki Sohma, the current rat, for it because of the story of how the rat tricked the ox to become first in the zodiac. After Yuki asked Hatsuharu whether he believes he is stupid, he realized the mental trap and has since cared very much for Yuki. Hatsuharu is in love with Rin Sohma and has an on-again/off-again secret relationship with her. He is protective of those he cares about, especially Rin, Yuki, and Kisa, and once confronts and almost punches Akito for confining Rin, and looked for Kisa when she ran away from home. Hiro admires Hatsuharu as a brother figure, even calling him Haru-nii ("big brother Haru"). Hatsuharu has a bad sense of direction, and once becomes lost for three days in another town while looking for Kyo in order to challenge him. He likes to tease Kyo in a dead-pan way; Kyo in turn calls him "downright lewd" for saying Momiji should wear the girls' uniform. He is usually shown wearing various jewelry and leather accessories, which, according to an author's note, he makes himself. Natsuki Takaya derived his name from the first month, hatsuharu meaning "new year" or "early spring," which is the month of the ox, of the traditional Japanese calendar, though his name is written with different kanji than the month.
My old Username: Watonzon
If you are in a club with me, i still go by watonzon, but at the moment i have decied to change my username to something that all of my friends know me by. I hope this does not confuse anyone, and if it does then i'm sorry......NOT! lol
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