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Days: 201.6
Mean Score:
- Watching102
- Completed663
- On-Hold9
- Dropped25
- Plan to Watch72
- Total Entries871
- Rewatched0
- Episodes12,197
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 24.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries102
- Reread0
- Chapters3,892
- Volumes386
All Comments (297) Comments
.شكرا لطلب الصداقة
I forgot to mention about this because I also just found out.
If you choose to watch s6 later, you can immediately ignore this. If you choose to watch s6 first before ep 35,
- at Slip Arc ep 1, skip the small recap and opening at the beginning
- at Slip Arc last episode, skip the review after the ending (major spoiler after the ending)
That's all. The rest, no spoilers.
But if you say so... Oh well LOL
So actually, Gintama S4 ep 35 is the start of this one arc, which is the beginning of the real heavy plot in Gintama. And this plot keeps continuing in further seasons until Gintama The Final, regardless of serious/comedy moments or not. The point is, plot is taking places. However despite the constant "serious" side of Gintama starting from s4 and onwards, season 6 alone is out of place. S6 or Slip Arc is all comedic episodes, which doesn't hv anything to do with Gintama plot that's currently going on. Chronologically despite its release date, season 6 takes place BEFORE ep 35 of s4, or basically before the real thing happens. After finishing s5, they decided to animate the unused chapters into season 6, hence the plot-unrelated.
Anyway, with the plot going on in this order: s4 -> s5 -> s7 (Silver Soul Arc) -> Semi Final -> The Final, watching season 6 in the middle of these will interrupt the serious mood.
So what I want to say is, if you think you don't want to break the flow of the plot, it's better to watch the whole season 6 BEFORE you reached s4 ep 35. On the other hand, if you think you need a break from the seriousness in s4 and s5, you can proceed to watch s6 after s5 as how you would normally do with other anime in their season order.
This is only an advice. You don't hv to follow if you don't want to ofc :)
Naono Bohra does some of her stories with supernatural in it usually!
Like supernatural, you know demons and whatnot.
I don't think I'm up to date with the manga.
I love how her stories are sometimes so realistic
Alright I will! I love how her stories include yokai in them sometimes, also her younger seme's are great too.
Whenever Caste Heavan updates I'm scared it might break my heart.
Sakira is probably my smutty favorite mangaka because her seme's are either always younger or shorter than the uke's.
Do you know the site myreadingmanga ?
I usually read most of my favorite doujinshi and yaoi works there.
I can't really pick any in particular but I'll tell you some of my absolute favorite yaoi mangakas
- Sakira
- Shigeyoshi Takagi
- Bohra Naono
- Junko
- Harada
Can I address you as anything?
Wah! Your profile picture is really adorable! Is it from an app or manwha? It kind of looks familiar.
Hey Everybody, very serious message from le Creator of RACE
Please read carefully