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Naruto Gaiden: Nanadaime Hokage to Akairo no Hanatsuzuki
Mar 9, 2016 11:11 AM
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I'm doing fine thx for asking
This year has been quite meh in terms of anime and i'm sure im not the only one thinking so ....
I give Great pretender the best 2020 anime award ; didn't think it'd be this good ..
One more thing ; i am really glad i gave Maison ikkoku a try earlier this year( i find it to be one of the best romcoms of all time )...
So yeah that's been the highlights of this year thank you for replying to my message
Also i can't wait for the winter anime as i will be watching beastars , Dr Stone, Hataraku no saibou, Yakusoku no Neverland and SNK
2021 is going to be 🔥 <in terms of anime :) >
how's it going , it's been a while since ur last time here !
hope everything's alright
Same for me about catching up with a lot of series, my main priority are the ones in my watching list like Sora yori mo Tooi Basho and a few in my on-hold list like Spice and Wolf S2. But, why in September? Do you have a vacation then?
15/16 C is pretty warm around here you know hahaha. We don't even consider it cold. The whole country derails when the temperature hits around 25 C and when its 35 C there are even some old and sick people who don't survive it! How crazy and sad is that? As for me, I like it around 28 C I'd say. What about you? What is your favorite and least favorite temperature?
I totally understand you... Try to survive those hot times then!! I have a lot of friends who do the Ramadan and I always hear from them that it's hard when it's hot outside. Try to imagine this: Here it is about 32 C meanwhile you have it much harder.. respect.
I totally love my study so I'm happy with it, you can ask me whatever you want and I'll gladly tell you about it :)
Hmm, I've read to the whole thing until the ''Sorry sorry!'' part wondering what I should write as a reply to the whole 'being a doctor is your only choice, so deal with it and everything else you want isn't going to be a success part' but I think that I have the right answer for you:
In my study, I get to deal with tons and I mean TONS of different people who live in the Netherlands or just arrived here. Most of the time the people I deal with have problems or insecurities and wonder what they have to do with their life. Let me give you a piece of advice: be happy with the things you have, that you have the opportunity to learn, that you are healthy and that you have a family who cares about you. (plus being a part of the anime/manga community with lots of kind people in it who always welcome you). I really understand that you want to do something else and IMO you should do what you want to do! Have a talk with your parents and express your honest opinion to them. If it doesn't work out then that will be a bummer for a while but you will get over it eventually. It is important to be yourself and to not get depressed about it. Enjoy life! Think about it this way: it doesn't work out now but you can always take another study in the future right? or if you don't succeed in becoming a doctor your parents surely will accept your wishes and support you, right? Always look from the bright side of life because that way you'll become a lot happier than always thinking about the crap stuff in your life. Those people I deal with get that advice: be happy and take another study to become something you truly want so that they can get a job that meets Dutch standards. But, for now: stay positive, be yourself and enjoy the little things.
Believe me, I had to deal with a lot of crap in my life as well. I almost dropped out of high school TWICE because I hated certain subjects, I have tons of family-related crap in my life and I overcame those hurdles as well! If I can stay positive than you can as well. I hope this story somewhat helped you :)
(Btw, I like talking to you as well! It's something to look forward to haha)
And yes, I'm living with my grandmother so things can be pretty strict as well sometimes (I love her tho).
In any case, don't worry and things will work out just fine, cya!!
Edit: God, I had to edit this message 4 times just to remove some Dutch words I mixed in between... I'm still sleepy I guess, oh well, you'll get a Dutch sentence whenever you like it or not: Spreek je later! :D
But for bnha i didnt watch it , i stopped watching lot of shounen recently
but to be honest with u , i know how good the serie is ;my little brother watches it ; but you know , its one of those anime that you hear so much of it but know that u will never see it XD
Guess what I'm doing every day here in the Netherlands. I hate cold as well you know but for the past few days, the weather has been okay I guess, reaching temperatures of 15-16 C max. Holy.. 50 C for two whole months, pff I would hate that as well. I can't stand temperatures above 40 C, even 35 C is hard for me. We don't see the rest of our family. Maybe max 2 days in a year: let's say Christmas and the holiday of our grandmother, that's about it.
I study social legal studies. That is a mixture of social studies and legal (law). It's pretty hard and I have a shitload of homework to do. Especially this month will be very busy, I have 5 deadlines plus my normal homework. I hope that I'll survive this month :D
What about you? Still in high school or already in university? if not, what would you like to study in the future? Any plans?
Like seriously, I'm thrilled that one of my favorite anime gets another season, can't wait for psycho pass season III. Classroom of the elite hm, I heard of it before but I didn't watch it yet, do you recommend it? (surely you do bc you want it to get a second season but what makes it a good anime?) I will probably add it to my ptw list. and yes, I heard of haikyuu! Stupid that I forget to name it before haha. Really excited for that as well now a new Kuroko no Basket season and I'm pleased hehe.
Well, Dutch sounds cool to people who don't speak it. It is actually pretty plain you know. Oh yeah, people in Belgium speak Dutch as well haha. In any case, I'm from the Netherlands.
Sounds pretty interesting. The weather here in the Netherlands is pretty horrible. The winters are very cold and the summers are okay, I guess. The temperature in the summer is max. 34/35 degrees C but that's only like 7 or 8 days in a year most. The people here are a mix of everything when it comes to religion. Most people are non-believers and then we have about 40% Christians and 6% Muslims so that's pretty diverse. That's pretty nice having so much family. That isn't the case here. Well yeah, we gather around 1 or 2 times a year and that's it. We are with our parents and siblings the other days of the year. But yeah, it feels like home indeed :)
Good luck with studying and the tests! Sometimes school has priority above anime. What is your favorite subject?
Yes I'm good as always, jist living my own life, going to college, watching anime, the same stuff as always haha. Thanks for asking.
They are going to be lit indeed. But i'm not to sure about opm because it got a new studio so it could be worse then season 1. On the good side, a lot of new season 2 and 3's of anime are anounced recently! Konosuba movie, oregairu, cells at work, psycho-pass, re:zero, boku no hero movie 2 and more! So i'm really looking forward to those. I'm hoping that some others will recieve a second or third season as well. Shows like hyouka, no game no life deserve it. What shows do you want to get a new season?
I know a lot about countries and other languages so I thought it was urdu when I read Pakistan haha. But, thats nice! Never talked to someome from Pakistan before as well :) romantic poetry in school... seems pretty boring to do every day if you ask me.. (don't worry tho, we need to read loooong dutch texts and explain them and believe me, those texts are hard, so that's really boring)
Well, living in europe is totally different depending in which country you live in. You have the lower countries: netherlands, belgium, luxenbourg, which are all the same (most of it) oh and don't ask why they are called the lower countries when they are in northern europe... you have other countries like france, spain, italy and portugal which are really romantic, classy countries with amazing history. Then you have the german countries: germany, austria etc. Those are just... yeah.. beer loving countries i guess? They resemble my country a lot (dutch is actually a german language and I can speak some german as well which we learn in school) and then you have eastern europe which is totally different from western europe.
What my point is: each country is different but i love living here. Sorry about the long explanation haha, so how is living in Pakistan? :)
How are you doing? What are you doing these days? (f.e. gaming, hobbies, hanging out with friends) and how is school going?
And yes, ofc I'm watching anime haha. I'm finally watching hunter x hunter. I've watched 132 episodes out of 148 so far. I'm also watching the seasonal anime like mob psycho II, kaguya-sama love is war and the promised neverland. What anime are you watching?
About light novels, I do like them you know (I like reading in general) but I don't get into novels that easily mostly because I prefer manga over a book or a novel. That's because I like the pictures in it and the language. I'm not a native English speaker, I'm Dutch so English is my second language. This means that I sometimes don't understand a word or sentence, a manga (with pictures) makes things easier for me. Don't get me wrong tho, my English is still pretty good (I scored a 9 on my high school final exam on it) but it is always inferior to my Dutch. What is your county of origin if I may ask? :)
are you excited for the Gen 8 ?
its nice hearing from you again after all this time
i can see that updating your list is gonna take a lot of time(lol)
Hope we all do well in the next coming years 🙏🏻🙏🏻
hope your week has been good so far
How have you been? We didn't talk for over 2 years sadly.
I would like to resume talking if you want to :)
Dunno if u get but what im trynna say is that my favs are not animes that i think are the best ones ever , its just that for a reason i found myself too much attached to them or really enjoying them
For me the best anime of all time is One piece ( ikr not a very creative and original choice , but bcz its a classic one im not gonna include the big ones in my favs )
1/sakurasou no pet na kanojo
2/ school rumble
3/ NHK ni youkoso
4/ bakuman
5/ Neon Genesis Evangelion
6/ akame ga kill
7/ Elfen lied
8/ mirai nikki
9/ aku no hana
10/ BECK
N if u wanna know what im watching this summer season its Grand Blue (comedy anime of the year ) and SNK s3