All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 256.5
Mean Score:
- Watching6
- Completed758
- On-Hold10
- Dropped87
- Plan to Watch338
- Total Entries1,199
- Rewatched21
- Episodes15,346
Manga Stats
Days: 15.9
Mean Score:
- Total Entries89
- Reread0
- Chapters2,838
- Volumes173
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All Comments (35) Comments
How are you doing?
نعم اذكر اني استخدمت الارشيف من قبل على حسابي عندما توقف هذا الموقع لفترة معينة
ممكن حفظت صورة لصفحتي هناك وقتها
ولا اعلم...
اين وجدت هاته الصورة؟
Since this script enlarges thumbnail images I think it can improve the thumbnail image quality if this is what you wanted...
[Details tab, Characters tab] Enlarge small thumbnails (
[Recommendations tab] Enlarge recommendations thumbnails (
Yes, I think it would be possible, but just a few MAL users actually uses and see the blogs of others...
Making a script to make it look nice would take some time, and is something I wouldn't do.
You don't need to know Js/html to do this though, you can make an user style for this using only CSS, it doesn't need to be an user script
nice to meet you
I found it to be a fun show
Or even easier, start using this,anime