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Days: 21.3
Mean Score: 3.78
  • Total Entries201
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  • Episodes1,272
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Demi-chan wa Kataritai
Demi-chan wa Kataritai
May 12, 2021 8:32 PM
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Fumetsu no Anata e
Fumetsu no Anata e
May 2, 2021 5:30 PM
Watching 3/20 · Scored -
Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san
Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san
May 2, 2021 4:16 PM
Watching 4/12 · Scored -
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 2.3
Mean Score: 7.00
  • Total Entries17
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  • Chapters395
  • Volumes46
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5-toubun no Hanayome
5-toubun no Hanayome
Mar 8, 2021 6:45 PM
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Aug 22, 2020 8:38 PM
Reading 361/? · Scored 9
Oyasumi Punpun
Oyasumi Punpun
Jun 22, 2019 7:07 PM
Reading 12/147 · Scored -

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notKori Sep 30, 2019 8:34 AM
"Put it inside me..."
komiczny_kotek Sep 19, 2019 10:37 AM
he's thicc af
Shana_chan7 Jul 18, 2019 4:53 AM
iggykimi Jul 18, 2019 1:10 AM
Worthiness Jul 17, 2019 9:54 PM
and i did watch ninja scroll wtf are you talking about bruh
Worthiness Jul 17, 2019 9:53 PM
its legit the most boring anime i have ever watched, was painful to watch

and i dropped it long ago
SmillieReacts Jul 16, 2019 9:26 PM
....... What?
EcchiGodMamster Jul 16, 2019 7:55 PM

Worthiness Jul 16, 2019 4:16 PM
Hello GuttOrmur! I am just a random guy who loves anime and gaming and of course Japan too! My favourite anime is My Hero Academia. Then Beyblade Burst and Attack on Titan. My current goal is to complete 100 animes. Then I will raise it. My absolute favourite thing to do is watch anime <3.

My favourite anime genres: Action, Shounen, Super Power, Romance, Comedy, Sports, Ecchi etc.
My age: 13
Hobbies: Watching anime, gaming, listening to music (mostly anime), Drawing, Lawn Tennis etc. Favourite Hobby: Watching anime of course!
Likes: Anime, Manga, Video games, Kawaii girls, lewd stuff, food etc.
Animes Recommended by Me: Boku No Hero Academia, Mob Psycho 100, Kimi No Na Wa, Shingeki No Kyojin, One Punch Man, Sword Art Online etc.

Scroll down to learn more about me

P.S. Please suggest me a good anime xD :p
konaX64 Jul 16, 2019 3:33 PM
hey pingufag
Rael_hates_me Jul 13, 2019 5:51 PM
Hey, yeah. The 1960's?

Happy times, heavy times.

All right, so you get

your daughter, right?

She might be Catholic,

Jewish, anything.

So you bring her up

in what they call...

the bourgeois,

American-type-society family.

Bring them up so they don't

screw until they get married.

You take them to church

on Sunday.

Teach them all you can

about bringing up a family...

how you should look and act...

then you send them to college.

You bust your hump.

No government subsidy.

Nobody's paying nothing.

You save your money,

or you borrow the money...

you work overtime,

you send her to college.

You want her

to get an education.

The first Easter

she comes home on a vacation...

she says, "Hey, Dad,

I'm living with some guy."

"You're living with some guy?

What do you mean?"

"This is the thing now.

Free love."

We're getting away

from the original point.

What we're trying to find is,

why are these bastards rioting?

Because they did dope.

Listen, you're going

in the wrong direction.

What of it?

What happens is, look,

I'm sending you to school...

I'm breaking my ass to send you

to college, right?

I expect you're going

to learn something.

Why be a janitor?

Learn something.

To justify my investment in you.

But some of these people

revel in the fact...

that their kids are leaders,

are rabble-rousers.

This son of a bitch

just started a riot.

These kids think

they're the first generation...

that ever screwed

before they got married.

We all did,

but we always had one girl.

She screwed...

that girl you took out.

It's better off

these kids don't get married...

because they haven't got

the guts to stick with it.

Hey, you fucking intellectuals

You think

you're so where it's at

Before you fill your minds

with any junk

Better listen to Fritz the Cat

'Cause writers and poets

and artists

It's your duty

to live life to the most

So fly out, brothers,

and check out the world

Give me a ride to the coast

Fritz the Cat

He fought many a good man

Laid many a good woman

Live life to the fullest

Cry out for more

until it bleeds

Help me,

help me help you, mother...

Love me,

I hate you, love me

I kill you, love me

I love you

What a mob in the park today.

God, the place

is crawling with phonies.

Yeah, high school punks.

Those creeps are always here

on weekends, man.

Most of them are total jackoffs.

So many people here

and nobody here.

-Dig that chick, man!

-Over there?

Man, look at that ass on her!

-What a baby carriage.

-So what, man?

If you hadn't showed up so late,

we'd be all right now.

Fritz always does it, man.

Everybody's here with

their guitars already.

Sixteen versions

of "Lemon Tree."

I just want someplace

where I can sleep.

I mean, I can cook.

I can sew and do housework

and things like that.

Get out the guitars.

Come on, get them out.

And one, two, three.

Once I had a little girl

Who was in love with me

Well, well, baby,

I know, I know

Yeah, yeah, yeah,

yeah, yeah

Oh, mama, mama,

singing it, ho

Dumb chicks.

-Easily impressed by spades.

-lt's the thing, man.

Look, I'm gonna split.

I'll see you guys later.

Yeah, hang loose, Fritz.

I've read everything

James Baldwin's written.

He has a true sense of

the problems of black people.

I worked for Head Start

for free last summer.

Black kids

are so much groovier.

I went to a couple of

Black Panther meetings.

The time for

non-violent revolution is past.

More power to the people!

I'm taking a course

in African studies at school.

I had no idea you people

were so civilized.

Do you know

that property values...

actually go up when

a black family moves in?

Freud didn't write

for the black man.

Why does a great actor

like James Earl Jones...

always have to play black men?

Don't you hate it when people

say "Colored" or "Negro"...

and not "Black"?

Black is beautiful.

It's so great that black people

wear their hair natural...

not emulating

the image of beauty...

white people inflict upon them.

I had a black girlfriend once

who said that Jewish people...

were the closest

to black people.

I'm Jewish, you know.

I ain't no jive-ass

black nigger, honey.

Who do you think I am?


Oh, God!

Oh, Jesus!

How awful.

My soul is tormented.


-Oh, no.

I've been up and down the four

corners of this big old world.

I've seen it all!

I've done it all!



I've fought many a good man,

laid many a good woman.

I've had riches and fame

and adventure.

Stood face to face with danger

and death countless times.

Are you somebody famous?

I think I saw you

in a movie once.

Try not to interrupt, huh?

I've tasted life

to the fullest...

and still my soul cries out...

in this hungry, tortured,

wrecked quest, "More!"

-Look at the good side of life.

-Things aren't all bad.

Gee, he's handsome.

You. You can help me.

You must save me.

By so doing, you, too,

will be saved.

I'd like to, but what can I do?

Lovely set of eyes there.

Little sweet one

with your heart of gold...

I know of a place

where we can be alone...

to join our souls

in sacred truth.

I want to be in on this thing.

What about my soul,

you fink?

Four in bed...that's a kick

I haven't tried yet.


Yes. Together

we shall all learn...

the real existential essence

of the life force.


I heard that word once.

-What's it mean?

-"Cool," stupid.

You are a true genius, Fritz.

Wild, this is wild.

Oh, honey, I could go...

I'll get it. God damn it.

What's happening, man?

Fritz the Cat has become

the stud of the year.

We're having a session here now,

so I don't know.

Anybody using that room?

That's the john,

I mean...

if you're really

strung out, man.

We'll take it.

This way, group.

Come along, now,

step lively.

Watch your step.

That's a girl.



A new world of experience

awaits us, my loves.

This bathtub

is now transformed...

into a space capsule

of truth and love.

Wow! This is wild!

Only in naked closeness

can we all know each other.

Yes! Right!

Very good, Winston, darling.

"Naked closeness," true.

You are a perceptive girl.


we must all get very close...

as close as possible,

as a matter of fact.

That's right.

Let's all get close together.

Oh, boy.

Closeness and fulfillment

of our hidden desires...

through which

we reach the truth.

Fulfillment is important.

Don't you think so, Winston?

Ooh, yes.

Very important.

Now I'm getting to the truth,

I think, yes.

It's all very clear now.

OK, Winston.

Here come the truth.

You got the word.

Oh, Fritzy.

You got such

an existential little body.

Jeez. Wow.

Oh, shit!

Maybe we better go, huh?

No! Not at all!

You get down over here.

And you down like that.

Right under here.

Watch the foot.

Right under here.

Ready, everyone.

Here we go.

Hey, Ralph,

I think this is the place...

we got the report on

with these kids upstairs...

doing the shit and smoking,

I think.

Tell me what to do.

I never went in before.

Because you're a rookie

and this is your first beat...

you just follow me.

We walk up the steps.

We don't make any noise.

You follow me slowly, got that?

I do. Like Dick Tracy.

No, it's like

Terry and the Pirates.

Dick Tracy's old hat.

Now, let's go inside.

Wait. Could I get

to search the girls?


I've done enough of that.

Here we go.

And watch me,

'cause I'm a natural in action.

Up the steps.

Hey, man.

What the hell's

going on in here?

For Christ's sake,

what do you want?

For Christ's sake...

Fritz is having his own

private little orgy.

Move over, man.

Will you get out of here?

We're seeking the truth!

It's my bathtub, man.

Don't pay attention

to that Fritz.

He got a Jesus complex.

Oh, I know it.

Have some joy puff,

sweet little bird.

Hello, New York.

Heard you're having

a hash session here.

Wow, this is where it's at.

Yes, man, come join us.

Good stuff and lots of it, man.

Only close the door.

We're modest.

Har har har.

The guy's a riot.

Oh, God, I'm there.

You really there?

How is it?


-How is it?

That's funny.

I'm not there anymore.

Oh, shit.

I'm a writer.

Let's talk about it.

Ever made it

with an aardvark before?

It's a rare opportunity.

We're scarce.


I can't tell

if I'm there or not.

How do you tell?

You'll know when you are.

Oh, balls.

lt doesn't work for me.

I'm a failure

as a pot smoker.

Don't be sad.

Someday you'll make it.


Shh. I think we're here.

Do you hear anything, Ralph?

It sounds like a bunch

of degenerates in there.

Now, listen, Ralph,

you got the deeper voice.

And I want you to yell,

"Open the fucking door."

Say the word "Fucking" because

that makes you sound tough.

When I say three,

you yell, "Open..."

I'm even gonna ad-lib.

No ad-libbing, Ralph.

Let me call them pre-verts.

What's a pre-vert?

A pre-vert is a degenerate,

didn't you know that?

A pre-vert's a degenerate?

Didn't you have no bringing up?

I got bar-mitzvahed.

You ain't supposed

to laugh, Ralph!

This is a serious job

and we're getting paid for it.

Cut the fucking shit out.

Let's go.

All right.

Open up in there!

It's the law! Hippie bastards!

Good, Ralph, do it again.

What the fuck's your problem?

Cut it out!

I won't laugh!

Open the door, you pre-verts!

Open up!

Law and order's here!

-Open up!

-All right in there!

Open up! Here we are!

Wow! I can do it!

Oh, baby, do I feel high!

I'm flying!

What a wonderful, wiggly world!

We're outside,

but we'll get in!

-Law and order's here!

-Open up!

All right in there!

Your fucking bath party's over!

-Over here!

-The cops!

Right in the mouth!

Yeah! I love it!

Take that!

Hey, you!

Get your hands out of my thing!

-Here we are!

-Where the fuck are you?

Over there! ln the head!

Get your hands

off of my dick!

In the head!

I love it! I love it!

Ralph, where are you?

Ralph, help! Gotcha!

Now I gotcha!

Here, take that!

That's my...

Gotcha! ln the heart!

In the head!

Over there!

Watch that thing!

Where's the cat?


Hey, look at

this big fucking gun.

I killed the john!

Kill! Destroy!

Can you give him your glasses?

Because I can't.

I have to look.

-You can't see?

-l'll give them back.

A little bit...

Oh, boy, this is good for me.

Can you dig it in your eyes?

You're younger than me.

Forty-five, forty-eight.

I'm sixty-seven.

I wish I knew.

I would give you glasses.

I'd take another pair

from the house.

I didn't think

I would need the glasses.

I'm not so young no more,


You don't see nothing?

I'm older than you are,

I'll see.

I'll mention that I see.

You're doing fine.

You're doing fine.

You know something?

That you don't have to

look at the book, right?

So say it. Say it.

All right.

All right. Good.



Thank you, thank you.

Just normal.

You know, nice and quiet.

Now, wait a minute.

Don't rush.

Mother of God,

I'm a fucking fugitive.

This is the place!

I saw him come in here!

Oh, my God, it's a synagogue.

What kind of a place is this?

A church?

Listen, I can hear them.

Don't sound like English.

Are they Puerto Ricans?


you're trying my patience.

You go down that aisle,

I'll go down this aisle.

It's about time

you said something bright.

Ralph, please be quiet.

It's my people.

-Excuse me, Rabbi.

-They all got long hair.

-Sorry, Rabbi.

-They all got long clothes.

-Excuse me.

-Must be a hippie church.

Hi, Rabbi.

Did you see him?



would you please shut up?

I ain't talking loud.

Excuse me, Rabbi.

Hi, Ma.

Excuse me, Rabbi.

Uncle Ben, how are you?

I'm catching a criminal.

Excuse me, Rabb...

It's you.

Did you find him?

No, he was over there, but...

-But I was just telling you...

-Cut it out!

But I was just...

I ain't talking loud!

What are you doing?

What's going on here?

You saved my life!

We interrupt

the lsraeli-Arab war...

for this special announcement.

The president,

after conferring...

with the lsraeli

prime minister Golda Meir...

has agreed to send more arms

and equipment to lsrael...

based on the return of

New York City and Los Angeles...

to the United States.

Mazel tov! Mazel tov!

Stop, you motherfucking cat!

Stop in the name of the law!


Stupid, Ralph,

you're not supposed to dance.

But I didn't want

to break the circle!

-You're not supposed to dance.

-l got musical feet.

You dumb rookie.

Dumb rookie!

You dumb rookie!

Dumb rookie!

You're not supposed

to dance, Ralph...

'cause you're not Jewish!

I had a great thing going till

the frigging fuzz showed up.

I wish that skinny broad

didn't turn on the shower, too.

I think I'm getting a cold.

Hello, men. Everybody studying

for their goddamn exams?

Hey, Buzz, how'd it go

with that Dee-Dee chick?

She's got some bod,

you have to admit.

Charlene isn't bad,

either, though, right?

Like wow!


You swine, old buddy pig!

You groove behind Alvina,

get some kicks tonight?


You'd think the goddamn exams...

was the be-all and end-all

of existence...

cosmic life force

or something.

You'd think they were

the frigging fugitives.

Can't even get in

a few decent words to a guy.


What a bore,

they just sit there...

and take bennies

and stay up all night...

with their face stuck

in a bunch of books...

and their thumb up their ass.

Yes, yes,

I remember the time...

when it was all very inspiring

and enlightening...

all this history and literature

and sociology shit.

You think learning

is a really big thing...

and you become

this big fucking intellectual...

and sit around trying

to out-intellectual...

all the other big

fucking intellectuals.

You spend years and years...

with your nose buried

in these goddamn tomes...

while the world

is passing you by.

All the stuff to see...

and all the kicks...

and all the girls

are out there.

And me, a writer!

And a poet who should be

having adventures...

and experiencing

all the diversities...

and paradoxes

and ironies of life...

and passing over

all the roads of the world!

And digging all the cities

and towns and rivers...

and the oceans and...

making all of them chicks.

Oh, God.

As a writer and a poet...

it is my duty to get out there

and dig the world...

to swim in

the whole frigging scene...

while there is

still time, man.

My farting around days

are over, baby.

From this day on, I shall live

every day as if it was my last.

I must do it!

No more of the dreary,

boring classes...

dismal lectures,

sitting around bullshitting..

with pretentious

fat-ass hippies.

No more of the books...

the spoutings of

a bunch of old farts...

who think they know

the whole goddamn score.

Oh, my God, what have I done?

I set all my notes

and books on fire...

and now I can't study

for my exams.

I'll flunk out,

and my folks will be pissed off.

I'll get a blanket.

The blanket's on fire.

We better call

the fire department.

Bo Diddley buy his baby

a diamond ring

If that diamond ring

don't shine

He gonna take it

to a private eye

If that private eye

can't see

He better not take

that ring from me

Bo Diddley caught him

a nanny goat

To make his pretty baby

a Sunday coat

Bo Diddley caught him

a bear cat

To make his pretty baby

a Sunday hat

Maybe someday

You will fall in love

As I fell in love with you


The one you love

Just keep falling in love

with you

Then when

You all alone

You know it'd be best, baby

You can sing like that.

Little coquette, I love you

Sing, 'cause I want to...

if I get tired, I quit.

But you don't want to sing.

I want to sing, man.

I'm good.

You sing as good as you want.

If I get tired, I quit.

I went to school in Oakland...

and I had quite a few white-type

of school kids with me.

I'm forty-nine.

At that time, I had white kids

going to school with me.

I would have peanut butter.

I don't want it...

but I ate so much when

my mother gave it to me.

With apple butter.

I got two cans of it now.

That I don't eat because...

whitey was eating

ham sandwiches...

and I was eating

peanut butter sandwiches.


I got to get out of this town

for some Southern times.

Let me out of here.

That's right.

Suck! The bus only cost

$ to New York.

I say, "l ain't made

$ in two weeks."

Got air to live.

Riding a ship

coming out of Pearl Harbor.

And all my white friends...

then we drank water

out of the ditches.

If I had a K-ration,

I gave them some of it.


I would ride this bus.

I couldn't sit with my friend

on this bus at Houston, Texas.

I had to ride

at the back end of this bus.

I'm about to get hot now.

As a matter of fact...

you couldn't even go no place

down South riding a bus.

Couldn't even get a soda...

walk in there

and get you a sandwich.

I don't give a damn

about who's racist.

I just want equality.

Be equal with the next guy,

because I'm paying my taxes.

That's a different thing now.

I'm a working man,

and I'm paying my taxes.

The money is what's happening.

See what I mean?

It all counts...

when is what's happening.

I'm talking about...

If you want

to be revolutionary...

you get some bread first,

and then you can talk trash.

Whitey blind us with religion.

If you fight

violence with violence...

like the late Malcolm did,

you'll get some results.


Because before

this rioting and shit...

you didn't have

no Head Start programs for kids.

You didn't have shit!


You didn't have

a goddamn thing.

Got you down in Harlem

selling horsemeat.

You know,

if one of them motherfuckers...

down and out selling

horsemeat, they dead.

Another civil war.

Civil war.

And I'm gonna be

standing back...

"Get 'em, baby!"

Hey, man, you in a bag?

Yeah, that's it.

I'm in a bag.

Just don't lose

your coolness, cat...

I mean,

don't lose your coolness.

Easy for you to talk.

You're a crow.

I wish I was a crow.

If I was a crow,

I'd fly away, man.

I'd fly away from

this miserable town for good.

You think being a crow

is a big motherfucking ball?

All you cats the same, man.

You don't know where it is.

There's nobody to tell you

where it's at.

And you come up here,

try to find out where it's at...

but you got to be up here, man,

to find out what's happening.

I know it isn't a ball, man.

I studied the race problems.

I know.

You don't know nothing

about the race problem.

Got to be a crow to know

about the race problem.

You know what I mean?

Do you dig where I'm at?

You know what I'm talking about?

Man, this thing affects me

very deeply, fella.

As a cat, I have

a considerable guilt complex...

because my kind have always

brought suffering on your kind.

Yes, indeed, my soul

is tortured and tormented...

by this racial crisis.

No shit?

I kid you not, man.

Sometimes I really get

hung up about it.

You know, uptight.

-Strung out.

-ln a bag?

Yeah, in a bag!

I'm gonna buy you a drink, cat.

Just 'cause I think

you got coolness.


Hey, boy, can I have a drink?

Oh, man!

Hey, Duke!

They's blowing pot like mad
traed Jul 10, 2019 7:12 PM
Doing terrible. From the US...
keragamming Jul 10, 2019 2:30 PM
Hello, what's up? Why is your profile looking like that? Is it some glitch?
GhostOutOfShell Jul 10, 2019 2:14 PM
Hello man, Good man, I am from nowhere man, cocaine and bitches i guess.
Dinitri_Vladimov May 13, 2019 4:23 AM
Dinitri_Vladimov Now
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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