the aired challenges can be auto completed while you do other challenges, since you are bound to hit these yearly anime without noticing,
also they are locked challenges which means, they have certain number of anime per season which means you are most likely to complete them with out posting and track them for now,
if you check my page
you can see that i am almost completing many of the yearly challenges (sitting at 30s+/40 except some old years)
but still, i am really glad you liked the idea of challenges,, they bring random genres and types to watch,, keep it up...
try to mix it around, and dont only focus on TV series.. throw in a movie, specials, OVA's, ONA's
because you might burn out due to watching 12+ episode every anime.. so mixing is the key to enjoy =D
now i am doing Scavenger Hunt challenges, its too hard to find anime that fit the items, which make it very mixing items of challenges
select the difficulty and enjoy it, you can start with low difficulty,
and when you reach the space to jump to next level, do it, until you are comfortable before the deadline of submitting your turn-in (November 30, 2021)
i finished in Aug, with
Card Level: ★★★★★ Bingo Legend
Restriction: Neat Freak (watch in the order of the items) & Jackpot! (no mistake while inspected by mods)
i hope i pass both restrictions, so i can flex =D
Haha, not as many as I would've hoped! Procrastination is my best friend after all.
Sure, feel free to check my list, the scoring may not be the best (given that I've seen many titles in idk many years ago and I rarely update the scores because I felt that it was that good or bad during the point in time when I was watching it so perhaps it may not be the fairest way of scoring but yea, Idk maybe one day I might update it. As for Charlotte, I am a Fan of Key so perhaps there was a small bias there HAHA. I actually liked the pace and general vibe of the show but the ending wasn't really great. so Yes I would agree 9 is a bit too generous it probably deserves a 7? [Still a little too high maybe :P But I mean LIA sang the song give her some credit HAHAHAHA], I think I had a deep discussion with my friend on how they should have left it on a cliffhanger for the protagonist to venture across the world to stop the specialists? Instead of rushing it in a single episode but I guess decisions!
It is no secret that Code Geass is probably one of my all-time favourites and thankfully recommended by one of my best friends :') too bad he is too busy to watch Anime nowadays but......... (Reminiscing the good old times is just part of the wonderful memories I suppose.)
I have a pretty long list of Anime to recommend :3 although I would require you to state the genre that you like to give you a more specifically curated list! I will also provide a short description of what to expect so that you will know what you're in for.
3-gatsu, I think I have it in my list somewhere but among the many already planned it is SOMEWHERE but NOTED I will bump this up to be one of the more recent ones to watch when I find the time. (It is certainly a treat, when you get nice art, characters and an amazing narrative.)
^ Something similar to 3-gatsu I believe will be Ballroom e Youkosou (Admittedly, one of the best during its season.) Amazing, Art and Music that will probably grab the attention of most audiences. It is pretty slow-paced too.) Clannad is pretty slow too but IDK that is a different can of worms entirely. HAHA
Sure dude see you around ~ Feel free to drop me a message whenever.
i hope the best for you,
feel free to reach out to me anytime =D, will try to reply as early as possible,,
also hop in the Forum, people discuss many anime or other matters related to anime,
you might see me trolls around the forum by posting replies that wont make sense in some topics xD,, i do it to enjoy and see what people will reply to me...
its hard when your friends are not into anime, luckily i got introduced into anime by a friend in college.. xD,
also my waifu watch anime so its win win for me xD,
i am avoid new anime and just watching anime from my Plan To Watch... i want to drop it to 0,
so i use random and select them for challenges, to watch randomly, i personally avoid new anime or seasonal anime, but i still watch long running anime like one piece and Detective conan,, soon gonna start the new Yugioh anime and pokemon new seasons..
i am just taking break from anime and watching slowly,
some time after certain type of anime,, you will feel not wanting to watch due to how sad\drama or how the story of anime ended, so i recommend in such cases to switch to English or Japan TV Series..
you need to mix it up.
or play video game to relax a bit and come back when you feel like it... also using random spin to watch help in changing genres, Drama to action or comedy or other genres...
just take it slow and dont think of just completing anime to increase your list numbers... enjoyment is the key...
and i use the following club to do random anime based on anime challenges, there are many challenges and Monthly challenges,
helps me switch anime genres and watch other genres.. which keeps anime enjoyable,
lets be honest watching 1 type of genre is boring, but doing it based on challenge requirements you will have an open-minded opinion about anime and different genres. Anime Watching Challenges Club [AWCc]
Tip 1: never watch based on people opinion,
Tip 2: if you wanna random the watch as well go to this website and spin.. you get random recommendations
Tip 3: this website shows order of watching anime series , sequels, prequels, and few other things
Tip 4: i usually use this rather than tip 3 website,
if you go to recommended section it tells you what sequel or related anime you are missing, also it display them in the correct order of release,
All Comments (9) Comments
Card delivery!
..or badge actually!
If there are any issues, let me know.
also i just saw your post in Progress Tracking for AWC/MRC,
the design is amazing and better than mine xD, it reflects your love for Law xD
>> this is my page in tracking club
aim for 2021 monthly challenges, the Sep monthly is already posted
the aired challenges can be auto completed while you do other challenges, since you are bound to hit these yearly anime without noticing,
also they are locked challenges which means, they have certain number of anime per season which means you are most likely to complete them with out posting and track them for now,
if you check my page
you can see that i am almost completing many of the yearly challenges (sitting at 30s+/40 except some old years)
but still, i am really glad you liked the idea of challenges,, they bring random genres and types to watch,, keep it up...
try to mix it around, and dont only focus on TV series.. throw in a movie, specials, OVA's, ONA's
because you might burn out due to watching 12+ episode every anime.. so mixing is the key to enjoy =D
now i am doing Scavenger Hunt challenges, its too hard to find anime that fit the items, which make it very mixing items of challenges
also if you want,
you can try to catch up with MyAnimeList Yearly Anime Watching Challenge
select the difficulty and enjoy it, you can start with low difficulty,
and when you reach the space to jump to next level, do it, until you are comfortable before the deadline of submitting your turn-in (November 30, 2021)
i finished in Aug, with
Card Level: ★★★★★ Bingo Legend
Restriction: Neat Freak (watch in the order of the items) & Jackpot! (no mistake while inspected by mods)
i hope i pass both restrictions, so i can flex =D
Haha, not as many as I would've hoped! Procrastination is my best friend after all.
Sure, feel free to check my list, the scoring may not be the best (given that I've seen many titles in idk many years ago and I rarely update the scores because I felt that it was that good or bad during the point in time when I was watching it so perhaps it may not be the fairest way of scoring but yea, Idk maybe one day I might update it. As for Charlotte, I am a Fan of Key so perhaps there was a small bias there HAHA. I actually liked the pace and general vibe of the show but the ending wasn't really great. so Yes I would agree 9 is a bit too generous it probably deserves a 7? [Still a little too high maybe :P But I mean LIA sang the song give her some credit HAHAHAHA], I think I had a deep discussion with my friend on how they should have left it on a cliffhanger for the protagonist to venture across the world to stop the specialists? Instead of rushing it in a single episode but I guess decisions!
It is no secret that Code Geass is probably one of my all-time favourites and thankfully recommended by one of my best friends :') too bad he is too busy to watch Anime nowadays but......... (Reminiscing the good old times is just part of the wonderful memories I suppose.)
I have a pretty long list of Anime to recommend :3 although I would require you to state the genre that you like to give you a more specifically curated list! I will also provide a short description of what to expect so that you will know what you're in for.
3-gatsu, I think I have it in my list somewhere but among the many already planned it is SOMEWHERE but NOTED I will bump this up to be one of the more recent ones to watch when I find the time. (It is certainly a treat, when you get nice art, characters and an amazing narrative.)
^ Something similar to 3-gatsu I believe will be Ballroom e Youkosou (Admittedly, one of the best during its season.) Amazing, Art and Music that will probably grab the attention of most audiences. It is pretty slow-paced too.) Clannad is pretty slow too but IDK that is a different can of worms entirely. HAHA
Sure dude see you around ~ Feel free to drop me a message whenever.
feel free to reach out to me anytime =D, will try to reply as early as possible,,
also hop in the Forum, people discuss many anime or other matters related to anime,
you might see me trolls around the forum by posting replies that wont make sense in some topics xD,, i do it to enjoy and see what people will reply to me...
its hard when your friends are not into anime, luckily i got introduced into anime by a friend in college.. xD,
also my waifu watch anime so its win win for me xD,
Good Luck,
i am avoid new anime and just watching anime from my Plan To Watch... i want to drop it to 0,
so i use random and select them for challenges, to watch randomly, i personally avoid new anime or seasonal anime, but i still watch long running anime like one piece and Detective conan,, soon gonna start the new Yugioh anime and pokemon new seasons..
i am just taking break from anime and watching slowly,
some time after certain type of anime,, you will feel not wanting to watch due to how sad\drama or how the story of anime ended, so i recommend in such cases to switch to English or Japan TV Series..
you need to mix it up.
or play video game to relax a bit and come back when you feel like it... also using random spin to watch help in changing genres, Drama to action or comedy or other genres...
just take it slow and dont think of just completing anime to increase your list numbers... enjoyment is the key...
feel free to dive into my list,
also in regard of your PM, i use the following club to get customized layout,
Shishio's Custom Lists & Profiles
and i use the following club to do random anime based on anime challenges, there are many challenges and Monthly challenges,
helps me switch anime genres and watch other genres.. which keeps anime enjoyable,
lets be honest watching 1 type of genre is boring, but doing it based on challenge requirements you will have an open-minded opinion about anime and different genres.
Anime Watching Challenges Club [AWCc]
Tip 1: never watch based on people opinion,
Tip 2: if you wanna random the watch as well go to this website and spin.. you get random recommendations
Tip 3: this website shows order of watching anime series , sequels, prequels, and few other things
Tip 4: i usually use this rather than tip 3 website,
if you go to recommended section it tells you what sequel or related anime you are missing, also it display them in the correct order of release,
nice to meet you!