Heh.... I didn't comment on ur profile yet.
So what I'm doing right now is pretty much commenting.
(Is that a verb? o lol)
I like the idea of your club~ U like the colors, black white and grey? =D
P.s. Thanks for the invite, I joined<3 (this was the most obvious reason im commenting(o lol) here, but a message to it won't hurt, right~? =w=
P.p.s. Because of ur fav manga list, i found another diamond, ARIGATAI! #v#~//
Well i guess its different when you are the couple but i am guessing you are single? Its more annoying when you are single and it is happening. Its like when people have babies and talk about nothing but the baby, you don't have one so you can't be bothered to listen to them go on about it.
What weird school times. Isn't it bad to leave at 7pm? Considering when the season changes and the nights get darker earlier. Make sure you be cautious young lady. Our school times here were always 8am - 3pm.
*Laughs* Flirtatious couples? Well i guess school is the worse for that. People get into there first relationship and just make out everywhere. Then again i say school is full of immature people but well most of life is anyway. Just school has the most o_o
College is fun though, i think you will enjoy it there. Specially since your a school hater like me and i really enjoyed college. It was mainly the freedom. Doing the one thing you want instead of 15 subjects you don't and the fact that your there is your choice instead of a parents.
That bad huh? I was always on the side of hating school myself. College was more enjoyable but when your in school your just surrounded by allot of immature people. Its kind of boring. Ether way, good luck with school. Don't die o_o
Eh? Why are you scared of me? I thought i always emitted a charming, peaceful and kind and gentle and...i can't think of any other words...aura! Hmmm i need to work on that. I will consider it although having a guy like me in your club will most likely scare more people off then it would attract *Nods to self*
All Comments (19) Comments
just wanted to say... Happy new year::~ ^^
already join ^^
so what's it about?!
So what I'm doing right now is pretty much commenting.
(Is that a verb? o lol)
I like the idea of your club~ U like the colors, black white and grey? =D
P.s. Thanks for the invite, I joined<3 (this was the most obvious reason im commenting(o lol) here, but a message to it won't hurt, right~? =w=
P.p.s. Because of ur fav manga list, i found another diamond, ARIGATAI! #v#~//
I like your club :)
What weird school times. Isn't it bad to leave at 7pm? Considering when the season changes and the nights get darker earlier. Make sure you be cautious young lady. Our school times here were always 8am - 3pm.
College is fun though, i think you will enjoy it there. Specially since your a school hater like me and i really enjoyed college. It was mainly the freedom. Doing the one thing you want instead of 15 subjects you don't and the fact that your there is your choice instead of a parents.
School? Sounds troublesome. I will check out your club for awhile ^_^