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Kaiko sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-dai) no Slow na Second Life
Dec 11, 2024 3:58 PM
· Scored
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 118.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries246
- Reread0
- Chapters20,127
- Volumes1,673
All Comments (1796) Comments
Sorry if I've been slow in responding.
Lately I've been working on a fantasy novel and since I'm an amateur it would be great to get your opinion about it. I welcome any feedback. So please if you have the time please take a look at it. I have of course more chapters but just haven't decided to publish them yet.
How are you?
Been a while!
You watching/reading anything interesting currently? :D
AWWW yeah xD the welcome to MAL days ^^
I felt so super welcomed here *^* and I realize how young I was~ I was like 13 when I started talking on here xD
everybody was nice so it was great x) but wow :O it's been 5 years since I joined :0
*enter cliche here* time flies~ XD
well it's one of the things the school is known for :D and I live in a city where movies get made and etc. so it's a nice major considering :3
yeah >< I felt like I had to rush during the application process like O.O WHAT DO I WANT TO DO WITH THE REST OF MY LIFE AHHHHHH ><
but now I'm realizing that college is a gateway to opportunity not like some kinda choice prison
where you are trapped in whatever you decided to put down as your major during your senior year~
Double majoring *^* it's something I'm considering~
lol okay xD I have a difficult professor this year~ well at least that's what the upperclassmen tell me...that her class is HARD
but so far so good :)
Oooooo that's pretty cool :D I luv photography too ^-^
and some people's response to that is just *cricket sounds* and I'm just like *shrug* it's okay x3 I've been gone for too long xD
OMG yes x3 over 300 comments O.O that's a lot x)
I'm studying mass media arts atm like a tv production, screenwriting, journalism, kinda thing~ they call it Mass Media Arts at my school :3
idk if that is gonna be my final major though~ tbh choosing a major in the first place was the most confusing thing to me xD
I wanna try this major though~ it seems like something I can grow with ^^
although if I do change it'll probably be to like a creative writing, liberal arts, or social science major not to like ENGINEERING all of a sudden ><
lol x3 is that what I have to look forward to??? XD
what are you studying? :3
Like I got sucked into a black hole or something xD
I'll always remember your username and our convos from back in the 2011-13 days~ lol x)
But yeah I'm back ^-^
I've been fine x3 in college now and it's been pretty cool so far~ ^^
How have you been? :P
hello again! x3 do you even remember me?! x)