Updated 2/21/2009
I can't think of anything at the moment.>.>; I should just copy and paste something from wiki, but it wouldn't show how awesome I truly am.^_^
If you want to know about me(I mean who doesn't :p) just ask.<_< Or you can just ignore me and stalk my page. I'm really easy to get along with. PLEASE BE MY FRIEND, I'M SO LONELY!!! :( :( :p Oh and if you do decide to talk to me just know that I tend to joke around alot so don't take anything seriously(this will be my only warning.>.<).
And for no apparent reason here are my top 15 anime(yes I know it's more then 15, but I have a hard time choosingO_O).
1. Dragon Ball Z
2. Ronin Warriors
3. Rurouni Kenshin/Yu Yu Hakusho/ Bleach/One Piece
4. Naruto(Shippuden included even though they butchered the Naruto vs Pein fight.-_-)
5. Gundam Wing/Outlaw Star/Tenchi Muyo
6. Fullmetal Alchemist
7. Claymore
8. D.Gray-man
9. Katekyo Hitman Reborn
10. Tenjho Tenge
11. Soul Eater
12. Samurai Pizza Cats(don't judge me, it's awesome.>_>)
13. Inuyasha(It was good in the beginning.>___>)
14. Hunter X Hunter
15. Flame of Recca
All but #1 and maybe #2(not sure yet) can be switched or dropped lower. For me nothing will top DBZ, ever. It's been my favorite since 1995, and it will stay that way. With me only Final Fantasy(the video game) ranks up there with DBZ as far as entertainment goes. (FFVIII ftw)
Updated 3/23/08.>.>
Top 20(i'll probably do 25) Manga(because I know you all care.>___>)
1. Bleach
2. One Piece
3. Naruto
4. Gantz
5. Vagabond
6. Claymore
7. D.Gray-man/Berserk
8. Air Gear/ Katekyo Hitman Reborn
9. History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi
10. Flame of Recca
11. Soul Eater/ Fairy Tail
12. Hunter X Hunter
13. Holyland
14. Black Cat
15. Veritas
16. Highschool of the Dead
17. Chrono Crusade
18. Dragon Ball(it'll probably end up being number1 but I need to read more of it)
19. Abara
20. BLAME!
As far as the manga goes Naruto is only five on the list because Kishimoto has been messing up BIG time worshiping the lame known as Sasuke. Overall the series is still #2 to me and i'm hoping it gets back on track(which it has now so yay).^.^ D.Gray-man being tied with Fairy Tail is just my inability to not be able to decide which is more awesome(same with Air Gear and Reborn).>.>; Love both, but really can't decide right now.
I have to say this(more I want to). The One Piece/Oda worship on this forum is really getting out of hand. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy the series(it's 2nd on my favorite list after all), but the way people act over it is ridiculous. And God forbid anyone ever be critical of it(because we all know Oda is a god that can never ever make a bad chapter for the series-_-), and you're called a hater, troll, or dumb.-_- It's the same kiddy elitist bs I see with pc gamers when it comes to console gaming.
My Top 21 females in manga/anime/video games:
1. Rinoa Heartilly(Final Fantasy VIII)
2. Chun Li(Street Fighter II)
3. Lightning(Final Fantasy XIII)
4. Erza Scarlet(Fairy Tail)
5. Saeko Busujima(Highschool of the dead)
6. Kiyone Makibi(Tenchi)
7. Nariko(Heavenly Sword)
8. Tifa Lockhart(Final Fantasy VII)
9. Teresa(Claymore)
10. Yoruichi Shihoin(Bleach)
11. Oerba Yun Fang(Final Fantasy XIII)
12. Clare(Claymore)
13. Sasami Masaki Jurai(Tenchi muyo)
14. Hinata Hyuuga(Naruto)
16. Hibana(Nightshade)
17. Yomiko Readman(Read or Die)
18. chun hyang/sando(Shin Angyō Onshi)
19. Sei Sakuraoka(Gantz)
20. Miranda Lotto(D.Gray-man)
21. Satellizer El Bridgette(Freezing)
My other top 10 was full of males so figured i'd come across sexist(even though some say I am regardless), so I just decided to do this; Was originally going to just do anime and manga females, but no list is complete without Rinoa.^.^
pics below were before the last few updates.>..>

Rinoa Heartilly.^____^

R.I.P Toonami, March 17, 1997-September 20, 2008
Though but a shadow of its former self, an entire generation of US anime fans found their gateway through this once glorious programming block. Goodbye old friend, and thanks for the many memories.
Ok something Sports related:
Favorite player of all time:
Michael Jeffrey Jordan(greatest player of all time)
2nd favorite player of all time:
Hakeem "The Dream" Olajuwon(Greatest Center ever)
3rd favorite player of all time(2nd best Shooting guard ever):
Kobe Bean Bryant
Favorite team of all time:
Michael Jordan's Chicago Bulls
Favorite Football team of all time:
All Comments (10283) Comments
We finally got a Ps5. I still probably won't use it much for gaming, but we'll see. XD
Thank you. I'm sorry if the day was hard for you.
Happy birthday.
Huskies are drama queens! Good luck! I loved it, but it was loud sometimes. They do have a lot of energy, though, so hopefully that's what you're looking for. We have a dog now that supposedly has some husky in her, which manifests in her talking some before starting to bark, so that's no fun.
Aw. My mom was the opposite. Wanting a son, but was sure a third would be a third girl, so she was done done done. I rolled the dice there, but we wanted three kids regardless so...success? :D
Part of it is, being the "quiet one" all my life, I'm used to being the one people vent to, but not sharing my own feelings. It's hard to get out of that mindset.
My mom and sister were on me to have a girl, then after two boys assumed it would never happen. I'd like a fourth kid, even if it's impractical at this part. Part of it is because of the stuff I missed out on with my last kindergartener with covid, I feel.
It's a decision a lot of our generation and the next one is making, and it makes sense. Honestly, I think some of the older people are so pushy about it because they thought they had to do it, not because they really wanted to. Eh.
Tragedy really has a way of weeding out who's fake and who's real, doesn't it? How do you feel about the no spouse/kids thing? Was it giving up something you always wanted, or did all of this help reveal maybe you never really did? I'm not sure where you fall on the matter, so I'm not sure how to commiserate here.
Did they know what it was? Since they originally thought she would get better?
Oh, yeah, calls and texts and video chats sometimes, too. I just haven't seen them face to face in four years.
Oh, no, did something happen to your mom?
Hmm, 2008. I was working and spending most of my money on anime and manga. Bought a car. Met my husband. So you know, an average year.
Oh, yeah. I jokingly say the last three or so years has been more like ten, but it's not really a joke, at least for me. Probably for a lot of people. I haven't even seen my parents in four years. Their last planned trip here was for spring break of 2020, so you can guess how that panned out. They're coming in a week, though! I can't wait.
Anything major in your life beyond just all this crap happening to lots of us?