Hi! Welcome to my profile. I speak Spanish but I can write in English (with some help from Google Translate). What can I say about myself? Well, I like to watch series as a hobby. I usually watch mostly seasonal anime. The out of season anime I usually watch are mostly short (no more than 25 episodes). I only watch long anime if I see that it will be really worth it. Also, I don't have as much time as before, as I'm studying at university, which I don't have much left to finish. By the way, the degree I'm studying is about a topic that is very related in some way to the anime Kino's Journey. Lastly, I'm not much of a socializer. So if I talk to you, feel lucky. But if you talk to me, I'll talk back.
The recommendations are welcome, as long as they take into account my preferences that are visible in my favorites and the genres that interest me the most: Sci-fi, seinen, psychological, philosophy, drama, slice of life, comedy, thriller and mystery.
Scoring system
A while ago I changed my scoring system. Previously, the score could vary between 4 and 10. Now it's in the traditional style, from 1 to 10. Due to this change, the anime scores also changed. I have lowered the score to almost every anime I have scored previously. So anime that were closer to 4 points lowered their score more than those that were closer to 10 points.
My rating scale
I would like to score with decimals, but MAL doesn't allow it, however despite that here, on another website, I have the list of animes with decimals, much more precise and more orderly:https://anilist.co/user/Grimmer/animelist
Scoring criteria
Objectivity: I try to score between 1 and 10 points as objectively as possible (although I recognize that my subjectivity influences the score). I don't evaluate neither the animation, nor the soundtrack, nor political, ideological, ethical or moral issues(*). I consider that the evaluation of the latter depends largely on the subjectivity of each person and their particular tastes. Also, I don't consider myself competent to evaluate the animation and its techniques or the soundtrack and musical composition.
I only try to evaluate the story and its development, more than anything else its coherence and congruence. The development (and the type of development depending on the genre of the anime, whether comedy, drama or historical) must be able to explain most of what happens in the anime, that is, from changes in the personality of a character (I mean, that they don't feel forced changes), or why they do certain actions, to why certain events occur (it can't be that everything happens by chance or deus ex machina). And, moreover, the more predictable and the more conveniences the anime has, the lower its score will be.
Subjectivity: Now comes the most subjective part: I give a bonus to the score (+0.5 or +1) only if I really liked the anime and if I think it deserves it, either because of its originality or because it shows that it has been made with a lot of care, or for any other reason.
Dropped anime system
The anime that I mark as "dropped" are those that bored me, stopped liking me, ceased to interest me or didn't hook me until the fourth episode. If I start a new anime first I see if I like the first episode; If I don't like it, I'm not interested or it's so bad that it's not worth continuing to watch it, I'll leave it (I don't mark it as dropped), otherwise I'll continue until the fourth episode.
Note 1: There are some anime that I watched and rated before I had this criteria (in general, anime that I watched before 2015), like Code Geass, so I would have to watch them again to rate them correctly, but I don't feel like doing it for now.
Note 2: If you come to see my anime list, you will see that it's personalized (using MAL from computer). If you want a personalized anime list like mine, you can go to this link: https://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=1772180
Anime that I liked the most (not ranked)
Enjoy my list of openings and endings (just openings and endings of animes I've watched)
Hiciste clic, así que asumo que viste Serial Experiments Lain, y si no lo viste te pido humildemente que te vayas lentamente, esto es para los que adoran a Lain. Si al terminar el anime te quedaste con ganas de más, acá tengo algo que te va a gustar: La traducción al español del juego de SEL para ps1, traducción hecha por una buena persona que tuvo la valentía y las ganas de hacerlo (recomiendo que vean el blog de esta buena persona, publica cosas interesantes). La historia es diferente a la del anime, pero cada fragmento (o mejor dicho, archivo) vale mucho la pena. Esta historia es como un mundo aparte, se enfoca más en lo psicológico. Si no sabes en que orden leerlo no tengas dudas en preguntarme. Más abajo, en el otro botón, también dejo la versión en ingles que es interactivo y mas parecido al juego.
You clicked, so I assume you saw Serial Experiments Lain, and if you didn't see it, get out of here, this is for those who love Lain. If at the end of the anime you were left wanting more, here I have something that you will like: The english translation of the SEL game for ps1. The story is different from the anime, but each fragment (or rather, archive) is very worthwhile. This story is like a separate world, it focuses more on the psychological. If you don't know in what order to read it, don't hesitate to ask me.
Ja,ja,ja no puedo recomendar casi ningún anime de esta temporada (los estoy viendo todos), aunque con el tiempo no se vuelven tan malos, es decir, se mantienen en una constante e incluso algunos mejoran a como estaban en el inicio lol.
Ese esta bueno, aunque un poco tonto la premisa; no es tan necesario que lo oculten, aunque hacen muy bonita pareja.
Qué haces che, todo bien? Gracias por lo del perifl ❤️ Si, volví hace poco y tenía tu soli como hace 2 años jaja. Es cierto, tenemos lindo porcentaje de afinidad y en efecto, aguante el mate y el dulce de leche
Vaya, entiendo. Recuerda que siempre puedes ir a hablar con un nativo de esta pagina web y decirle como anda tu ingles. Intenta siempre escribir primero y después, si quieres, traducirlo. Pero lo más seguro es que le preguntes como estuvo la redacción.
Aquí en invierno, o es temperaturas de 25 o de 10. Una locura :)
Me alegro, espero que ya estés listo para el mundo laboral. Y no te preocupes, toma todo el tiempo que necesites; no es necesario que dediques mucho tiempo a estar en "MAL" e incluso en el anime.
Yo estoy bien, pasando la semana de calor que asolo el estado.
All Comments (206) Comments
Ese esta bueno, aunque un poco tonto la premisa; no es tan necesario que lo oculten, aunque hacen muy bonita pareja.
Yo solo los de esta temporada, por mi desgracia, no muy buenas series por cierto...
¿Algo bueno que estas viendo?
El de Campbell no lo he leído, aunque creo que debe estar bueno.
Un saludo y gracias.
Me pregunto: ¿Cuál es tu libro favorito?
¿Te puedo hacer una pregunta? Por favor.
Son Celsius, decía de como aquí puede variar mucho de un día para otro.
Aquí en invierno, o es temperaturas de 25 o de 10. Una locura :)
Yo estoy bien, pasando la semana de calor que asolo el estado.