I love all things Video Gaming & Technology, I also enjoy animations, such as South Park, Futurama, Family Guy, Adventure Time & Invader Zim! I love Anime very much, one of my all time favourites is Neon Genesis Evangelion. I also really enjoy TV Shows such as The Office, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Sons of Anarchy & Dexter! I Love to have a laugh... Love comedy all round. I'm a big Movie buff also.
I also really enjoy Graphic Design... I make all sorts of graphics using namely Adobe Photoshop. I have examples of my work everywhere ;) Check it out on my profile or Deviant Art profile which can be found at
http://unreal-indy.deviantart.com/ !
Feel free to contact me regarding any requests you may have Graphic Design wise.
I've also founded the YouTube channel GamesByte, which focuses mainly on gaming related news, updates, guides/reviews and just random behaviour lol. You can view that here
http://www.youtube.com/GamesByte & can even "Like" us here at Facebook via
http://facebook.com/GamesByte .
As you can probably tell, this makes me a complete nut for Video Gaming, I have been gaming ever since I can remember and consider myself to be very knowledgeable on the subject! Currently my main systems of interest are the PC, PS3, Wii U, PS Vita and 3DS XL.
PSN: GreyFoxIndy
Nintendo 3DS friend code: 2380-3766-9851
NNID: GreyFoxIndy
All Comments (14) Comments
Eh, there will always be users of that ilk. It is what it is, mang.
Yeah, it's fine, I don't mind it either. And what made you stop drawing? And it does look nice.
anyway, bakemonogatari was not-everyone anime because of the art. So, maybe there was someone who likes it like your friend does and there was some people who doesnt like it.
Cool fox profile pic though.
Also, nice favorites. I love most of them.