I heard u asked that if anyone finds anime that worth than Gakuentoshi Varanoir Joukan don't tell you about it? Ok, buddy, i won't speak about "Mars of destruction" and "Skelter+Heaven".
Ou, sveicināts~ Paldies par šeienes "draudzību". Tagad tikai pamanīju un mēģināju apstiprināt, bet nez vai sanāca, jo man kādu laiku jau kaut kas sakāries. (Rāda arī, ka ir 65535 draudzības aicinājumi. X3)
paldiesīņš :D tev jau ar nav slikts :D
nobijos ,ka neatbildēsi.. ^^
te baigi maz cilvēki saraxtās.. :D man draudzene tik kad skype uzraxtīju pamanīja ,ka te var saraxtīties šādi :D :D :D
hi there ^^"
you were asking about a song 'about you' on Ayumi's profile right? yes, she has a song called like that and it's on her 'my story' album. i like this song very much <3
have a nice day/night :3
All Comments (8) Comments
nobijos ,ka neatbildēsi.. ^^
te baigi maz cilvēki saraxtās.. :D man draudzene tik kad skype uzraxtīju pamanīja ,ka te var saraxtīties šādi :D :D :D
you were asking about a song 'about you' on Ayumi's profile right? yes, she has a song called like that and it's on her 'my story' album. i like this song very much <3
have a nice day/night :3