All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 73.5
Mean Score:
- Watching74
- Completed368
- On-Hold101
- Dropped2
- Plan to Watch2,855
- Total Entries3,400
- Rewatched53
- Episodes4,260
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 34.4
Mean Score:
- Reading147
- Completed223
- On-Hold5
- Dropped1
- Plan to Read3,448
- Total Entries3,824
- Reread25
- Chapters3,659
- Volumes462
All Comments (9) Comments
Do you really think that's "the person you are".
Izaya would probably disagree.
On another note: I just saw you're from my birth town Kharkow and I'm an avid opponent of anything patriotic but this seemed noteworthy :D ( I spak Russian as well but I don't have a keyboard with cyrillic letters at hand right now)
How are you?
We have a medium compatible rate so it's all good.
O_O Whoa! Huge plan to watch list I see.