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Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!
May 30, 2015 8:13 AM
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All Comments (94) Comments
Also, have you by chance played Final Fantasy Type 0 HD? I'm wondering if it's any good. Might try it out.
I'll tell you what they're thinking: Star Wars Battlefield 5
I mean, I feel like there are no good games coming out. The Witcher 3 is coming out but I've never played the other 2. I am looking forward to the new Wolfenstein game since New Order was AMAZING.
Also, how about EA and Dice totally f*cking up Star Wars: Battlefront? Wasn't that a kick right in the childhood?
Well, enough complaining out me haha! What about you? What are you playing right now?
How about you?
Consoles: PS1, PS2, Xbox, Xbox 360, and an Xbox One. You?
I write film score-esque pieces. I'd like to score film and even video games after I get my degree. As long as I'm doing something in music with my life, I'll be happy.
But writing my music is a big hobby of mine. It's actually more of my career than a hobby.
I also LOVE playing RPG's. :D
I live in West Hartford. How about you?
I actually just moved here from Southern California just recently. Would you mind sending me that invite again? I would love to go!
You smell better when you're awake.
Yeah I'm fine and you?
I took a friend whom I met in MAL to Akihabara last week.