Description goes here?
I prefer more serious anime, most of the time. I love watching stuff in their original language.
On the subject of languages I speak Dutch and English (A mixture between British, American and Dutch-English, or Dunglish if you so wish)
I am trying to learn Chinese (Simplified), This language is unforgiving to the uninitiated though.
Ideology: (classical?)Liberal, anti-totalitarian. Dislike socialism it always leads to communism and it STEALS from those who work to give to those who do not work. Like socialism it prevents people from dying of hunger just because they are having a shitty year. Debating is really nice, but sadly most people can only shout. Please come forth with arguments when you debate.
Oh, ofcourse, anime, almost forgot about the anime.
All Comments (2) Comments
The whole thing was tongue in cheek. You can read my other works and see that I can be quite colorful in my writing. I'm no robot by any means, but thanks for the comments. I do appreciate feedback.
Why? Last comment was from 2012 anyway. I also might not actually agree with many things I have said before, what can I say, I have grown older and learned a lot more.
Note:commenting is not blocked (a.k.a. allowed) just cleaned up for a fresh new start.