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Hell Mode: Yarikomizuki no Gamer wa Hai Settei no Isekai de Musou suru
Mar 17, 1:02 PM
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Nice to meet you...
Have a great day 😁
edit its on friends only not private
and yea.. it was a joke, very old too.
need to change my description
Being different & unique makes me cool
As for the rest I'm the same I'm gonna have to see how the season unfolds, I might wait a week or two for most of the shows to come out to see what everyone thinks and pick from there I guess haha
I treat video games, anime, and any kind of media in English the same when it comes to dub quality because I don't see anything different with it. You can use the same VAs in anime dubs into a video game or the other way around and dub quality still sounds the same to me. I don't understand why people say it's sucks when it clearly the same English we speak normally. Unless you know why, I'm listening.
I wrote that in case you had bias towards English dubbing. Turns out you didn't, so good to see that wasn't the case. I wouldn't watch American cartoons in Japanese either as most of them are pretty bad and sound half-baked.
As for being friends, fine. As I said before, the argument was never about you hating Haruhi. It's more about English dubbing in general, that's all. If there's any anime I do enjoyed as of late, it's probably Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (Which you happen to have as a favorite anime). That's the only 9 I rated for a long time. Never rated anything a 10 as no series is ever perfect.
I guess if it's the other way around like an American cartoon with a Japanese dub, that's considered bad or disappointing too?