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Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e 4th Season: 2-nensei-hen 1 Gakki
Jan 31, 4:29 PM
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Days: 33.3
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- Total Entries230
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- Chapters4,233
- Volumes641
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Ore no Kanbotsu Chikubi ga, Senpai no Shitapi de Tachimashita.
Sep 22, 2021 5:41 PM
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hmm... can't think of anythin to ask atm
when you have spare time, try making a chatango account :3
found your full pic :3 sohot ♥.♥
hmm... asking would be easier if i could talk to you in real-time =.=" one question each comment won't do
i see...
uhm... no,
you know, maybe i should stop talkin about her
i wanna know more about you
duly noted ^_^
well, that's for you to find out :3
oh, no probz
i was actually planning to introduce you to my chatango friends in a chatbox but personally ^_~ i'm confident i'd be enough company
even the most stubborn girl in the world enjoys my company... somehow xD
no big deal, just think about it when you're bored
i see... it's a superpersonal thing :3 i understand
i really wish you had T^T
These poems are the little stories of my life. I wonder if I will have a happy ending. I really hope so.
i'd love to see them sometime ^_^ and i'm sure you'll have that happy ending you're so longing for...
Kyuubey says so /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ nyahahaha...
lol XD okok
Supernatural... Ga-Rei-Zero comes to mind xD nice anime i'm still watching though but based on the score you gave, bet it's gonna another EPIC-9 :D
as for fantasy, you're gonna love Dantalian no Shoka. chose to hold it off though x3 just gonna wait til it finishes, it's only gonna be 13 eps anyway
ooh... romancehatin i see, recently broken up?
stay away from Romeo X Juliet :3 haz some fantasy, but mostly romance
yeah... horror anime are for shit :\ can't even lol at it anymore
hmm... you have a boyfriend? XD LOLOLOLOL
just came in to mind, you don't have to answer
Tis what generally makes me interested in Animes
i like Christian based anime as well, like Chrono Crusade and Fate Stay Night
oh god o.o FSN's by far the epitomy of Epicness in anime for me
i like slice of life animes too.. a lil, got sick of Harem a long time ago cuz of those wimpy retarded undecisive protagonists =.=
oh yeah, School Days was Epicly Tragic, yet i loved it because it depicts what would likely happen in reality
so... question back'at'yah :3
what interests/uniterests you in terms of anime?
oh no ^_^ s'ok, leaving messages are... cool :3 yeah, let's go with that
but if you like Christian Anime like that one, you're gonna love
unlike D.grayman, it ended... love the ending <3
oh, almost forgot. Do you have chatango?
i find it kind'a shitty leaving messages rather than talking to people in real-time :3
i understand :3 so long as you're not one of those who suddenly dissapear online, it'll be ok
I'm A-ok ;D you?
i see D.Grayman's on your faves, but it never ended...
kind'a pisses me off since i liked it very much
why'd you put it on your faves?