Anime Stats
Days: 86.8
Mean Score:
- Watching12
- Completed183
- On-Hold14
- Dropped22
- Plan to Watch103
- Total Entries334
- Rewatched0
- Episodes5,162
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Manga Stats
Days: 56.4
Mean Score:
- Reading243
- Completed212
- On-Hold23
- Dropped3
- Plan to Read106
- Total Entries587
- Reread0
- Chapters5,439
- Volumes1,125
Last Manga Updates
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All Comments (33) Comments
Try to do something different, it will help you get off the frustration, even if sometimes it is just a walk it helps a lot. I hope u`ll feel ok soon.
Js sm gledu Dragonball pa Ghost in the shell,Transformers..ko sm biu se precej mlad. Sam zj je pa kako leto od tega ko sm cist not padu. Zes kos vem,da so neki japanski roboti. Pol sm pa na netu vidu neko sliko enga od njih,pa je zravn pisal Gundam. Pol sm najdu Gundam to je blo to^^
I`m sry to hear you are sick, i hope nothing serious and that you will be fine soon, if you need to speak let me know, u can also send me private message i`ll happily answer you. And yeah in life we all go through though times and sometimes they are more than we can handle... but we have to hang on even when it seem impossible.
Sj bi gledu use serije v RAW verziji sam ko ne znam japonsko..
Ce dobim v ENG dub pol izberem to. Rad mam japonscino (se posebi kadar se kregajo lol) samo,ce mi ni treba bulit v podnapise lahko bol sprosceno gledam.
Je pa odvisno ali je bla serija ze v originalu narjena v obeh jezikih ali pa so se to spravle prevajat naknadno kake skupine.
Je lahk tud ful bad sinhroniziran to je res.
Hope u r doing better.
I missed you as well, I do missed the good old days when we were back at FF, I was like hmm, I wonder how Ena-chan is going so I thought I drop by and ask and the only contact I have is by, so I thought I give it a try...
Do you want to talk through emails, that's no problem, I will send my email address through "message" because I don't want my email address to be public ^^
I am good at the moment, I am still studying and I need to concentrate as well because lately my parents are pressuring me and I must admit that I didn't work as hard as before because I am getting a bit distracted and not thinking at all...
Alrighty I cut the comments short because I will email you instead!
How are you? I was wondering how you going? How's your studies? I noticed that WoC has been disbanded and I am sorry to hear that... you spent a lot of hard work in it, but hang in there ^^
PS Why aren't groups picking up more of Asami's works or even completing her mayanako no jewel series?! What's wrong with the world?!