Me iin general...
-- My name is Danielle. But you can call me Dani.
--I'm 17.
--I really like yaoi. It makes me happy and fangirl squealy.
--I'm very cynical when it comes to most guys. Well when it comes to most PEOPLE actually. I'm just not very trusting....kinda like a cat...or a guinea pig or somethin'...i dunno....guinea pigs are are chinchillas... where am I?
-- I'm not normal. Hehe. Being normal? Where's the fun in THAT? Everything seems the same when you're "normal" Everything is one color.
-- Books.
-- anime.
-- silent hill ( games and the movie. games more. )
-- rainy days
-- Hinako Takanaga (an amazing yaoi manga artist!)
-- bisexual crackers. :3 they're yummy.
-- yaoi. (muchly muchly hehe)
-- shoujo ai ish cute ^__^
-- family guy cuz it's so stupid that it's funny.
-- Saw. :D
-- Pokemon. the original Pokemon. The new games are pretty sweet but...the show needs to stop. -.-
-- disgaea ( namely laharl <3 )
-- invader zim.
-- Horror movies with lotsa gore and a well thought out story line. And GOOD ACTORS. None of these ditsy chicks that you can't wait to see get impaled. (like Paris Hilton in House of Wax. not saying that was a bad movie. it's one of my favorites actually :p because of the impalement. hehe i just don't like
Paris Hilton o.e)
-- over sized jackets. they're just so damn comfy!
-- anything with the name Tim Burton in/ printed on on/ on top of it.
-- my psp ( i named her alyssa )
-- disney movies x3
-- cola
-- cola flavored gum
-- gum that wishes it was cola
-- Sean Bean. I love that man.
--Anyone who hates gay/ lesbian/ bi people for no reason. Let them live their lives the way they want. Yes okay some gay/lesbians are total asses but don't hate ALL of them JUST because you've had a bad experience with one. '
--Valentines day. And no it's not cuz im one of those chicks that always comes up empty handed this time of year...i just...hate it for some reason. The hype. The color scheme. The people freaking out about what they're boyfriend/ girlfriend is or isn't doing at the time... It's all so annoying. ._.
-- people who ask "May I talk to you about Jesus?" O___o uncomfortable much? >.<
-- people who expect other people to read their minds. its NOT possible. get over it. IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY SAY IT.
-- the movie "Zombie Nation" Don't watch it. Your eyes. They will bleed.
-- Accidentally staying up until 3am then not being able to go to sleep til' 4am because of my superstitions.
-- People who tell me I'm a lot like Shuichi Shindo from matter how true it may be. -.-
--Anything politics.
--Preachy self obsessed people who regard their opinions way too high..
--Anything having to do with Miley Cyrus. The Jonas Brothers or any combination of the 2.
-- Being caught in the middle of two people's relationship problems. It's awkward and makes me morose. =_=
-- Humidity. Bleh.
--the movie "Boogeyman" i HATE that movie. (in my opinion. if YOU like it? that's ok)
-- wasting too much time on thinking about how bad things have been. It doesn't help anyone and usualy creates self pity. which i cannot stand.
-- hypocrites. And i hate realizing that at some points in my life I am one. human nature i suppose. -.-'
Anyhoo that's all for now!
Any questions or concerns? Feel free to ask em. I try to be very open and accepting of people and hope that you all can do the same for me!
Later fellow Otaku Monsters~ <3
All Comments (10) Comments
Hello Dani I'm also Dani nice to meet you!
>.>Sorry But its like there a younger (and probably cooler) me out there..
>--Anyone who hates gay/ lesbian/ bi people for no reason. (or any reason at all for that matter.) Let them live their lives the way they want
Sounds cool. I wrote something like that in my blog when i was 17. But then I delete this because its look like "Fighter for freedom and rights of gays and lesbians" )))
sorry for posting this here but I have to flame this troll anywhere he goes cuase hes a nazi
How are you?
Pretty profile picture~
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