All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 77.1
Mean Score:
- Watching24
- Completed258
- On-Hold16
- Dropped57
- Plan to Watch166
- Total Entries521
- Rewatched2
- Episodes4,484
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 29.0
Mean Score:
- Total Entries718
- Reread0
- Chapters4,467
- Volumes588
All Comments (73) Comments
Yes the anime intrigued me so much because of the different events/topics it unfolds through the anime and it really felt like I was taking a walk with Satou as he goes through each of those phases. I rewatched it twice already just because I really like it.
What type of anime do you usually watch?
Zetman is a pretty decent anime. It probably isn't better than the manga because some things aren't in the anime as in the manga. I'm not much of a reader, so I don't read much manga or books :3
Zetman is a good one also. The main character just fights other monsters to get rid of them because they're dangerous to everyone else.
Il a un éditeur carrément ?! Wow...
Y'a plein de choses que j'ai pas pu faire, mais je compte bien y retourner pour me venger héhé
En plus, j'y suis allée une très bonne amie qui est en cours de japonais avec moi, et on a rencontré d'autres personnes avec qui on discute sur un forum (qu'on avait jamais vu avant) donc c'était bien marrant :)