Rating Criteria:
10/10: All time favorite. The kind of anime that is stuck in my head constantly, that I would go back and rewatch more than happily. Impacted me more than anything, even outside of anime and in terms of all storytelling mediums I've experienced. It's impossible to express how much I loved an anime with this rating. It's something that you need to watch right away no matter what is going on in your life. It's something that should never, ever be skipped under any circumstance.
9/10: Holy shit. Stunning in every sense of the word. Beautiful, amazing. Tears may have been shed. This is the kind of anime that impacted me in such a way that I was thinking of it for many months after and which possibly even changed my mindset in some way. Everybody should watch this anime no matter who they are. It's nearly impossible to get any better than this.
8/10: Great anime, love it. Would recommend to absolutely anybody who has taste in anime and wants to have a good time. It's virtually flawless from a critical perspective and immensely entertaining.
7/10: Pretty good. An anime that I enjoyed a lot and would definitely suggest to anybody who is interested. At this rating I become a fan of the show and would give it an easy thumb up. It's not perfect by any stretch and it's not amazing, but it's either a lot of fun to watch or contains very few flaws.
6/10: A decent anime. It's not something I would openly recommend to other people but if you are interested in the style, genre, or premise of it then it couldn't do you any harm. There's some good moments here and there and it's still worth watching if you have the time to spare, though don't expect anything especially good.
5/10: The middle ground. It's essentially a huge "meh", either failing to entertain or being laden with problems. I don't hate an anime with this rating but it means that I didn't like it either. It's the lowest rating something can be given from which I can derive any semblance of enjoyment.
4/10: Bad, poor. Highly suggested to avoid. Unless you are watching to make fun of it then steer clear. The flaws outweigh anything good and the entire product is weak.
3/10: Horrible. An anime that gets this low of a rating is impossible to enjoy even ironically, being full of so many problems that you can't succinctly mention just one or two. The entire thing is a huge, stinking mess.
2/10: What the flying fuck is this shit? Words can't even properly express how painful it is to watch an anime this close to the bottom. Cringeworthy, terrible. I'd rather stab myself in the knee than watch another episode.
All Comments (20) Comments
No shit. LOL
Don't hurt me pls c:
Btw, tell me how your experience is so far in the Marines, what did you least expect to see and how the general environment there is for you.
Good to hear from you again.
Yeah. IDK why. It's probably because the story revolves around you knowing the characters, and that makes it all the funnier (not that its not funny anyways ;P). That's probably why it took so long to start. Also, at first, they seem to really focus more on the amanto theme. Later on, its like the author realized, "Hey. I don't have to make it make sense. Random is fine!" and everything just becomes Gintama! ;D
LOL, yeah?
I would suggest you watch 1 episode a day or every other day, just in between while watching another series. Just whenever you're bored or whatever, until it starts getting good. For me, that was episode 17 (I believe), when I knew I'd keep watching anyway just to see where it went. After that, it only got better. And a lot of the running gags get funnier and funnier as the series goes on, like the "Zura ja nai. Katsura da!" That started off as, "OK?" and turned into me bursting into laughter whenever he did, and falling off my chair if he messed it up ;P "_____ ja nai. Zura-... Katsura da!"
Yeah. He's just so badass ;P The story isn't all that good or anything, but the enjoyment level was just amazing for me. Probably cuz I actually shipped the couple, the male lead and the heroine. Their relationship was just so sweet and cute and funny to me :D And that's a first! I usually don't like couples created by the author ;P Even though the characters weren't deep, they were likeable. It was just a fun watch for me, really :D
Yeah. However, I do have to admit, the MC of Kaze no Stigma woulda been totally believeable if even if there was harem (well, there *kinda* is, but only if you specifically look for it ;P). I mean, to this day, he's one of my favourite characters, and probably my favourite or second favourite MC. He's just so badass ;P I don't get how every girl doesn't fall for him XD Though I do have to admit, it's probably better this way ;P
BTW, have you watched Gintama? If you haven't, you might like to try it. Since our compatability's so high and all ;P I'm currently watching it, and LOVE it. I mean, it has a HORRIBLY slow start, but once its episodes 50+, its pure gold. I mean, I don't think I've ever laughed this much (or cried this much, for that matter) in 1 anime!!!! Even One Piece might not be able to match it in terms of emotions! It's one hell of an emotional rollercoaster ride ;P I swear, like one of the funny moments from earlier on, "See that guy over there? Run over him, but try not to kill him." XD I died of laughter there ;P Plus, who can forget that epic (like, mind-boggling, like Death Note level) mind battle over that bowl of food? And when they were stuck in the washroom without any toilet paper and no one wanted to be the one to go get some XD Oh, and Zura in general? He's just so innocent... ;P "Be crushed in paws!!!!!!!!!!" LOL.
I actually don't mind A BIT of harem if the character deserves it. However, most of the time, I hate it, especially if its with the MC. For some reason, I usually dislike the MC of a series, probably because they're... oh, idk. I just do. So, I tend to mind it less if the harem is around another character, and they actually deserve it. However, I have to say, I hate reverse-harem no matter what. Arcana Famiglia has carved that into my brain and soul ;P
I used to do that, but after a bit, I gave up, because some series were just too horrible to waste time for, when I could be watching, other, amazing series ;P
Yeah. I actually hate harem or reverse harem of any kind, that's a part of the reason I dropped it. I just couldn't take it anymore after the sister thing ;P
Yeah. But that's what I like about One Piece. Like, Luffy is strong, but you just know, he's not the strongest, he's not even all that special. Just another captain of another pirate crew, aiming to be the Pirate King. Plus, his crew is strong, too. And you just know that each time, every arc/adventure will bring along pirates or marines stronger than ever before. I just love OP, how it's impossible to predict what will happen, yet once something happens, you can look back and be like, "I shoulda saw that coming!" and you just know that the author isn't pulling stuff out of his ass.
Yeah, the technical elements of SAO were really impressive. And the premises of the story and the characters were interesting at first, too. But IDK, after the first 2 episodes, it seems like something happened, and the pacing was completely ruined. It just wasn't as enjoyable, because I just kept thinking about how much potential SAO had, and how it could've turned out so much better had they continued on like the first 2 eps. I dropped it after a few episodes into the ALF arc. I just couldn't take it anymore!
Yeah, Naruto was pretty interesting to watch at first. Speaking of obnoxious teenagers who exceed everyone, Ichigo is just horrible (Bleach). Naruto was actually likeable at first, but Ichigo was just annoying every time I saw him. Part of the reason why Bleach got so bad (along with the horrible pacing). I say bad, not boring. Because although the last arc was just the boringest arc ever, none of the others really were, with a few exceptions. Ichigo, though, just ruined the show for me. Like, what's with the huge power-ups and "I'm so much better than everyone. I have to protect them, or they'll die. No one else is strong enough." attitude? Plus, he beat Aizen pretty easily (kinda... XD) even though he was supposed to be the strongest???!!! I just get really annoyed each time I start talking about Ichigo ;P
I did find Black Star annoying, but it wasn't as bad for me. I really just hate those perfect characters A LOT! (*cough* Naruto *ahem* Ichigo *cough*) ;P
Yeah, 9's when it was just amazing watching it and had me hooked the entire way through, making me watch like, 9 eps a day ;P (though that only works during breaks/vacactions ;P). 10's are those few, special anime that you know will be your favourite for a long time to come :D
Yeah, Naruto started off really nicely for me, but it just got worse and worse as it went on. Maybe the change isn't as drastic as I remember it to be, but it was my first anime, so I thought it was amazing at first, then started thinking it got worse and worse as I watched more and more amazing animes ;P
Yeah? I usually don't pay attention to sound, but there are those few animes whose sound is just too good to ignore ;P