Fan of many things, most of them animated, anime has started to be watched by me.
Music Listener
Apple Eater
Newfound Anime Watcher
Just like watching romcom/slice of life/dramas, because they are interesting I suppose!
IDK, it's the only genre I've really decided to watch on my own. So, even if a lot of them are heavily cliched, I've started to look past it and enjoy them for what they are. I've learned that enjoying things more makes me happier, and man! This stuff sure is enjoyable.
I'm not a very experienced anime watcher so I'm not really in the know for a lot of the good stuff, so I'm always open for recommendations for stuff. That's really the only way I'm able to watch animes tbh, I feel like I'm to harsh and quick to judge sometimes.
Thanks for actually bothering to read this for some reason.
Have a nice day.
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