My name is Nicolás. I like comics and animation regardless of where they come from. I also happen to draw comics and stuff once in a while, which you can check at my Instagram
I'm kind of a music nerd as well; I mostly listen to prog but my taste is overall a mess... just like my taste in anime lol. If you're curious, here's my
All my ratings are profoundly subjective, specially my 10s, which are based almost solely on my emotional attachment to the show
Here's a non-exhaustive list of non-Japanese animated films I've watched and comics I've read:
Major American/British/Canadian Comics
Scott Pilgrim (Brian Lee O'Maley)
Seconds (Brian Lee O'Maley)
Tank Girl (Jamie Hewlett - Alan Martin)
The Sandman (Neil Gaiman)
1602 (Neil Gaiman - Andy Kubert - Richard Isanove)
Lucifer (Mike Carey)
The Books of Magic (various)
Kick-Ass (Mark Millar - John Romita Jr.)
Hit-Girl (Mark Millar - John Romita Jr.)
Superman: Red Son (Mark Millar - Dave Johnson/Killian Plunkett)
The Lone Ranger and Tonto: It Crawls! (Joe R. Landsdale - Timothy Truman - Rick Magyar)
Sin City: Hell and Back (Frank Miller)
Martha Washington: Give Me Liberty (Frank Miller - Dave Gibbons)
V for Vendetta (Alan Moore - David Lloyd)
Batman: The Killing Joke (Alan Moore - Brian Bolland)
US (Steve Darnall - Alex Ross)
Graphic Novels/Auteur Comics
Blankets (Craig Thompson)
The Sculptor (Scott McCloud)
Geisha (Andy Watson)
In The Flesh (Koren Shadmi)
La Chelita - El Salvador 1992 (Ruma Barbero - Charo Borreguero)
Maus: My Father Bleeds History (Art Spiegelman)
European comics
Quetzalcoátl (Jean-Yves Mitton)
Djinn (Jean Dufaux - Ana Miralles)
Corto Maltese: Una Ballata del Mare Salato (Hugo Pratt)
Corto Maltese: Les Celtiques (Hugo Pratt)
Corto Maltese: Corte Sconta Detta Arcana (Hugo Pratt)
Corto Maltese: La Giovinezza (Hugo Pratt)
Corto Maltese: Favola di Venezia - Sirat Al-Bunduqiyyah (Hugo Pratt)
Corto Maltese: La Casa Dorata di Samarcanda (Hugo Pratt)
Corto Maltese: Tango... y todo a media luz (Hugo Pratt)
Corto Maltese: La Rosa Alchemica (Hugo Pratt)
Corto Maltese: Mü (Hugo Pratt)
Gibier de potence (François Capuron - Fred Duval - Fabrice Jarzaget)
Tintin au pays des Soviets (Hergé)
L'Amant: Aijin (Kan Takahama —it's not on this web but it SHOULD)
Argentine (and Argentine related) comics
El Eternauta (Héctor G. Oesterheld - Francisco Solano López)
El Eternauta II (Héctor G. Oesterheld - Francisco Solano López)
El Eternauta 1969 (Héctor G. Oesterheld - Alberto Breccia)
Mort Cinder (Héctor G. Oesterheld - Alberto Breccia)
Ticonderoga (Héctor G. Oesterheld - Hugo Pratt)
Dora: 20.874 (Ignacio Minaverry)
Dora: Rat-Line (Ignacio Minaverry)
Dora: El Año Próximo en Bovigny (Ignacio Minaverry)
Dora: Malenki Sukole (Ignacio Minaverry)
Dora: Amsel, Vogel, Hahn (Ignacio Minaverry)
Noelia en el País de los Cosos (Ignacio Minaverry)
Video Noir (Carlos Trillo - Eduardo Risso)
Caín (Carlos Trillo - Eduardo Risso)
Parque Chas (Ricardo Barreiro - Eduardo Risso)
Ciudad (Ricardo Barreiro - Juan Giménez)
Bárbara (Ricardo Barreiro - Juan Zanotto)
Tango en Florencia (Oswal)
Argentine indie comics!
Yo Nen (Lea Caballero)
Mad Hawk (Lea Caballero)
Bienvenidos a República Gada (Fernando Biz)
El Capitán Supositorio (Kokin Kokambar)
Jellykid (Franco Viglino)
Pacha Quilombo (Walter Elgueta)
Queseyó (Blinka)
Almer (Manuel Loza)
Estrella Roja (Manuel Loza)
La Sombra de Franco Salvatierra (José A. García - Matías Chenzo)
Dominoes (Matías Chenzo)
En el Desierto (Lucas Fulgi - Matías Chenzo)
Major American Productions
Toy Story
Toy Story 2
Toy Story 3
Monsters Inc.
The Incredibles
The Incredibles 2
Alice in Wonderland
The Lion King
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
The Sleeping Beauty
Shrek 2
How To Train Your Dragon
How To Train Your Dragon 2
How To Train Your Dragon 3
Indie, art house, auteur and other rarities
Isle of Dogs
Loving Vincent
The Nightmare Before Christmas
The Corpse Bride
Corto Maltese: La Ballade de la Mer Salée
Cóndor Crux
Martín Fierro
Ralph Bakshi's The Lord Of The Rings
Ralph Bakshi & Frank Frazetta's Fire & Ice
Bojack Horseman
Kubo and the Two Strings
Vals Im Bashir
Le Sommet des Dieux (based on Kamigami no Itadaki)
La Tortue Rouge
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