if you're reading this i want to take this time that SAO is the worst anime to ever be produced/animated or have any time spent upon [i have a grudge against it, like old families fighting over for so long that they don't even know what they're fighting about anymore]
Hello and welcome to my profile. Yes, I love shoujos and romances and moe stuff. I also like adventure but Action oriented animes aren't good around here and magic is way worse (come ON you have
MAGIC what exactly is stopping YOU from casting hell on earth and decimating every single trace of life in the planet and then repopulating it with
even more magic? Ridiculous. Get out of my house. No, get out.)
Since coming up with fair opinions is hard here's a code:
10 - for anime I loved, though they may contain traces of minor failures (story, animation, etc) they're essentially the good stuff that I will always recommend watching. These are most likely the aforementioned Shoujos and stuff.
5 - for anime I liked but aren't my cup of tea or whose failures I've mentioned previously are too big to overlook. I predict most action oriented animes to move around this are, save for some exceptions. This can also apply for animes or OVAs whose ideas were good but poorly executed (as in, they have potential.)
1 - for anime I don't like. Reserved for essentially magic or super hero related anime (save for some parody exceptions). In here I either found the story to be grossly disgusting or completely shut me down in the first few episodes. It is a definite "don't watch" from me.
Always up to discussing Anime and Anime related characters. Feel free to add me here to talk and stuff.
Don't visit my MangaList unless you are ready for lewd content
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