All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 71.3
Mean Score:
- Watching29
- Completed302
- On-Hold26
- Dropped75
- Plan to Watch121
- Total Entries553
- Rewatched18
- Episodes4,257
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 33.8
Mean Score:
- Total Entries116
- Reread0
- Chapters5,826
- Volumes231
All Comments (9) Comments
Yakın zamanda bir youtube kanalı ve bir discord sunucusu açtık. Vtuberlar hakkında konuştuğum bu videoyu izliyip hoşuna giderse abone olursan ve Discord sunucumuza gelip selam verirsen çok memnun olurum ^^.
cool username, are you a fan of guns or of WW1 since the gewehr 98 was the main rifle being used by the German empire and a good number were sent to the ottoman empire.
respect mate
also cool fav's
bu sanırım