"anime is fucking gay" - Jesus
o wow another 3x3 how original.
My Scoring System
Since I see this at the top of a lot of people's MAL's, and I do mine a bit differently from the norm I thought it would be a good idea to put it here.
Thankfully, Very Rare 1/10:
An absolute atrocity. Something with absolutely no redeeming qualities that is an insult to the entire story telling medium. The exact opposite of a perfect show. These are the shows that I hold a heavy personal grudge against, or a shows that are just laughably bad. Maybe not the worst things ever made, but definitely the things I hate the most.

Rare 2/10:
Garbage. Shows I absolutely can't stand. A series really has to rub me the wrong way to get this rating.

Rare-ish 3/10:
Below Average Trite. Not wholly terrible per-se, but these shows have very few redeeming qualities.

Very Common 4/10:
These are shows that miss the mark. Either mediocre series that don't do alot of bad but nothing good, or series that do a lot of good but just too much bad, these series aren't terrible, but they certainly aren't good.

Surprisingly Rare 5/10:
My 5s are weird. I don't really give out many, considering I think that most shows are either better or worse than average. I also use the 5 score to mark a show that I don't know what do with. Whether it's a nostalgia show or I really can't make up my mind on.

Also Common 6/10:
These are shows I had alot of problems with but still ended up liking.

Uncommon 7/10:
Solid, good shows. That's all there is to it. Typically flaw heavy shows with a lot of heart get this rating.

Rare 8/10:
All round great shows. These shows are either shows with very few flaws, or shows that are flaw heavy but really resonate with me. Many of these are total classics and favorites, but they're shows that for ones reason or another I couldn't consider a masterpiece. This is my highest 'technical' score, and any show I score above this I am highly biased for.

Hyper Rare 9/10:
The best of the best, the creme de la creme. These are the shows that I would consider masterpieces. Whether it is an unbelievably well written story, a serious philosophical exploration, or heavily emotionally impactful for me, these shows are one of a kind.

Nearly impossible 10/10:
Not perfect, but the closest anything can possibly come to it.
All Comments (10) Comments
can be found on AnimeBytes
4 eps... Eng sub. Anime....
Only 4 chapters were translated into English.
It's hard to find the original video. But I will share links with you
(Nyaa si) is translating. but did not go on
Hidamari no Ki live action
4 eps... Eng sub. Anime....
Only 4 chapters were translated into English.
It's hard to find the original video. But I will share links with you.
Je l'ajouterai à la liste bloquée.
(I will add it to the dropped list)