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Isekai Furin: Maou Toubatsu kara 10-nen, Tsuma to wa Less no Motoyuusha to, Otto wo Nakushita Onna Senshi
Aug 22, 2024 11:37 AM
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All Comments (8) Comments
How are u doing? ...I should have replied as soon as I got the message but I was busy with many things and I barely had time to go on forums..
About Nagisa-I love her character and it's actually sad that many people hate her and call her plain .Without Nagisa ,after story wouldn't have worked well .What people don't understand is that ''after story'' which is the reason why CLANNAD is so popular in the first place is actually Nagisa's route which means that she has the best story.
About Aiko-I'm not gonna lie when I say that I consider Aiko one of the best use of a third wheel character I've ever seen (the other ones are Ami from Toradora ,Akane from rumbling hearts) and I think that she's a well-written character over-all and that's because she has a more complex situation than all the other third-wheel characters I've seen in other shows.
I love Megumi ,she had the most interesting story by far and her development was fantastic because she had the longest arc,they gave us a lot of details about her character and her transformation was incredible .I also like Aiko ''Mai's friend'' a lot but her arc was too short and wasn't very detailed like the manga .
I hope you had a great holiday ...
You have a great taste and I really like the characters on your favorite list like lelouch, Izaya ,Guts and Ryu .. really nice picks ..
I also really like Nagisa from Clannad even though she gets so much hate and although Aiko is not my favorite in true tears,I still think that she's a very underrated and unappreciated character and I think that her story was by far the best one in the show for many reasons.
Thanks for the friend request..
Yeheh, I know that feel - so I would usually wait for it to finish before starting to watch, but my friend highly recommended NGNL so I followed it each week as it seems exciting
ah, I'm going on holiday till September, so gonna be away again unfortunately x3
hoep u enjoy ur anime-filled summer XD
but anyway, have u seen No Game No Life?
that's probably my fave of the current season - it's just good in so many ways - it hits all my buttons, or however u say it
thanks for adding me :)
u excited for the new animes?