Graphic Designer and anime lover from Brazil. I speak BR Portuguese, USA English and Japan Japanese - Like a proud otaku.
I love games and japanese culture since I was a little kid. It's a big part of what I like to do and who I am. I strive to keep this as part of my weekly routine as I age. Let me tell one thing: Not easy at all but hey... I am trying!
My favorite animes usually are the 1-cour, short ones. It doesn't mean I am not open to watch bigger shows. But they must be worth of it!! TAIMU ISSU MANEI DA
As for genres, I absolutely love the romance/drama/sci-fi ones... But the most important: I LOVE NIGHTMARE FUEL WHEEEEE. The best shows are the ones that start with all the kids havin' some chillin' safe and sound and then, BOOOOOM everyone is dead and SUFFERING FROM MISERABLE ANGST AND AND -- sorry, I went a bit over there tee hee *grim*
Look: I don't like gore too much, I just prefer the psychological part of the "terror".
I am not a big fan of dropping shows. That's why I tend to carefully choose what I am going to watch next. That's also why I tend to not watch anything at all.
(and so my Plan to Watch list get bigger every year)
Also. it. is. very. important. to. me. that the shows I watch have good animation. You know the stuff: KyoAni, Madhouse, Production I.G., P.A. Works, Bones, and the list goes on. Surprisingly, A-1 Animation is going on a good path these days. (And I think JC Staff is as well? I'm not sure tho)
About games, as much as I like them, for me the most valuable thing in gamming is that I feel immersed in a world, into the plot's world. Games that are like a book, providing me a pleasant narrative and involvement with the characters are the ones I love the most (Is that a Undertale reference? Yes it is).
So I'm not much into competitive gaming. I am more a J-RPG lady myself!
I thought it was important to include a brief explanation about the scores in my personal Anime List, here we go:
My finished anime are scored as groups. When I am finishing a series, I always look the shows that had a similar approach, result, or overall quality. Based on this, I select if the final score is going to be higher, lower or the same. This may sound unfair or weird at first glance, but that's how it works on my head, okay? okay.
→ I am very picky of which shows deserve to be rated 10. I take that "Masterpiece" thing as the real deal! ðŸ¤
→ Shows that scored 8 and above are the ones I feel comfortable recommending to anyone else.
→ 6 or 7 ish Anime are just... Meh. There are VERY SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS HERE. Some anime that could really use a 7.5 points!
→ Anything on 5 and below just means I hated it. And somehow I still kept watching it until the end, maybe I was a teenager back then? Who knows. But really. save your own precious time and don't go there.
→ OVAs/ONAs, Specials, Blu-ray Bonus Episodes, rada rada shnitzel, anything "extra", Spin-offs, anything like that start with the main franchise score - 1pt.
→ Movies may or may not be scored individually, depending on the case. It starts with the question: "Is this a filler movie?"
Thank you for reading all this bullshit! Now get your ass out of here and go watch some Anime while you are still young!! :D
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