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Days: 316.9
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- Completed667
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- Total Entries1,150
- Rewatched266
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Days: 30.6
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- Total Entries49
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- Chapters3,445
- Volumes320
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All Comments (196) Comments
yeah, sure! It's a really good show, i'm not sure if it would be of your taste but I would still recommend it
Someone make an elevator pitch to me to watch Re:zero all the way through. Ive tried making my way through it a few times, and I can't exactly find the appeal.
Since you have Neon Genesis Evangelion in your favorites. It is easy to explain the appeal.
Re:Zero is better than Neon Genesis Evangelion in pretty much every aspect. Better characters, better story, better lore, better worldbuilding, better action, better mystery, better execution, better psychology, better drama, better storytelling, better foreshadowing, better details, better depth, better callbacks, better musics, better visuals and better pretty much better in everything. So can you explain me Evangelion appeal?
It seems Evangelion and Re:Zero fans strongly dislike each other because different approachs when there is a lot similarity.
More Baccano couldn't be a bad thing.
I've always been baffled how we get 38 seasons of Durarara, but only one of Baccano.
Here's hoping...
I had high hopes for 91 days, but they seem to have been dashed by weak,out of place, too-Japanese characters and a bland Gundam 00/Wing-esque MC. A serious Baccano it ain't.
Next season looks like it might have some Shaft goodness coming our way with 3-gatsu and the Zaregoto OVAs coming. I've given up on airing anime until they're completed and I can confirm quality. I'd rather use that time watching 80's/90's stuff I missed.
Also, some asshole forced me to read Punpun which is every bit as amazing as you've heard. I finished it in a day, which is fast given my attention span recently, and now I'm on a minor hiatus while I consume Asano's other works... The guy is a brilliant writer.
Also, go watch this if you have a little over 3 hours to kill. Great 80's OVA action with gorgeous hand-drawn aerial dogfights and Leiji Matsumoto-esque character designs (minus all the chibis). It's on YouTube.
Ever since I joined my club of hipster degenerates (which I say with love) I've seen lots of good stuff; too many to list. Feel free to go here and pick out anything rated 7 or above you haven't seen. We've always had similar tastes, so it may be helpful to you.
As always, sorry for the huge note, and "Hi" back at you. It's good to know you are alive. I was worried something bad happened or you just gave up on Chinese cartoons altogether. Also, best of luck in classes this year.
(I noticed I'm linked from your profile. This made me feel pretty warm and fuzzy, honestly. I do miss our little chats, but I know you're busy)