Just got into anime over the summer of 2013. I gave it a chance and boy did I get addicted. I'm pretty much open to all anime as long as it has a good story and plot. I prefer to watch anime over manga because I feel that its more emotionally engaging but that not to say manga aren't. I love to discuss about the anime I watch with others but I only have one to two friends who are actually interested into anime so I was hoping this site would give me that opportunity. If you want to discuss any kind of anime in mind or recommend any to me, feel free to do so. xDD
**Update** 9/28/2013
Thanks to a few of my buddies i finally picked up mangas. Way better than i expected. I love it and I cant help but listen to instrumental music while reading especially on intense or sad scenes. Glad i picked up this new hobbie! Reading for days! :)))
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