CoolGuy_Neo said:
FruitPunchChinpo is not Human. He is under the impression that he is 23 years old, but that is incorrect.
The first record of his existence dates back from 14th century.
It was a dark time for humanity, life was worth less than a handful of dirt. Some say that life back then was no more than a living hell. A race for survival, where the strong slayed the weak, the evil devoured the kindhearted. Children dying of famine, their corpses used as dry wood to keep the flame burning, daughters and wife turned to nothing more than mere animals, whose sole purpose was to pleasure the wicked.
There was no place for dreams because the very last grain of hope was rendered worthless by the tyranny of those in power. The only thing that could have been identified as a dream, was the living nightmare in which they were born.
During that period the negative emotions, the sorrow, the screams of hope, the seas of innocent blood made the life force of the earth go out of balance. Nature was relentlessly trying to restore the equilibrium, but it was not enough. Something had to be done, and it needed to be done fast.
No one knows exactly how this came to be, but legends say that one day all the negative energy disappeared in the blick of an eye. In it's place there was something else. All the evil had come together into one instant, only to materialize in the form of a young boy. He had an average stature, hair as black as the carbonized skin of a burned corpse and a hollow look in his blood red eyes. His skin was pale white, creating the impression of pureness. But the only pure thing in that boy, was his evilness. Chinpo, is what the survivors called him.
On October 1347, Chinpo made his appearance in the port of Messina, Italy. He was there for one sole purpose, the very reason why he was born. To bring vengeance upon humanity. He raised his hand upon his head, his fist was so empowered that it blocked the light from the sun creating the first solar eclipse to have been ever witnessed, and with an unmatched speed he punched the ground. "FRUIT" he screamed as his fist came into contact with the surface of the earth. And the fruit of evil was released, a black mist dispersed with the speed of darkness in all direction infecting and taking the life of nearly every creature that it met in it's path.
Around 75 million lost their lifes that day. Kings and peasants, none were spared. Humanity learned an important lesson, not to make an enemy out of mother nature. The black death is what they called him. They say that he vanished that very instant, having completed his mission. The balance returned.
In the following centuries the legend of FruitPunchChinpo slowly dissolved, and once again, humanity started to abuse their own and nature. Rumors has it that a boy with the same figure as the black death has come to life again. Some say it's just a coincidence, some call it a myth, a ghost of the past! But in our hearts we all fear the inevitable; FruitPunchChinpo is back, awaiting for the moment to strike again, and this time, none shall be spared.
All Comments (1315) Comments
At least you had the opportunity to see that Shrek x Tarzan crossover one last time >_<
Your profile looks really cool
So clearly, I had to look into alternative options. I started to consider hentai: since no one in it is real, it can’t contain guys, so it’s not gay, right? Well, hentai is anime, which not only is gay, but also makes me a weeb. The worst option so far.
Oh I already known him. He is quite popular but I didn't know that he is a bad person for giving you that mysterious sticky white liquid.
Sorry it took me so long to respond, I totally forgot about this because I'm not active in here.
You should greet me sometime on discord.
baguslah kalau agan nyerah. itu game gak berfaedah bgt. palingan efeknya lebih mahir ngebacot. heheehe
wahhh,, parah lu gan. korban thumbnail jg. wkwkwk
iya,, itu gan
rekomendasi yutub itu sesuai dg histori tontonan agan, nonton yg 'skidipapap' terus sihh, wkwkwkwk
sama, mau ngelarin dulu yg sisen kmaren.
gak tau gan. cuma kayaknya kaguya sama seru deh. memenya lagi trending di yutub