100th Anime Completed: Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury
Rating System Explanation:
My rating system is really basic. 10-1 ranking system, 5 is the average (even if 5.50 is the mean it's the best we got), and I try not to use the "video game scale" where nothing ever gets bad rankings. I do generally consider myself a bit more of an optimistic type though, so I expect my mean score will be somewhat higher than 5.50.
Nonetheless, an explanation of each of my ratings seems prudent to be sure...and it is a good excuse for me to put a bunch of pretty pictures in for rating examples! So, here we go.
10/10 - Top Tier: The highest tier for shows, dedicated to anime which I consider all time favorites or greats. They either have a low amount of flaws or have highs I enjoy enough that I am willing to tolerate more flaws. Everything has flaws, after all. Odds are that these series stay on my mind for a long time and have a "memorability" quality that 9/10 shows are more lacking in. They also might have a bit more specific appeal in various regards. Ideally, my Top 10 favorite anime will one day be full of all 10/10s.
9/10 - Exquisite Tier: Just below the highest tier, these 9/10 shows are still great watches that'll be remembered fondly, but they usually are just missing the "it" factor or just somewhat lack that rushing high of the best show or have that one nagging thread that keeps it that bit further from a "perfect score". Nonetheless, these are still amazing shows that I would heartily recommend to those interested in listening.
8/10 - Great: Great series that explore their genre well and seperate themselves from merely "Good" series, but are too lacking or too flawed to climb higher. Compared to the higher tiers, I might think more on recommending these based on the taste of the other person. All the same these shows still stand out and have high value. The gap between Great and Good is definitely one of the spots that personal preference plays a high factor.
7/10 - Good: The lifeblood of genre health and anime, the Good series is an enjoyable series you can chat about well both in its flaws and strengths. Be it due to uneven quality or simply not reaching high enough the shows are merely "Good". Ideally, a good galut of these shows indicates I'm watching some good stuff.
6/10 - Above Average: These shows are better than your average, but I would hesitate to call them "Good": Most commonly they are dragged down by a major plot point I dislike or some other large disappointment. Another common thing keeping these series down is if the show is somewhat boring or has some interesting ideas but the execution is only so-so. Tend to mostly be recommendable to people who enjoy them genre-wise or stylistically.
5/10 - Average: The middle of the chart. These shows are okay, most commonly these are shows which I could not get into and found boring for whatever reason. Shows with large flaws but enough good to prop them up can also fit in here. In general, it's the midpoint of the good side and the bad side.
4/10 - Below Average: Basically the opposite of average. I didn't enjoy these shows, but it wasn't a strong dislike. Above average starts with bad finishes may find their way here, along with things such as particular boring shows that don't offer much else to push them more to average or have some flaws. And, of course, there's always the genera inversion of the pros/cons stuff I mentioned. A light dislike.
3/10 - Bad: The opposite of Good tier, these are your bog standard bad anime that don't fall to the level of offensive dreck that the worst of the worst shlock falls into but nonetheless is an unpleasant experience. Poor characters, incoherent story, animation issues: That's when these cons tend to rear their ugly heads the most. A show being enjoyably bad can help move it from 2 to 3 (And same for 1 to 2), along with if it does have reasonable strengths.
2/10 - Awful: Exactly what it says! These might not be the absolute worst, but they sure are getting close. Often times, the difference between a 2 and 1 is just one thing: Maybe the animation and sound was good enough, maybe it had a small arc that made it more than trash, or maybe it just fell short on ticking off all the worst of the worst boxes. Make no mistake, though, these shows are a mess...but they might have some ironic or so bad it's good appeal.
1/10 - Worst Tier: It's finally here, performing for you! The bottom of the list is the crap de la crap of anime to me, shows often severely lacking in salvagable material and awful on multiple levels. A good way to drop from a 2/10 to a 1/10 is to feel just plain offensive to watch. These shows usually are severely lacking in most areas and importantly have little GOOD to counterbalance the bad: And it isn't hard to see even more bad when there's little good to counteract it.
Huh, I didn't even remember that there was a Discord, I must have missed more of the club's social aspect than I realized. Even from a rather outside perspective I can agree that the whole setup could afford to be more clearly & openly laid out. Well, at the moment I can at least posit the possibility of a reformed club to people I know. I'll let you know if anything substantial comes from that.
Thanks for the reply. I agree that there would probably be a lot of necessary changes to make for it to work out better than before, I just don't have a good idea on where or how to start. I'd be willing to help with a revival, though I wasn't really in the social loop that came in initially and only personally know a few other people that might be interested. Perhaps we can keep each other posted if anything starts to happen or if concrete plans are made.
Tried out a few of Kasabian's new songs, I liked them quite a lot. Silent Nowhere was my favorite of the chunk I heard.
The greatest strength of Into the Spider-verse is it's visuals, second is the music. None of the characters particularly stand out or develop remarkably, as you said the dialogue and humor are good. Oh boy Nolan's Batman movies aged poorly in terms of the logical but they're real entertaining. Surprised to hear your take on No Country for Old Men, I'll need to rewatch it one of these days.
That sounds like a neat idea. I'm not nearly as active as I was in my prime years back when I wrote those reviews, but sure, feel free to use my reviews for this as you see fit. I sure got a bunch of hate for it, but many people also seemed to have agreed with me. I'm glad about that.
Perhaps, though for the leads it makes quite a striking aesthetic. I recall a lot of my praise to the show was in regards to direction on a lot of the conflicts and establishment of the setting. It felt very well intentioned and formed all and all considering the message, though it could be melodramatic at times. Episode 18 in particular for direction praise, though the episode with that really beautiful song I liked a lot too. There’s a fight scene every episode so that’s neat. The show was about 9 years ahead on the whole “super powered robots pondering existentialism” before Nier:Automata took a crack at it and blew minds. I feel like the general tone and presentation of the show is something that’s a do or a don’t and for me I was on its level enough regardless of how depressing events could be. Likely helped by the early focus on episodic content leading into heavier plot later. The slow paced pondery shows a la Lain or Techxnolyze or Ergo Proxy or Ghost Hound or Kaiba some stuff like that can be pretty split among people.
Damn you're hating Casshern Sins that much? That's dissappointing. Even if perhaps the aesthetic, character design, soundtrack and direction won me over to it more than the content. Perhaps it's a "your thing or not".
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The greatest strength of Into the Spider-verse is it's visuals, second is the music. None of the characters particularly stand out or develop remarkably, as you said the dialogue and humor are good. Oh boy Nolan's Batman movies aged poorly in terms of the logical but they're real entertaining. Surprised to hear your take on No Country for Old Men, I'll need to rewatch it one of these days.
That sounds like a neat idea. I'm not nearly as active as I was in my prime years back when I wrote those reviews, but sure, feel free to use my reviews for this as you see fit. I sure got a bunch of hate for it, but many people also seemed to have agreed with me. I'm glad about that.
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
25 minutes ago
Watching 1/50 · Scored 5