Name: Ugne
Nickname: Frozen
Age: 14
Likes: anime, music, manga, TV, internet, going out.
Dislikes: hard work, homework, school and being stuck to the ground.
Dreams: have wings and fly, I wont tell you my other dreams x3
Most important people/things in my life: my BF, my friends, familly... My mp3 player, my computer, anime, music...
Music: J-rock, rock, metal.
Anime: all kinds...
Manga: also all kinds...but I really anjoy reading one-shots ;3
Skype: iwontgiveyoumyskype (<--long name huh?x3)(i'm joking)(that's not a real skype x3)
All Comments (5) Comments
it's also my hobby/passion : D
oh, I see tkat you've got deaviantart. ^^"