Hello person, welcome to this place.
I spent a lot of time making music and sometimes get to go places and play it for people, when I'm not doing that I'm either watching anime or building something. I got a nice coffee machine recently.
I'm not good at introductions but I make a good chilli con carne and I've been told I'm good at other stuff :)
How does one can descriptions? The technological rectangle has me bamboozled.
Oh btw hello from England, yes, bo'oh o' wo'oh.
I'm open to random chats if you don't mind the mega latency of my brain processing and deciding between 750 possible conversational options and tangents. Yes, ADHD. No, I can't refund it.
Sending good vibes your way... Fried vibes even? What are fried vibes? Sounds like a cool restaurant to me, if I open a restaurant I would call it something dumb like that, with the slogan "home of the fully cooked rib". People would be confused, aren't all ribs fully cooked? This question and more can be answered by dropping me a message. Or not, I wont be mad if you have stopped reading. I would have. LMFKRO (laughing my fully cooked ribs off).
Oh wow, it me. I have returned to write more nonsense for the fellow neurodivergent silly sausages. I see y'all be writing complex bits about how you rate things so I'm gonna copy you but do it better.
10, I am biased
9, I am slightly less biased
8, 7/10 times this only deserved a 7 but I use that number too much so I went with 8
7, my favourite number
6, I can't remember if it was worth a 7 or not
5, Hello, McDonalds? Can I get a protagonist please
4, Hello, McDonalds? Can I also get some supporting characters please?
3, Hello, Burger King...
2, I dropped this anime way too early to commit to a rating
1, I am angry for some reason
0, One man's zero is another mans 7
-no rating-: I know that I've seen the anime but that's about it. Probably a 7.
Okay guys that wraps it up for me today I hope you enjoyed this experience and I'll see you next time.
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All Comments (15) Comments
Do they send you lossless FLAC files or what?
Play it...do you mean like in a live DJ set?
If you want to see high quality 3D anime, watch these movies.
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV
Resident Evil: Vendetta (as well as Degeneration and Damnation)
Promo channels...? Not sure if you mean record labels send you free copies of music or if you just watch random YouTube music channels. XD
I know how burnout feels. I often go through phases of listening to one genre, then move on to something else for awhile.
I may have seen the name Koan Sound, but am not sure if I've listened to them. Looks like they're multi-genre as well. Just skimmed their Led By Ancient Light album. Interesting. Gah, I hate when titles are in all caps and it's not an acronym. When I edit audio file names and metadata, I use normal capitalization.
Look at all the genres Au5 is listed as on Wikipedia: dubstep, electro house, drum and bass, drumstep, ambient, trance, glitch hop, acid jazz.
Legacy is from Task Horizon's Raised By Robots EP, which I heard, but didn't like enough to prioritize buying yet. Ah, Desire is on Neonlight's Vanity Fair album, which I did skim before.
I've been a musician more or less all my life too: vocals ever since I can remember, piano (and of course synthesizers) since ~1993, and guitar and trombone since ~1996. I played trombone in orchestras, wind ensembles, marching bands and a jazz band. Ira Sullivan (a jazz legend) occasionally rehearsed and performed with the jazz band I was in. I was in the marching band at the 2002 Orange Bowl half time show with celebrities like Bow Wow on stage. I sang the US national anthem at sport events sometimes. And I played guitar in a metal band, though I left by the time they started doing concerts.
But I never made money from performing music. (Aside from playing guitar one day at a grocery store I worked at. People threw money at me then. lol... I also made a little cash teaching guitar lessons.) And I stopped playing music back in the 2000s, so now I'm more like a musician at heart. I used to want to be a pop singer and famous metal guitarist, but now I'd rather not be famous. Privacy and freedom is nice. Plus having your hobby become a career can potentially ruin the enjoyment.
Nearly all musicians don't make a living from it. A small percentage are that fortunate, and only a tiny fraction of a percent make big money from music. (Even then, the wealthiest musicians made most of their money from other ventures.) Despite founding and owning Eatbrain, Jade is an architect engineer.
I would like to produce and release electronic music someday, but that's a whole new skillset and I don't have time for it at the moment. I have done lots of random stuff with synths and even recorded some things, but nothing I would publish.
The best active studio monitors I owned were the $12K Geithain RL 903K. They're used in large music and movie studios, and are one of the few speakers in the world with cardioid bass that cancels out low frequencies from the back and sides, making the sound more accurate and easier to integrate into different rooms.
I only use headphones right now since my budget became lower. (I still have a few pairs of speakers I've been meaning to sell.) I plan on getting a Genelec system in the future: 8331A monitors, dual 7360A subwoofers (I need two for better acoustic accuracy, not sheer volume) and the 9320A monitor controller (which can do all sorts of things). It would cost under $12K but would probably outperform most speaker systems out there regardless of price. Plus it can be used ultra-nearfield while retaining fidelity. Genelec has arguably the best room correction DSP out there too. (Though it only works with their speakers.)
I bought more after my prior post, including from labels you mentioned. (As well as some other genres.) Plus I skimmed lots more from all over the place to find out what I want to prioritize.
Here are the DNB artists I bought music from in the past week: Akov, Despersion, Jade, Khronos, Mizo, Mob Tactics, NickBee, Noisia, Nuvertal, Task Horizon, Tobax
I also made a drum & bass folder to better organize everything, along with a corresponding playlist in my music player foobar2000 with each artist's releases listed chronologically (with a custom date metadata tag I manually input on all the files...that takes a lot of extra work) and cover images I can click to view in full size.
My new favorite DNB track is Enigma Machine by Task Horizon and Neonlight, from the Overclocking Reality EP.
Task Horizon's other Eatbrain EP Interlinked was a Beatport exclusive, so I had to pay a lot more for it: freaking $9 for 4 tracks. -_- Mizo's new EP Dark Embrace is also a Beatport exclusive (I think they do that for promotional reasons) but only temporarily, so I preordered it from Qobuz and will be able to download it soon.
Qobuz is kinda sneaky...sometimes a release will be listed for like $10, but if you buy the tracks individually it might only be $4 or whatever for the same thing. So in addition to comparing prices on various sites, I have to compare options on the same site. lol... Qobuz and Bandcamp usually give me the highest quality cover images after buying, but sometimes I have to look elsewhere, like on social media profiles of artists and labels.
My private music collection has nearly 70,000 tracks. (I enjoy most genres.) I must have spent over $50K on it. Most people just stream music online for free these days...but I prefer playing lossless files I own. I also owned around a quarter million dollars worth of audio equipment (collectively, not all at the same time)...but my budget isn't high anymore and I got rid of nearly all of it.
well if u still wanna figure what that anime was, try reddit! they have all the answers in the world. one time i had this song bugging in my head but i don't even know what the lyrics are, just the melody, and i recorded myself humming it and it wasn't even 10 mins later that a redditor figured it out for me. man i can't even state how much reddit has saved me countless of times lmao (not sure if i should be proud of that)
hmmm when u say u feel really edged up, what exactly does that entail? like, jittery and restless, as if u can't stand it if u aren't doing something? i haven't felt that, kinda wish i could feel something like that tho. being lethargic is just so shitty, i wake up only to get tired and sleep more :/ im just glad my boss is understanding enough when i told him there might be times i'm all dumb and empty in the head bc of my meds... also yep im not allowed to drink caffeine haha </3 (tho that doesn't keep me from ordering frappucinos n stuff, love me some unhealthy amounts of sugar)
also i know i still haven't replied to ur dm but i have so many unread messages in my inbox rn; hope u dont mind we just stick to having a conversation via comments 😭 better yet discord if u have one
hmm so zoloft is surprisingly good? i've noticeably have less panic attacks ever since i took it. i would hyperventilate and stuff in public for no reason and after taking zoloft on a regular basis, it doesn't happen quite as much anymore. tho it just sucks because one of the side effects is feeling drowsy all the time, even if i take it at night so it does sometimes get in the way of working and being productive. but i'd take that over feeling like im gonna die for no reason lol. ohhh it's the opposite for me, i feel like i never get bored? i always have something to do and that in return makes me feel so overwhelmed and i could never focus on one thing aaaaa
nah im sure you're fine, as long as your pc build doesn't look like this monstrosity:
*sweats profusely*
anxiety... that, i can 100% relate to. I actually got diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and i take zoloft for it ;< before, i took prozac but it made me feel so lethargic all the time oof. *pats you in the back* you and i got this tho ;o i find that going out on walks always help me unwind whenever i feel like im suddenly gonna die lol it doesn't help that i have hypochondria aaaaa
ooooo actually i am pree good with my cable management. that's the one thing i am very particular about, it legit drives me crazy when my cables are all over the place. for me tho it's mostly my desk and closet that's messy, like i would have random cute trinkets (i love collecting pink and sanrio stuff) so like i would put them on my work desk and next thing i know, i also put my dirty plate and shit on there ughhh it's something i gotta work on